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The Mission of NCTC
In 1949, the Rural Electrification Agency ( now referred to as the Rural Utilities Service ) au thorized provision of low cost loans to assist in the organization and construction of rural telephone systems. The people in rural Ten nessee and Kentucky were largely without good, dependable telephone service because it was not possible for the large for-profit tele phone companies to provide that service in areas where the population was so sparse and the territory so rugged.
In March of 1951, North Central Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (NCTC) was organized and began the difficult and often arduous process of providing modern communications facil ities to the people of North Central Tennes see and South Central Kentucky. Through the dedication and hard work of many members and employees, NCTC has succeeded in its objective of providing its members with reli able telephone communication comparable to that provided in the cities of America.
Today, as in the past, NCTC is owned by the customers it serves. It is governed by a Board of Directors selected by the owner/members. Annual meetings are held each year, and members are encouraged to participate in the activities of the organization. Members are still sparsely distributed over a terrain where construction is difficult and ser vice a challenge. But the cooperative is de termined to continue the tradition of quality service to its constituents.
To clarify its vision and to direct its efforts, the Managers and Directors of NCTC affirm these Objectives:
2. TO HAVE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE ALERT, COMPETENT, COURTEOUS TO AND CONSIDERATE OF OUR MEMBERS. In order to fulfill our mission, we must attract and hold onto the best people in the community and provide employees with a good place to work and an organization in which they can take pride. This means that we are concerned for the physical and spiritual well-being of all our employees. We are determined that their lives be given dignity and their jobs be given meaning. To accomplish this we will see that: • So far as possible, the work environment is comfortable and pleasant;
• Equipment is safe to operate; • Compensation is competitive; • People are trained and encouraged to advance;
• Opportunities are provided by promoting from within, when possible; • Employees are fully informed about the goals of the cooperative and developments in the telephone industry; • Employees are listened to — their ideas are considered and their participation encouraged; • Recognition is given of each employee’s importance to the whole cooperative and to the community it serves.
Our members will not be asked to accept less than modern technolo gy can provide because they live in rural areas. We intend to provide the state-of-the-art in quality and in services. To accomplish this, we must have an organization that is financially secure. We must be efficient stewards of the revenues provided by our subscribers so the equipment can be continuously upgraded. We must have a management and Board of Directors that is forward-looking — able to predict with reliability the future needs of the members and able to adapt to change without losing control or losing sight of our objectives. We must have alert, well-trained personnel quick to respond to service outages. And we must stay in good communication with connecting companies and regulatory agencies.
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