

Storage-Household & Commercial

Tax Return Preparation

Telephone Answering Equipment & Systems KPU TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2417 Tongass Ave Ste 119D Ketchikan.............................. 907–225–1000 Telephone Companies GCI 2417 Tongass Ave Ste 104 Ketchikan ....................................... 907–225–2191 KPU TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2417 Tongass Ave Ste 119D Ketchikan.............................. 907–225–1000 See Our Display Ad Page 33 KETCHIKAN PUBLIC UTILITIES General Manager .................... 907–228–5603 Fax Line...................................... 907–225–5075 Customer Service.......................... 907–228–5474 Electric Division............................. 907–225–5505 Prime Comms Retail LLC 2417 Tongass Ave Ste 109 .......... 907–225–1115 pots...spray with 409, or To clean coffee oils from glass coffee similar product, to remove the oils instantly. Rinse thoroughly!

LK Storage 4975 Rex Allen Dr Ketchikan....... 907–247–7988 Storage-Self-Service Bear Valley Mini Storage 833 Schoenbar Rd ........................ 907–225–1222 Stripe Painters > SeePavingContar ctors Surgeons > SeePhysicians& Surgeons-M.D Surveyors-Land GT LAND SURVEYING 757 Forest Ave Ketchikan ...... 907–821–8764 NIELSON WM LAND SURVEYOR (Box 9359) ............................... 907–225–9359 T-Shirts JOE'S SCREENPRINTING & ENGRAVING 407 Stedman St ...................... 907–225–9313 Tailors Lek's Thai Tailoring Repairing & Imports 714 Water ..................................... 907–225–8884 Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau~

First City Tax & Accounts PO Box 23197 Ketchikan.............. 907–225–4123 Fax Line ......................................... 907–247–4123 Ketchikan Tax Solutions 2450 Tongass Ave......................... 907–247–8829 Fax Line...................................... 907–247–8298 MILNER HOWARD PALMER & EDWARDS CPA’S PC 426 Main Ketchikan.................... 907 225-1040 Fax Line...................................... 907 225-4172 Teuscher Walpole LLC 1734 Tongass Ave Ste 101 Ketchikan ....................................... 907–225–9688 Taxicabs SOURDOUGH CAB 3950 Tongass Ave Ketchikan . 907–225–5544 Yellow Taxi Dispatch ......................................... 907–225–5555 Ofc.................................................. 907–225–0528 A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein~ • SCOTT C. MILNER, CPA • HAROLD HOWARD, CPA • DIANE J. PALMER, CPA • SCOTT D. EDWARDS, CPA

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