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What Is Slamming and Cramming? NCTC Gives You the Information You Need

It is important that every NCTC customer watch to make sure their monthly bill does not reflect fees erroneously charged by long-dis- tance companies. Reportedly, many long-distance companies are “slamming” and “cramming” customers across the country, which means customers are being charged for services they never ordered from companies they never selected. “Slamming” occurs when a long-distance carrier has been changed without the customer’s consent. In a case reported nationally, a long-distance carrier used the acronym “HOLD” as the name of their company. When calling on a potential customer, the representative would ask if the customer could be put on “hold.” When the custom- er agreed to be placed on hold, in reality they agreed to have their long-distance carrier changed to that company. “Cramming” occurs when a long-distance carrier has charged a cus- tomer for features or services the customer does not have. Customers should also review their bills for charges listed under “paging” or “In- ternet” or some other service that they did not request.

If you discover any unwanted charges on your telephone bill, you should contact your long-distance carrier directly to correct the in- formation. You also have the option of contacting the FCC by visiting its website at for information on how to take action, or by calling the FCC toll- free number at 1-888-CallFCC (1-888-225-5322) .


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