


NCTC TV brings you features you’ll love!

Pause live TV for up to 30 minutes.

Network DVR can record up to 150 hours of content and store it in the cloud for up to 120 days. On-demand subscriptions from up to 36 national programmers. WatchTVeverywhere lets you view your favorite shows on the go on any connected device.

Simultaneously stream on up to three devices at no additional charge. Extra streams are available.

from the beginning of a program.

CatchupTV lets you watch shows you missed.


615-666-2151 • Westmoreland 615-644-6282 •


BEST SATELLITE .................... 844–481–7797 See Our Display Ad Page 78 DIRECTV

Telephone Companies

Television-Cable, CATV & Satellite ALL AMERICAN DISH ........... 855–747–4990 See Our Display Ad Page 78 BEST SATELLITE

Aeneas Internet & Telephone Trousdale County ............................ 615–680–5201 Momentum Telecom 737 Hwy 52 By Pass W Lafayette ......................................... 615–688–3976 NCTC 872 Hwy 52 By Pass E Lafayette ................................ 615–666–2151 1630 Bowling Green Rd Scottsville KY......................... 270–622–7500 5620 Austin Peay Hwy Westmoreland ....................... 615–644–6282 176 Porter Pike Rd Bowling Green KY ................. 270–936–7444 Leitchfield KY ............................ 270–971–2021 See Our Display Ad Page 76 Telephone Directory Advertising > SeeAdvertising-Directyor& Guide Telephone Service-Long Distance > SeeLongDistanceTelephoneServices Here is a use for those single socks we all have around. Fill one with long grain rice or dried beans and tie a knot in the end of the sock or sew it up on the end. Microwave for 2 minutes whenever you need a heating pad for a sore neck, back, etc.


Toll Free Dial “1” & Then ........... 877 375-0560

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BEST SATELLITE ............... 844–481–7797

To clean and sharpen your garbage disposer.. make ice cubes using equal parts water and vinegar. When frozen, drop them into the disposer when it is running. Follow up with a couple of slices of lemon; then rinse well.

If you drop a can of soda or it gets shaken up, to keep it from exploding when you pop the top,use your thumb and middle finger to thump up and down the side of the can as you rotate it for about 20 seconds. Then you can pop the top and enjoy.

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