

RECORDING TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS A short “beep” tone heard over the telephone about every 15 seconds indicates that the person with whom you are speaking is recording your conversation by means of connecting an electronic recording machine to the line. The “beep” signal is produced automatically by a device which connects the recorder to the telephone line. Use of a recorder without this signal is unlawful. If you do not want a record made of what you are saying, ask the person with whom you are talking to disconnect the recording device. If disconnected, you will not hear the signal. HARASSING CALLS The law provides that it should be unlawful for any person or persons to communicate to another within this state by means of any telephonic conversation, any lewd, obscene or lascivious remarks, suggestions or proposals manifestly intended to embarrass, disturb or annoy the person to whom the said remarks, suggestions or proposals are made. The telephone company is concerned about obscene and harassing calls and is trying to help stop them. You don’t have to talk or listen to such calls – just hang up. If the call persists, call your Telephone Com- pany Business Office. We have electronic equipment available to assist in determining offenders, which we will use if necessary, with the help of local law enforcement authorities. We also retain the right to disconnect or remove the phone service of anyone making such calls. We want you to know that we’re doing all we can to help you and your family.


The law provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain telephone service by fraudulent means with the intent to avoid payment for lawful charges. This includes not only the obtaining of local service but the obtaining of long-distance service by fraudulent schemes, devices, means or methods, with intent to avoid payment. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof will be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both, in the discretion of the court.


The Tennessee Regulatory Authority and Kentucky Office of the At- torney General have initiated a “Do-Not-Call” list aimed at stopping unwanted telemarketing calls. Once customers place their information on the appropriate state list, telemarketers are not allowed to contact them for any reason. To be added to Tennessee’s list, go to: or call 877-TRA-7030 .

To be added to Kentucky’s list, go to: or call 1-888-382-1222 . To be added to the National Do-Not-Call Registry – a national data- base instituted by the federal government – go to: or call 1-888-382-1222 .


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