SENIOR EVENTS Kerman Recreation and Community Services Department –
R.S.V.P. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program is a program for older persons 65 and over to use their life experience and skills to answer the call of their neighbors in need. Giving anywhere from 4 to 40 hours per week, volunteers help put their experience to work solving problems close to home. Whether teaching children, counseling small businesses, assisting at health clinics, teaching other seniors to use the internet, distributing food to their town’s homeless, creating a recycling program, or providing much needed support to non-profit agencies, RSVP volunteers are making their communities stronger. HICAP HICAP is designed to assist people over 60 with Medicare and supplemental health insurance claims and with the selection of supplemental health insurance policies. The counseling services are provided free of charge by volunteers. These HICAP volunteers have completed an intensive program, which prepares them to assist with problems in the complex areas of Medicare and supplemental health insurance. For high complex or legal problems, specialized experts and attorneys are also available through HICAP (at no charge). HICAP is operated throughout Fresno and Madera Counties by the Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging and the California Department on Aging. Please call HICAP Insurance Counseling at 224-9117 Online Information Find more information about the Kerman Senior Center and Kerman Senior Service Programs by visiting or
Fundraisers, Bake Sales, Yard Sales Presentations on Topics of Resource
Senior Activity Trips Senior Mini Golf Days Casino Trips Daily/Weekly Activities *
Billiards: Open Table during operating hours. Bingo: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am – 11:30am Classic Crafts Class: Times & Dates Subject to Change Computer Class: Times & Dates Subject to Change Golden Needle Sewing & Quilting Class: Tuesdays 2pm – 6pm
Functions at the Kerman Senior Center 720 S. 8th Street 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Director of Parks and Recreation Phillip Gallegos – 559-846-9328 Department Secretary Arlene Villarreal – 559-846-9324 Senior Services Coordinator Jeanna Burdine-Slaven – 559-846-9329 Nutrition Coordinator Vanessa Lujan – 559-846-9330 Annual Programs Cinco De Mayo Celebration & Salsa Competition Easter Bonnet Parade & Competition Memorial Day Observation & Barbeque Fourth of July Celebration & Barbeque Labor Day Celebration & Barbeque Health Fair & Flu Shot Clinic Halloween Luncheon & Costume Contest Thanksgiving Dinner-Dance Christmas Luncheon KCSO Holiday Toy & Food Drive Valentine’s Day Celebration Potluck
Information & Forms Assistance: Daily during operating hours. Water Aerobics: June-July Recipe Exchange Club: Continuous Senior Exercise: Mondays & Wednesdays 9am-10am *Activity time and dates depend on program availability Senior Information Program
Provides assistance with connecting seniors with needed information, programs, and community resources. Senior Nutrition Provides hot lunches Monday through Friday, at the Kerman Senior Center, for persons 60 years and over (spouses or caregivers are also included). Lunch is served at 11am and reservations must be made at least one day in advance by 12pm. Homebound Meals are offered for those unable to leave their homes due to illness of disability (participant numbers are dependent on meal availability). To make a MV Transportation is the Dispatch Service Provider for the Kerman Transit. A Curbside Handicap Bus Pickup with Same-Day Scheduling. Dispatch number: 1855-612-5184. Senior Companion Program A volunteer program for seniors who in turn provide care giving services to other seniors who are considered at-risk, for a stipend. Senior Companions engage at-risk seniors through activities such as reading to them, listening to them, arranging transportation, walking with them, and helping them with meal preparation. Companions can advocate for them and provide emotional support. reservation, call 559-846-9330. Kerman Senior Transportation
Senior Prom & Volunteer Recognition Program Monthly Programs
Billiards Tournaments Birthday Celebrations Blood Pressure & Glucose Check: First Friday of Each Month Commodities: Times and Dates TBD – Call 559-846-9855 Community Meals: Times and Dates TBD
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