Kerman, CA is published annually by Sebastian Kerman
559.846.9311 811 S. Madera Ave, Kerman CA 93630
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How To Reach
How To Reach Emergency Services
Sebastian Carrier Utility Number U-1012-C 811 S. Madera Ave. • P. O. Box 245 Kerman, CA 93630
Business Office: .................. 846-9311 or 800-841-9311 Orders for Service: ...........................................846-9313 Internet: ............................................. Repair Service ................................................. Dial 611 If you are calling from a cellular phone or outside the Kerman Exchange...................Dial 846-6651 Operator Assistance .......................................Dial “0” Time .................................................................... Dial 614 Directory Assistance Biola or Kerman .................................................. Dial 411 Inside 559 Area ..........................................Dial 555-1212 Outside 559 Area ...........Dial 1 + Area Code + 555-1212
SHERIFF ............................................... 911 or 488-3111 HIGHWAY PATROL .............................. 911 or 441-5400 POISON CONTROL ...............................1-800-222-1222 FIRE DEPARTMENT ............................ 911 – Emergency 275-5531 – Business Office PARAMEDICS ............................................................ 911 POLICE ...................911 or 846-8800 – Non-Emergency
TDD/TTY Emergency Calls: Dial 9-1-1 and press the space bar until someone answers. TDD/TTY Llamadas De Emergencia Solamente: Marque 9-1-1 y presione la barra espaciadora hasta que alguien le conteste.
Fire and Rescue Incendio y Rescate
Highway Patrol Patrulla de Carreteras
Police or Sheriff Policia o Sheriff
Ambulance Ambulancia
Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD) emergency calls. Baudot mode only: Dial 9-1-1 Tap the space bar until someone answers.
Ayuda En Una Emergencia La forma más rápida de obtener ayuda en una emergencia es que uno miso marque el numero 9-1-1. Mire la pagina de enfrente del directorio para que se informe de los numeros de Fuego, Policia, Paramedicos, y etc. Si es necesario, la operadora puede ayudarle a marcar los numeros. Emergencia contiene “cual quier situación en que la Vida Humana o Propieded esta en peligro y ayuda es necesitada.” No llame 9-1-1 si no es emergencia porque esto causa retrasa en la dirección de emergencias. Para llamadas que no sean emergencia marque 275-5531 . Esta exhibición del número que llama permite a la agencia de la emergencia localizar rápidamente al llamador. En una emergencia, los llamadores que no desean hacer su número de teléfono exhibir en una pantalla de visión deben utilizar el número de teléfono apropiado de siete dígitos. Llamadas emergencia aparato de telecommunications para los sordos. (TDD) Baudot aparatos solamente: Marque 9-1-1 Oprima la barra espaciadora hasta que alguien la conteste. Los llamadores deben realizar al divulgar una emergencia marcando 9-1-1, su número de teléfono (incluyendo números no-publicados) se puede exhibir automáticamente en una pantalla de visión.
Help In An Emergency The fastest way to obtain help in an emergency is to dial 9-1-1 yourself. See Page 1 of the directory for other numbers to dial for Fire, Police, and Paramedics. If necessary, the operator can dial these numbers for you. Emergency means “any situation in which Human Life or Property is in danger and help is needed immediately.” Do not call 9-1-1 for non-emergencies because this causes delays in handling of real emergencies. For non-emergencies, dial 275-5531 or the non-emergency telephone numbers listed in the telephone direc- tory for the agencies you are trying to reach. Callers should realize that when reporting an emergency by dialing 9-1-1, their telephone number (including non-published numbers) may be automatically displayed on a viewing screen. This display of the calling number enables the emergency agency to quickly locate the caller. In an emergency, callers not wishing to have their telephone number displayed on a viewing screen must use the appropriate seven digit telephone number.
Great care is taken in preparing the emergency information on page 1 of this directory but we cannot guarantee that it is complete or in all cases correct.
INDEX Area Code Map.....................................................................................Page 1 Area Codes .............................................................................. Pages 22 & 23 Basic Service For Sebastian Telephone Exchange..........................Page 8 Bundled Services ...............................................................................Page 35 Business Office ....................................................................................Page 4 California Relay Service ....................................................................Page 19 Coin Telephones ..................................................................... Pages 12 & 25 Custom Calling Services ........................................................... Pages 28-32 Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) .......................Page 18 Directory Assistance, Local ....................................................... Pages 1 & 4 Directory Assistance, Long Distance........................................ Pages 1 & 4 Do-It-Yourself .....................................................................................Page 37 Do-Not-Call Registry..........................................................................Page 20 Emergency & Safety Guide ...............................................................Page 40 Emergency Numbers .................................................................. Pages 1 & 2 Equipment & Services for Physically Impaired ...............................Page 13 Extended Area Service ......................................................................Page 12 Fresno Calling Area ...........................................................................Page 21 High Speed Internet Service .............................................................Page 33 How To Find Listings .........................................................................Page 38 International Calling Country and City Codes ..................... Pages 26 & 27 Liability Of Utility & Customer Responsibility ...................... Pages 14 & 17 Local Calls ............................................................................................Page 5 Long Distance Dialing............................................................. Pages 15 & 24 Long Distance Service.......................................................................Page 34 Map of Fresno County .......................................................................Page 39 Operator Assistance ..........................................................Dial Operator “0” Repair Service .............................................................................. Pages 9-11 Security Solutions ..............................................................................Page 36 Telephone Service Information................................................... Pages 4-37 Time .....................................................................................................Dial 614 Types Of Calls ......................................................................... Pages 24 & 25 Voice Mail................................................................................. Pages 28 & 29 Warning-Sec 384 California Penal Code .........................................Page 17
Cantua Creek, San Joaquin, Tranquillity, Fresno and Clovis Alphabetical Listings Following Yellow Pages
Kerman, California Telephone Directory Business Office
Repair Service Call (24 hours a day) .............................. 611 If you are calling from outside the Kerman Exchange........................ 846-6651 They will help you: • Determine if the trouble is in your equipment • Determine if the trouble is in the line • Determine if the trouble is in the inside wiring
Call .......................................................................................... 846-9311 Or............................................................................ 1 + 800-841-9311 Location............................................................ 811 S. Madera Avenue Mailing Address .............................. P.O. Box 245, Kerman, CA 93630 If You Are Calling From Outside Kerman Exchange Dial Toll-Free .............................................................. 1 + 800-841-9311 E-Mail Address............................ Internet ...................................................................
Customer Service Representatives are Here to Help Serve All Your Communications Needs They will help you: • Arrange new or additional service • Move or disconnect your service • Arrange directory listings for white or yellow pages • Discuss your account or payment
Local Directory Assistance for Kerman & Biola Call ........................ 411 OR (559) 555-1212 Monthly charge of $0.46 per call applies after a 3 call Residential call allowance is used up. Businesses have a 0 call allowance. Long Distance Directory Assistance Inside the 559 Area Dial .......................................................... 555-1212 Outside the 559 Area Dial ...................... 1 + AREA CODE + 555-1212 For 800 Numbers Dial .............................................1 + 800 + 555-1212 SI USTED NECESITA ASISTENCIA EN ESPAÑOL FAVOR DE LLAMAR AL 846-9311 Y PREGUNTAR POR UN REPRESENTANTE QUE HABLE ESPAÑOL.
TDD/TTY Operator Assistance (Teletypewriter)........................... 00 for Operator Yellow Pages For your advertising needs ..................... (Toll-Free) 1 + 866-221-4300 Underground Cable Locating Service Before You Dig Call.......................................................................... 811 After 4:30 Mon. thru Fri. – Weekends – Holidays............................ 611 Emergency ....................................................................................... 611
Time Time...................................................................................................614 Assistance In Calling Operator .............................................................................................“0” Local.......................... Dial 0 + Area Code + 7-Digit Local Number or 0 Fresno Calling Area*.......Dial 0 + Area Code + 7-Digit Local Number or 0 Outside the Fresno Area*...... Dial 0 + Area Code + 7-Digit Local Number Or.......................................................................................................0 *Fresno Calling Area......................................... See Page 21 for details.
TELEPHONE USAGE: Place Emergency Calls Only
4. If you receive a “fast busy” or “all circuitsarebusy” recording, hangupand try again later. 5. If physical damage occurs in our equipment or facilities or your wiring, it may not be possible to complete your call.
After a disaster, especially earthquakes, there is usually a high volume of telephone calls. It is important that you limit your calls to emergencies only. Do not call “9-1-1” or the police for confirmation of an earthquake. Listen to your local radio or television station for information. Blocking In case of extreme congestion of the telephone network, Sebastian and/or long distance carriers may institute blocking. Blocking prevents overloading the system by diverting some calls to recordings, thus allowing emergency services’ calls to complete. If you need to place an emergency call: 1. Make sure receivers of all extension phones are on the “switchhook.” 2. Stay on the line. You may not hear a dial tone immediately; the delay could be as long as a minute or more. 3. Do not repeatedly depress the “switchhook,” as this will further delay your call.
Out-of-Area-Contact Select a relative or friend out of the immediate area to act as a clearinghouse of information about your family. Once
contact is made, have this person relay messages to your other friends and relatives outside the disaster area.
559 Local Prefixes
206 208 209 210 213 214 215 216 217 221 222 224
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 237 240 241 243
244 246 247 248 250 251 252 253 255 256 259 260 261 262
263 264 265 266 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277
278 279 281 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293
294 301 304 307 312 313 317 319 320 341 346 347 348 349
351 352 353 354 355 360 364 365 367 369 371 374 375 385
388 389 394 396 400 408 412 417 420 421 430 431 432 433
434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447
448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 470 473
475 476 477 478 485 486 487 488 489 490 492 493 494 495
496 497 498 499 500 512 513 515 519 525 538 540 541 547
548 549 550 552 554 558 567 569 570 573 577 579 600 612
614 621 630 647 650 652 666 668 681 691 693 696 698 704
705 708 709 710 720 721 722 724 727 728 753 755 761 771
776 777 785 790 795 800 801 803 824 825 829 832 835 840
842 843 846 860 878 890 892 899 903 905 906 907
908 916 917 930 960 970 974 977 978 981 994 999
This prefix listing includes prefixes that were designated as “local” at the time this directory was printed. Prefix locations are subject to change without notice.
Business or Residence Services
There is also a charge to restore service which will be billed to your account. 1. A late payment charge is applicable if payment is not received by the 22nd day from the metered date on the billing envelope. 2. The late payment charge of 1.5% will be applied to an unpaid balance of $20.00 or more. Your Telephone Bill Charges for local service and deregulated equipment are billed one month in advance. Charges for repair, moves or changes are billed after they have been completed. You may mail your payment or stop by our office at 811 S. Madera Avenue. If you pay in our office you can save time by bringing both portions of your bill. We will accept cash, check or money order. There
New Service To establish new service please visit our office at 811 S. Madera Avenue. You will need to bring your complete address. We will need to know about your previous telephone service and other credit information. Please bring your identification and a telephone number where you can be reached until your new service is installed. In most instances we are able to process your order and have your service connected in 24 hours. Installation Rates Installation rates will vary with your needs. The amount of work needed to install phone service will depend on the type of service and the facilities you request. There are several processes required to connect new service but not all customers need all the processes. You will be charged for only the work needed to connect your service. Moves And Changes To order moves or changes in your existing service, please call your service representative at 846-9311. All changes, except disconnection or termination of certain options, will require a service charge. The amount charged depends on the type of change requested. Your service representative will be happy to give you these charges at the time of your request. Late Payments Your bill due date is 22 days after the date printed on the front of the bill. Payment is considered past due if received after that date. Sebastian will provide you with a 7-day written notice before suspending your service for nonpayment. If your service is suspended for nonpayment all charges billed
is a charge for each returned check. If you have questions regarding any portion of your bill your service representative will help you. If the question cannot be resolved by the service representative ask for a supervisor. If the supervisor cannot help and you believe you are being billed incorrectly, the amount of the bill should be deposited with the California Public Utilities Commission, State Building, 505 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102, to avoid discontinuance of service. Make remittance payable to the California Public Utilities
Commission and attach the bill and a statement supporting your belief that the bill is not correct. The Commission will review the basis of the billed amount and make disbursement in accordance with its findings. Deposits If you are a new residential customer with Sebastian or if you have previously had an unsatisfactory payment record, we may require a deposit. Deposit amounts are based on twice the average monthly billing for residence customers in the Kerman exchange. Deposits are reviewed after 12 months of service. If service has not been suspended during that period for nonpayment, your deposit will
must be paid. This would include any amount for which you have received a new bill and any additional deposit required.
be refunded plus interest. Refunds are applied to your bill. If satisfactory credit has not been established the deposit will be held.
fund Universal Lifeline Telephone Service, a state program to provide telephone service to anyone with an income under certain levels set by the state. California High Cost Fund Billing Surcharge B: This surcharge was ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge is used to support basic residential telephone service in areas served by medium and large sized telephone companies where costs exceed the statewide average. This surcharge is on most intrastate rates and charges. California Teleconnect Fund: This surcharge was ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission. It is applied to all local and toll calls made within the State of California. This surcharge is used to fund discounted phone service to qualifying schools, libraries, hospitals and other nonprofit community based organizations. California High Cost Fund Billing Surcharge A: This surcharge was ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge is used to support qualifying telephone companies serving rural and small metropolitan areas which are considered high cost. It is applied to all local and toll calls made within the State of California. TDD Tax: This tax was ordered by the California State Legislature. It is applied to your local monthly service and all toll calls made within the state. These taxes are used to supply special communication equipment to the deaf and disabled. California PUC Fee: This fee was ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission. It is applied to your local monthly service and all toll calls made within the state. These fees are used to help fund the PUC activities.
Understanding Your Bill There are many items that appear on your monthly statement. Local Telephone Companies have been ordered to identify each of these items separately. For your assistance, listed below is a brief explanation of some of the most commonly used terms. Toll Charges Sebastian bills for toll calls made inside the Fresno Calling Area*. Sebastian has contracts with some carriers to bill for toll calls made outside the Fresno Calling Area*. (You will receive separate statements from carriers who do not contract with Sebastian to bill for them.) Long Distance Rates Charges are based on rates in effect at the time of connection at the calling point. They may change if authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission or Federal Communications Commission. Other Charges And Credits This section of your bill shows your monthly service rate and other recurring charges. Prorated charges for monthly service, if you had service for less than a month, will appear here also. There are items in this section for regulated and non-regulated services. This section will also include non-recurring charges for installations, connections, and etc. Monthly Service Rate: This is a charge for your monthly service and is regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Unregulated Telephone Equipment: This is a monthly fee for leased equipment. These fees are not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Taxes And Surcharges Taxes and Surcharges Have Been Ordered By Governmental Agencies. Network Access: This charge was ordered by the Federal Communications Commission and is billed to all residential and single line business customers. Businesses with multiple lines are billed slightly more per month, per line. This access charge was ordered by the FCC to help reduce the long distance rates that subsidize basic service and bring local service rates more in line with their actual cost. Universal Lifeline Service Surcharge: This surcharge was ordered by the California State Legislature. It is applied to all local and toll calls made within the State of California. This surcharge is used to
State 911 Tax: This tax was ordered by the California State Legislature. It is applied to your local monthly service and all toll calls made within the state. These taxes are used to fund the 911 Emergency System statewide. Federal Tax: This tax was ordered by the Federal Government as an excise tax. This tax is applied to all portions of your bill. FUSC Surcharge: A Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC), as prescribed by the Federal Communications Commission, is now included in your telephone bill. This charge is designed to help keep local telephone service rates affordable for all customers, in all areas of the United States. *Fresno Calling Area See Page 21 For Details.
If you would like additional information about any of the services listed here or have questions about current rates and charges, please call us at 559-846-9311 or 800-841-9311 (Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Basic Flat Rate Service*
Monthly Rate
Non-Recurring Charges
Single One-Party Residential Service Single One-Party Business Service Single One-Party Universal Lifeline
$22.58 $36.30
$46.75 $46.75
Please contact customer service 559-846-9311 for current Lifeline rate
Telephone Service
*Additional FCC end user charge per month: $6.50 for single-line residential or business and $9.20 for multi-line businesses, plus taxes and surcharges, are applicable. Effective July 1, 2020, an Access Recovery Charge (ARC) of $0.43 for residential, single line business $3.00 and multi-line business $3.00.
The above rates include the following: • Unlimited local calling (in the Sebastian Local Area); • Touch tone capability; • Access to operator services, directory assistance, and inter-exchange service providers (also known as long- distance service providers); • Voice-grade access to the public switched network; • Free access to emergency 9-1-1 and 800 or 800-like toll-free services; • One free directory listing; • Access to telephone relay service; • Free access to the business office; and • Free access to the California Relay Service by dialing 711. For Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS), customers must meet eligibility rules established by the Federal Communications Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission. ULTS customers can have free toll restriction and do not pay the FCC end user charge. A maximum of (2) ULTS access lines are available for qualifying households when the household meets
eligibility rules pertaining to the need for a TTY device.
**Once approved for Lifeline, discounts to the non- recurring charges are applicable.
Who Is Responsible?
Trouble with your telephone service may involve your telephone set, your inside wiring or Sebastian’s outside lines and switching equipment. Sebastian will repair the outside lines and switching equipment at no charge. We can also repair your inside wiring for a charge. (There is no charge if you subscribe to our inside wire maintenance plan.) Sebastian’s service center can test your line, but in some cases we can’t determine the source of the problem without sending a repair technician to your premises. We recommend that you perform the following tests before calling repair service. This can save you the inconvenience and cost of a repair visit if the problem turns out to be in your phone equipment.
Telephone or Fax Machine
Aerial Telephone Wire
Drop Wire
Telephone Jack
Test Point Network Interface/ Protector
Telephone Inside Wiring
Outside Buried Telephone Service Wire
Telephone Repair Checklist First, Ask Yourself These Questions:
Are all cords connected to the phone and phone jack?
Make sure all cords are plugged in securely.
Are any cords broken?
Check the cords for damage.
If one of your phones is off the hook, none of them will work.
Are all phones in the house hung up?
If The Phone Still Does Not Work, Take These Steps:
Phone works. The jack or wiring at the first location is damaged.
Plug the phone into another jack in your own home.
Phone does not work. The phone is broken. OR the inside or outside wiring needs repair.
Phone works. The first phone needs to be fixed or replaced. Phone does not work. The jack or inside wiring needs repair.
If you have a second phone that is working, plug it into the jack.
Neighbor’s phones do not work either. Sebastian’s lines in your neighborhood are probably damaged. We will repair the damage free of charge. Your phone works in the neighbor’s jack. Your inside wiring or the outside wiring near your home needs repair. Your phone does not work in the neighbor’s jack. Your phone is broken.
If you have only one phone, take it to your neighbor’s home.
Ask if their phones work.
If your neighbor’s phones work, plug your phone into a jack there.
Do Your Phones Work When The Lights Go Out? Continued technological changes such as cordless phones and fiber optic cables running to your home have changed the way your telephone works. Historical provision of phone service over a copper wire and a phone with a handset wired into it allowed customers to make phone calls even when the power went down. Today many customers have a cordless handset that is dependent upon commercial power to operate the base station and handset. With these phones, a power outage will also leave you without phone service.
What To Do To Make Sure You Have Phone Service In The Event Of A Power Outage: There are several actions to consider to ensure that you have phone service in the event that your location loses its commercial power. • First, if you use cordless phones in your house, you should purchase a traditional wired phone for emergencies. Wired phones will work over copper lines even with commercial power outages. Wired phones receive their power from batteries at the telephone company. • Second, you could purchase and keep a charged UPS battery backup to operate the phone in the event that power is lost. This is only useful if you routinely charge this backup. • Third, if you have fiber optic service to your home (ask the phone company if you are unsure) there will be a battery backup in your system as it enters the home. This battery backup will need to be maintained as batteries lose power over time. Maintenance of this battery system must be kept up by either the home owner or the phone company in order for the phone to work when power is out. Again, check with your phone company on who is responsible for this maintenance. • Remember, when you are operating on any kind of alternative power, keep non-emergency calls to a minimum. Your ability to make calls will be limited by the type of backup power you are using. Typically, any type of battery power will only last for four hours or less under constant use. • Also, power outages may indicate other emergency issues. Emergency agencies may need to be communicating and have need of these facilities. Many customers may be calling family, friends and business associates to determine if they need help. Limit your calls only to essential ones. • Keep your power backup charged. Without power, cordless phones will not work during a power outage, rendering the cordless phone useless until power is reestablished – an inconvenience at best, or the difference between life and death in a crisis.
What To Do... ...If The Telephone Is Broken: • If you are renting from us, bring it to our office. We will repair or replace it at no charge to you under normal usage. • If you own the phone, replace any broken phone cords. You can buy new ones
cheaply at our business office. If the phone itself is broken, it is usually cheaper to buy a new telephone. Many models are inexpensive – much less expensive than paying to fix the phone. • If you call our repair service and
the repair person sent to your home finds the trouble is caused by equipment you own, you may be charged for the repair visit.
...If You Think the Inside Wiring Or Phone Jack Is Broken: You should be aware that, under state law, residential landlords and not tenants, are responsible for repairs and maintenance of residential inside telephone wire.
Line Problems If you have made the recommended tests and believe the problem is in Sebastian lines or switching, please call our repair service center at 611. For Your Protection To save time and money, always make the recommended tests on your jacks and equipment before calling the repair service center. If you call our repair service center and the technician sent to your premises finds the trouble is caused by your equipment or jack you will be charged for a repair visit, even if he only unplugs the equipment or jack that is causing the trouble.
If you have problems with your inside wiring or jacks, you have four options. 1. If you subscribe to Sebastian’s inside wire maintenance plan, we will repair the existing wire or jack at no charge. This plan is available to most single line residence and business customers. Your service representative can give you details. Please call us at 846- 9311. 2. If you do not subscribe to the inside wire maintenance plan, you can have Sebastian repair the problem and be billed for labor and materials. 3. You can fix the problem yourself. 4. You can hire an independent specialist to repair the problem.
Number Changes The Telephone Company reserves the right to, and may at its discretion, change the subscriber’s telephone number. If You Reach A Wrong Number An operator can adjust the charge. Ask the person who answers what city and state they are in. Then dial 0 or 00 immediately if you are calling outside the Fresno Calling Area*, and tell the operator. *See pages 21 and 24 for details. Avoidance Of Lawful Charges Persons using unauthorized credit card numbers or unauthorized telephone numbers to avoid charges will be prosecuted. Anyone violating Section 502.7, California Penal Code, by attempting to avoid lawful charges for telephone service may be fined up to $5000 and imprisoned. Public Telephone Furnishing numbers already listed in the telephone directory requires a great amount of operating time and equipment which must be conserved for more vital calls. So please try your directory before you call information. Toll Restrictions Toll restriction stops unauthorized long distance calling from your telephone. Third Party and Collect Call Blocking We can block your line from receiving third party and collect calls. Preferred Inter-exchange Carrier (PIC) Freeze A PIC freeze means that your carrier cannot be changed unless you contact us to change it. The PIC freeze may provide additional protection against unauthorized long distance changes. There is no cost to freeze or unfreeze your choice of carrier. Just call us. We have the form for your PIC freeze authorization. We also have a form to unfreeze the PIC, or you can call us and give us the required personal verification data in order for us to ensure it is you that is giving us the verbal authorization. Blocking Pay-Per-Use Feature (Call Return *69) Customers may request blocking, free of charge, so no one can activate this pay-per-use feature. Instructions are posted on or near telephone instruments. Please report service difficulties. A charge is not made on calls which are not completed. Save Time
Equipment Rental For your convenience, Sebastian offers residence and single line business customers the service of telephone rental or leasing. Our business office, located at 811 S. Madera Avenue, has a selection offered for sale or rent. Equipment Repair
If you rent your equipment from us, there is NO CHARGE for repair. Bring the equipment to our office; if we can’t repair it, we will replace it at no charge to you under normal usage. Prewiring
If you are building or remodeling a home, it is usually easier to install the telephone wiring before the drywall is put up. Please contact your Sebastian service representative at 846-9311. Rules, Regulations and Tariffs Copies of our rules and regulations and schedules of rates are available at our business office and are open to public inspection. Extended Area Service (EAS) This is an expansion of your Local Calling Area to include the Fresno Exchange. The Fresno telephone numbers, beginning with prefixes shown on page 5, are toll-free from your telephone. This service does not include Clovis. EAS is included as part of your monthly basic service charge.
Telephone Equipment And Services For People With Physical Impairments If a physical impairment makes it difficult for you – or someone you care about – to use the telephone, call Sebastian.
What To Do: Call Sebastian at 846-9311. Our service representative will discuss your needs and explain how you can become medically certified to receive special services and equipment. Or call CTAP Call Center
Sebastian will provide specialized communication equipment at no charge to make using the telephone easier for people who have physical limitations that interfere with hearing, speaking, seeing, dialing or holding a telephone. To Qualify: • You must live in a residence with telephone service. • You must be medically certified with a disability or temporary dis- ability that makes it difficult for you to use the telephone. • In some cases, disabled employees of small businesses may be eligible to receive special equipment.
800-806-1191 (Voice) 800-806-4474 (TTY) 800-949-5650 (Spanish Voice)
Internet: Under existing law, the equipment, service and administrative costs of this program are paid by a surcharge shown on all customers’ telephone bills.
Products For Deaf And Hearing Impaired People Louder Rings Several devices can help you hear your telephone ring. For example, • Tone Ringer can adjust the tone of the ring to a range you’re most likely to be able to hear. • Loud Bell Ringer is an extremely loud electronic ringer that can be heard over loud background noise at long distances. Amplifiers Amplifiers can increase incoming voice sounds by up to 45 percent. For example, • Amplifier Adjunct is connected between the telephone base and the handset cord. • Portable Amplifier can be used with most telephone handsets in your house or when away from home. • Amplified Handset is an amplifier in the handset. TDD A TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) can help people who are deaf or who have severe hearing impairments communicate over the telephone network. By dialing the phone and typing in messages, you can communicate directly with another TDD user or a hearing person using a relay service.
Products For Deaf/Blind People Braille TDD
Other Services Available At No Charge Or Reduced Rates Touch-Tone Service It’s often easier for people with vision impairments or motion impairments to use a pushbutton pad rather than a standard rotary People with vision or motion impairments canmake a telephone call by dialing or pushing only one or two reassigned numbers. Directory Assistance Charge Exemption If you are unable to use a telephone directory because of a physical impairment, you may have free, unlimited directory assistance calls. Free Operator Assistance If you are unable to dial a call because of a physical impairment, an operator will place your call and bill it at the direct dialed rate. TDD Toll Discount Since a typical TDD call takes longer to transmit than voice calls, households of medically certified TDD users will automatically receive discounted telephone toll rates for calls within their service areas. dial telephone. Speed Calling
Visual Signals Any corded household lamp can be connected to a piece of equipment that allows it to blink and let you
A Braille TDD combines a TDD with a Braille output device that provides face-to-face and telephone communication between any two people. You need grade-one Braille skills to qualify for this equipment. Wrist Alert Wrist Alert can be worn on your wrist or in a pocket and vibrates to signal your phone is ringing. Products For People With Motion Impairments Speakerphone If you can’t comfortably hold a handset, you can use a speakerphone to answer a call by pushing only one button. You can speak into a microphone and hear the reply through the telephone speaker. If you use it with speed calling, you can make calls by pushing only one or two buttons. Hands-Free Phone This is available to people with severely limited motion. An operator will come on the line and place calls for you. It has a built-in speakerphone and can be fitted with a headset. Large Numbers A large number overlay more than doubles the size of the buttons on any standard desk-style pushbutton telephone, making the buttons easier to see and push.
know your phone is ringing. Products For People
With Speech Impairments Weak Speech Amplifier Handset An amplifier in the handset mouthpiece increases the volume of your voice. You can increase the volume by adjusting a wheel in the handset. Electronic Artificial Larynx This hand-held, portable speaking aid is for people who have lost the use of their larynx. TDD A TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) can help people with severe hearing or speech impairments communicate over the telephone network. By dialing the phone and typing in messages, you can communicate directly with another TDD user or a hearing person using a relay service. Products For People With Vision Impairments Large Numbers Large number overlays can be installed on any standard desk- style pushbutton or rotary dial telephone to more than double the size of numbers and buttons.
Sebastian has tariff rules dealing with the limitation of its liability in connection with errors and omissions relating to telephone service. These rules do not apply to situations involving willful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or violations of law. There are special provisions dealing with gross negligence. If an error or omission has been made by Sebastian in your listing in the telephone directory, you may be entitled to relief under these tariff provisions. In many instances you may be eligible for a credit allowance in accordance with tariff rules. This information notice summarizes the provisions of such rules. For complete information on the tariff provisions, please contact the Sebastian business office. Thereafter, if you wish further information, you may call the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco. To ease and equalize opportunity for consumers to contact the California Public Utilities Commission regarding billing and service problems, the Commission’s Consumer Affairs office has an “800” toll- free callback service available. Consumer Affairs Branch California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102. The toll-free number is 1-800-649-7570 and the Northern California TDD number is 415-703-2782 (not toll-free). The purpose of telephone utility credit allowance and limitation of liability tariff rules is to relate the telephone company’s responsibility for errors or interruptions to amounts not to exceed the pro rata charges for services rendered. The basic rule applicable to all telephone services is as follows: Except as provided in Sections (1) and (2) of this rule, the liability of the utility for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in any of the services or facilities furnished by the utility (including exchange, toll, private line, supplemental equipment, directory and all other services) shall in no event exceed an amount equal to the pro rata charges to the customer for the period during which the services or facilities are affected by the mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect; provided, however, that where any mistake, omission, delay, error or defect in any one
service or facility affects or diminishes the value of any other service said liability shall include such diminution, but in no event shall the liability exceed the total amount of the charges to the customer for all services or facilities for the period affected by the mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect. The specific form of rule applicable to interruptions in exchange telephone service is as follows: The utility shall allow, for interruptions in exchange telephone service of 24 hours or more, not due to the conduct of the customer, an amount equal to the fixed monthly charges for exchange services multiplied by the ratio of the days of interruption to thirty days. When interruptions continue beyond 24 hours, credit allowances will be given in successive 24-hour multiples. Similar but not identical provisions apply to private line and other telephone services. For details of provisions covering allowances for interruptions in such other services you should call the Sebastian business office. For errors or omissions in listing or advertisements in telephone directories, allowances are provided as follows: A. For listings in telephone directories furnished without additional charge, an amount not in excess of the minimum monthly charge to the customer for exchange services during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. B. For listings in telephone directories furnished at additional charge, an amount not in excess of that charge for that listing during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. C. For advertisements in classified directories, an amount based upon pro rata abatement of the charge in such degree as the error or omission affected the advertisement. For information on allowances available in the event of errors or omissions in information records or in other special directories, you should contact the Sebastian business office.
Statement of Nondiscrimination Sebastian is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). “USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.”
Service Area Toll Calls A Service Area Toll Call is a call beyond approximately 12 miles of home but within the service area. As of April 9, 2001, you have a choice of long distance carriers for this service. This carrier may be different from the carrier selected for long distance calls outside the service area. Long Distance Calls These are calls that begin in one service area and end outside that area. The long distance carrier of your choice handles these calls, which are billed at rates regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission or the Federal Communications Commission. Dialing Instructions Using Other Long Distance Companies
• Within the 559 area code, dial the 7 digit company code + the 7 digit telephone number. • Outside the 559 area code, dial the 7 digit company code + the area code + the 7 digit telephone number. Not all long distance companies provide service in all service areas. Some may require you to set up an account before you use their company code, while others accept company code dialing without a previously arranged account. You may contact any company directly on the rates and services it offers as well as the area it covers. If you have questions regarding this service please contact a Sebastian service representative at 846-9311. NOTE: The charges for calls completed by other companies may be different than Sebastian’s charges.
• Your minor children made the calls without your permission. • Someone made the calls without your authorization. You must contact us and request a refund within 60 days of the bill date on the bill in question. We will not disconnect your phone service for non-payment of any 900 and 976 charges. However, you will be responsible for paying charges not covered by this refund. This refund does not apply to any toll charges associated with 976 calls. Any refund will appear as a credit on your monthly bill. Contact our business office to apply for this refund. Mailing Addresses We take great care to see that the names, telephone numbers and addresses are correct in the white pages of this directory, however many customers do not wish to list their mailing address or post office box number, therefore, we do not recommend that you use the directory listings for mailing addresses. Consumer Privacy Information
FCC Requires Name & Address Disclosure The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has directed all local telephone companies to provide a subscriber’s billing name and address (BNA) to long distance carriers when (1) the subscriber uses a telephone company joint use Calling Card, (2) the subscriber accepts a third party or collect call, or (3) the subscriber has placed a call using an interexchange carrier to which the caller is presubscribed. A telephone company joint use Calling Card bears an account number supplied by Sebastian. It can be used for the calling services of Sebastian and long distance carriers and is validated by access to a database maintained by Sebastian. The BNA information will only be provided when necessary for long distance carriers to effect proper billing. The FCC has directed that your Billing Name and Address data can only be used by the long distance carrier for billing purposes. California 900 and 976 Numbers Residential customers may be eligible for a refund of charges for calls made to California 900 and 976 numbers. This refund is available one-time only under the following conditions: • You did not know that you would be charged for the calls.
to the party you are calling and could be recorded in a database sold to telemarketers. The California Public Utilities Commission wants consumers to know that some companies listing 800 or 900 numbers are now using Automatic Number Identification (ANI) which is approved by the Federal Communications Commission. When you dial their number, ANI equipment can automatically add your phone number to their customer database – AND companies are not required to tell you if they have ANI. Companies with ANI can then use your phone number to get your address, income level, items purchased, and similar information from other marketing databases. Or they can sell your number to telemarketers who can then pitch their products and services to you. Never assume that an 800 or 900 number is a toll-free call! If the number uses ANI, you may reach a recording advising that you will be called back collect. Or you may be told to call a 900 number. In either case, the call would be billed to you! If a person answers an 800 or 900 number, you can advise them that you do not want your number, name, or address kept in his or
800 And 900 Telephone Number – Your Number May Be Disclosed
When you call an 800 or 900 telephone number, your number could be disclosed
(continued on next page)
Consumer Privacy Information (continued) her company records. You may want to make it clear that you do not want this information rented or sold to other companies. You may also advise them that you do not want the company to solicit future business from you. To complain about a company using ANI, write to: Office of the Attorney General-Public Inquiry Unit, P.O. Box 944255, Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 or call 1-800-952-5225. You may also contact the Federal Communications Commission, 445 S. 12th SW, Washington, DC 20554. If you suspect that your name is on a direct marketing list and want it removed, see Do-Not-Call on page 20. IMPORTANT PRIVACY INFORMATION Your Telephone Number Can Be Seen By Everyone You Call... Unless You Block It! Your Phone Number As a Sebastian customer, your telephone service has undergone a change that affects your privacy. This change applies to all Sebastian customers automatically – even those with NON-PUBLISHED OR NON- LISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Any telephone from which you place a call will automatically transmit its number to the person you are calling. Those subscribing to a service known as Caller I.D. will be able to see your telephone number before they answer their phone. Once again, your telephone number will be transmitted automatically – regardless of whether you have Caller I.D. or not. Your Privacy At Sebastian, we believe you should decide who receives your telephone number, the law guarantees you that right. We also believe you should be able to choose how you would like to have your phone number blocked – your privacy is paramount. Imagine, for example, finding out that your children have been making telephone calls to their friends from your business telephone number, inadvertently giving your business
call will see the word PRIVATE displayed. On September 2, 1996, Selective Blocking was automatically assigned to your telephone number, unless you chose Complete Blocking You cannot block transmission of your telephone number for calls to 9-1-1, 800/888 and 900 service, regardless of the blocking option you choose. If for some reason, you want to report an emergency without having your number displayed, you should call the agency’s seven- digit number instead of 9-1-1. If the number you are calling from is not equipped with complete blocking, you will need to press *67 before you dial the agency’s number in order to block your number from being shown. For More Information If you have any questions about your choices or the effect any of these services may have upon you and your privacy, please give us a call at 846-9311. Consumer Rights Your Rights As a consumer of telephone service you have certain rights that you should be aware of to make informed decisions regarding your telephone service. You have a right to view and receive an explanation of our current tariffs with the California Public Utilities Commission. There is a copy on file in our business office for your convenience. You have a right to a clear and concise monthly bill. You have the right to inspect your bill for accuracy. You have a right to fair credit and deposit policies. You have a right to question or clarify any of our policies as they pertain to your telephone service. Your Responsibilities You will receive your bill for local service, long distance charges and other charges and credits on the 1st of each month. It is your responsibility to pay your bill by the 22nd of each month. You have a right to receive uninterrupted telephone service if you meet this responsibility. as described above . Important Note:
telephone number out to several of them. Would you want your children’s friends returning social calls to your business telephone number? Or consider the senior citizen who responds to an advertisement on TV that claims to offer investment opportunities. Does he want to give out his phone number and risk being called back with shady investment schemes? Even something as simple as responding to a classified ad; are you sure you want to give your number to a stranger? Whether you choose to transmit your number or prevent it from being shown, Sebastian agrees that the display of your telephone number should be the result of your informed consent. You have a legal right to choose whether or not your telephone number will be displayed on a Caller I.D. unit. That’s why the law requires FREE blocking services that give you the freedom to choose when, how, and if your number will be shown to those you call. Your Choice Complete Blocking (with per call enabling) Press *82 to Deactivate on a Per Call Basis Complete Blocking (also referred to as Per Line Blocking by other companies) is a FREE service that gives you permanent control over the transmission of your phone number. To activate the service, you must specifically request it from Sebastian. Complete Blocking blocks the transmission of your telephone number on ALL of the calls you place, unless you specify otherwise. There is no need to enter a code before making each call. Those with Caller I.D. units who receive your calls will see the word PRIVATE displayed. You may deactivate Complete Blocking on specific calls by pressing *82 on your touch calling phone (or 1182 on a rotary phone) before you dial. Selective Blocking (also referred to as Per Call Blocking by other companies) is a FREE service that blocks your telephone from being transmitted and/or seen on Caller I.D. units on a per call basis. By simply pressing *67 on your touch calling phone (or 1167 from a rotary dial phone) before placing a call – your phone number will not be transmitted. Those with Caller I.D. units who receive your Selective Blocking Press *67 Before Placing Your Call
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