
Customer Information

If You Need to Call Our Repair Service Please be prepared to answer these questions when you call: 1. What is the telephone number of the line in trouble? 2. Does the problem occur on all your phones? 3. Do you have a dial tone? 4. Is noise the problem on the line? 5. Can you call out? 6. Can you receive calls? 7. How often does the problem occur? 8. Is the problem on local and/or long-distance calls? 9. What number can we call to reach you during the repair? Once you call our repair service, we will see to it that your repairs are made as quickly as pos sible. Some will be made at no charge to you. Other repairs may require a fee, depending upon the source of the trouble. If the Trouble is In Your Telephone Set Fees will apply if you ask us to make a repair visit and the trouble is found in your telephone set(s) or other phone equipment and you do not have a Maintenance Agreement. If the Trouble is In Your Inside Wiring Fees will apply if you ask us to make a repair visit and the trouble is found in your telephone wiring inside your home or place of business. To repair the damage, your options are to hire us, do it yourself, or seek outside assistance. If you already have our Inside Wiring Agreement, we can repair the inside wiring and jacks at no extra cost. Certain restrictions may apply. If the Trouble is In Our Outside Lines In most instances, there are no charges for repairs in our telephone lines, which are located outside your home or place of business. TO CONTACT OUR REPAIR SERVICE AFTER HOURS CALL 738-6611 – A worry-free option to inside wiring repairs . You can avoid unexpected charges for telephone inside wire repair by subscribing in advance to our Inside Wiring Agreement. A small monthly fee protects you from normal repair charges on the wiring and jacks inside your home or busi ness. For more information, call our business office. The number is 738-2121.

We do everything possible to make sure your phone service remains the best. And we try just as hard to fix any problems that do occur as quickly as possible. We make repairs to the service lines outside your home or business at no charge to you. Unless you have our Inside Wiring Agreement, any repairs to your inside service lines require an additional charge. Because some of your repair assistance requires a fee, we work with you to help determine the source of the problem, whenever possible. Listed below are a few things to do before you call our repair service. • Look for symptoms on your telephone set(s) like cracked plastic housing or a broken or frayed cord. • If you have just one phone, unplug it and plug in a borrowed phone. If the borrowed one works, the problem is in the phone set and not the phone line. • If you have more than one phone, make sure each phone’s receiver is on the hook. If none of them are off the hook, unplug every phone. Then plug each phone back into any wall jack one at a time, and check each phone for a dial tone as you go. The telephone set that causes the line to go dead is the one needing repair. • If your phone or phones appear to be working, take a working phone to your telephone net work interface box. This box is usually located on the outside wall of your home or business. It is located where our outside lines and your inside telephone wiring connect, or “interface.” Open the network interface box and locate the “test jack” inside. Remove the modular plug from the test jack and insert the phone jack from your phone. If the same problem occurs when you plug your phone into the test jack, the problem is our outside lines. Call our repair service. The number is 738-2121. If the problem disappears when you use the test jack, the problem is in your inside wiring or your telephone set.


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