

Radio Communication Equipment & Systems AP & T 136 Misty Marie Ln ............ 907–225–1950 Radio Direction Finders > SeeMarineEquipmen&t Supplies Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies Frontier Media 526 Stedman ................................. 907–225–2193 Fax Line...................................... 907–225–0444 KRBD FM Radio/Rainbird Community Broadcasting 1101 Copper Ridge Ln Business ........................................ 907–225–9655 News .............................................. 907–225–2035 Real Estate All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, reli gion, sex, handicap, familial status, or na tional origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportu nity basis. Alpine Real Estate 500 Mission St . 907–225–7777 Coastal Keller Williams Realty AK Group 344 Front Street Ketchikan.......... 907–247–5811 GATEWAY CITY REALTY INC REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL SALES SERVING KETCHIKAN, PRINCE OF WALES & VICINITY 2050 Sea Level Dr Ste 107 Ketchikan..................................... 907 225-2545 907-225-2545 INFO@GATEWAYCITYREALTY.COM WWW.GATEWAYCITYREALTY.COM Legacy Real Estate Firm 2417 Tongass Ave Ste 225 .......... 907–225–6191 Mud Bight Industrial Corp 9737 Mud Bay Rd # 104............. 907–247–6833 Providence Properties 3955 S Tongass Hwy.................... 907–225–7427 Real Estate Appraisers WENDTE SERVICES 567 Sunset Dr ......................... 907–225–6740 Real Estate Loans Tongass Federal Credit Union 2000 Tongass Ave Ketchikan ....... 800–960–8328

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Coastal Keller Williams Realty AK Group 344 Front Street Ketchikan.......... 907–247–5811 Real Estate Rental Service Premier Rentals 2206 Tongass Ave......................... 907–247–7368 Real Estate Title Companies > SeeTitleCompanies Reception Facilities > SeeBanquetRooms Recreation-Outdoor Southeast Alaska Independent Living (Sail) Inc 4693 N Tongass Hwy Ketchikan.. 888–452–7245 Recreational Vehicles-Parks > SeeCampgrounds& RecreationaVlehicleParks Recreational Vehicles-Repairing & Service Lighthouse Service 10730 N Tongass Hwy Ketchikan ....................................... 907–247–2244 Recruiting-U.S. Armed Forces Alaska Army National Guard 645 Jackson St Ketchikan............ 907–225–2247 Recycling Services Full Cycle .......................................... 907–247–3883 Refrigerators & Freezers-Service & Repair JACOBSON HEATING & REFRIGERATION (Box 6471) ............................... 907–225–1903 Rental Service Stores & Yards Alaska Car Rental Office 2828 Tongass Ave.............. 907–225–5000 Fax Line ......................................... 907–225–5041 Office Ketchikan Int'l Airport ....... 907–225–2232 Rescue Service Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad 7550 N Tongass Hwy (Box 5786) ....................................................... 907–225–9010 Residential Care Facilities Residential Youth Care Inc Youth 2514 First Ave Ketchikan... 907–247–4665 Resorts FIREWEED LODGE 6863 Klawock Hollis Hwy Klawock.................................... 907–755–2930 Keep ants out of a pet food dish with Vaseline. Rub a small dab around bottom rim of bowl.


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