If you would like additional information about any of the services listed here or have questions about current rates and charges, please call us at 559-846-9311 or 800-841-9311 (Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Basic Flat Rate Service*
Monthly Rate
Non-Recurring Charges
Single One-Party Residential Service Single One-Party Business Service Single One-Party Universal Lifeline
$22.58 $36.30
$46.75 $46.75
Please contact customer service 559-846-9311 for current Lifeline rate
Telephone Service
*Additional FCC end user charge per month: $6.50 for single-line residential or business and $9.20 for multi-line businesses, plus taxes and surcharges, are applicable. Effective July 1, 2020, an Access Recovery Charge (ARC) of $0.43 for residential, single line business $3.00 and multi-line business $3.00.
The above rates include the following: • Unlimited local calling (in the Sebastian Local Area); • Touch tone capability; • Access to operator services, directory assistance, and inter-exchange service providers (also known as long- distance service providers); • Voice-grade access to the public switched network; • Free access to emergency 9-1-1 and 800 or 800-like toll-free services; • One free directory listing; • Access to telephone relay service; • Free access to the business office; and • Free access to the California Relay Service by dialing 711. For Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS), customers must meet eligibility rules established by the Federal Communications Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission. ULTS customers can have free toll restriction and do not pay the FCC end user charge. A maximum of (2) ULTS access lines are available for qualifying households when the household meets
eligibility rules pertaining to the need for a TTY device.
**Once approved for Lifeline, discounts to the non- recurring charges are applicable.
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