What To Do... ...If The Telephone Is Broken: • If you are renting from us, bring it to our office. We will repair or replace it at no charge to you under normal usage. • If you own the phone, replace any broken phone cords. You can buy new ones
cheaply at our business office. If the phone itself is broken, it is usually cheaper to buy a new telephone. Many models are inexpensive – much less expensive than paying to fix the phone. • If you call our repair service and
the repair person sent to your home finds the trouble is caused by equipment you own, you may be charged for the repair visit.
...If You Think the Inside Wiring Or Phone Jack Is Broken: You should be aware that, under state law, residential landlords and not tenants, are responsible for repairs and maintenance of residential inside telephone wire.
Line Problems If you have made the recommended tests and believe the problem is in Sebastian lines or switching, please call our repair service center at 611. For Your Protection To save time and money, always make the recommended tests on your jacks and equipment before calling the repair service center. If you call our repair service center and the technician sent to your premises finds the trouble is caused by your equipment or jack you will be charged for a repair visit, even if he only unplugs the equipment or jack that is causing the trouble.
If you have problems with your inside wiring or jacks, you have four options. 1. If you subscribe to Sebastian’s inside wire maintenance plan, we will repair the existing wire or jack at no charge. This plan is available to most single line residence and business customers. Your service representative can give you details. Please call us at 846- 9311. 2. If you do not subscribe to the inside wire maintenance plan, you can have Sebastian repair the problem and be billed for labor and materials. 3. You can fix the problem yourself. 4. You can hire an independent specialist to repair the problem.
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