

BRYANT Tommy 3059 Madison 4275.................... 677-2646 Vance & Louise 1433 Madison 8735.................... 738-1126 BRYSON Helen St Paul.......................................... 677-2292 BUMGARNER Donald V 3717 Madison 6200...... 232-5861 Keith F 4336 Madison 6200..................................... 232-5394 BUMSTEAD Jacob 383 3rd St.............................. 677-5008 BUNCH Chad 2506 Hwy 21..................................... 665-2102 Gary 2560 Hwy 21.................................................... 665-2233 BURGESS Joyce 203 Wilson St............................. 738-6776 BURK Donald 2520 Madison 3655.......................... 665-2336 Douglas 2482 Madison 3655................................... 665-2739 Leslie & Donald 218 Madison 2645..................... 665-2533 BURKE Johnny 26407 Hwy 74............................... 665-2276 BURKETT Austin & Jillian 201 Edith Ave.......... 738-1701 BURKS Lonny & Connie 2184 Madison 1745..... 559-2445 S 754 Madison 2151................................................... 738-1040 BURLESON Ronald 722 Phillips Pl....................... 738-1290 BURNETT Abby 4353 Madison 2590...................... 665-2114 Billy Jr 473 Madison 3379....................................... 665-2806 F ................................................................................ 456-2641 Ike 1824 Madison 4275 Elkins.................................... 677-2420 James E 18282 Hwy 412......................................... 559-2226 Kelly 2347 Madison 5320 Huntsville.......................... 677-2410 Melissa 472 Madison 6061...................................... 456-7196 Treena ..................................................................... 677-3216 BURRELL Charles & Shirley ............................ 677-2680 BURRIS Barbara 740 Polk St................................. 738-6015 Hubert Gene 7975 Madison 2405......................... 665-2637 BURTON Sherri 163 Madison 4145........................ 677-2262 BURTON'S WELDING INC 21532 E AR 12 Hwy................................................... 789-5345 BUSBY Robyn 353 Madison 7795........................... 738-1327 BUTLER Bubba & Kristy 7909 Madison 5205 Elkins......................................... 677-3399 BYERS Larry & Linda 9107 Madison 2340.......... 665-2737 T 28800 Hwy 16 Pettigrew.......................................... 677-2804 BYLER Daniel 517 Madison 7735........................... 738-2444 BYLER WALLACE & CRETA 2170 Madison 6060................................................... 738-2104 BYNUM D H 1566 Madison 4425............................. 677-2121 Drury H 1215 Orange St Monroe............................. 677-2121 BYRD Charles & Yvonne 4930 Madison 2410.... 665-2152 Gerald 300 Madison 7580........................................ 789-2766 Loy Lee 658 Madison 1470...................................... 665-2744 S 19251 Highway 295 Drakes Creek........................... 456-2975 C C FRANKS GUN & COFFEE CO 500 E Main St............................................................ 738-1775 CARDS OF NWA 1937 Bus Hwy 412 PO Box 8 Huntsville................. 738-2793 Or......................................................................... 738-2794 Fax............................................................................ 738-2796 CAGLE & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING 4286 Bus Hwy 412................ 738-1201 CAGLE Ayla 1088 Madison 3040.............................. 232-5743 CAIN HOWARD JR ATTY 104 E Main St............. 738-6817 CAIN Phillip & Janet 558 Madison 2565............. 665-2855

BOWEN Denny 943 Madison 6270......................... 456-2703 Felecia .................................................................... 456-6004 Jerry 2554 Madison 6345 Wesley............................. 456-2747 Leo & Carolyn 21268 Hwy 412............................. 665-2279 Steven 645 Hwy 74 Wesley...................................... 456-2912 Tim & Barbara 426 Madison 5244 Huntsville....... 456-2550 BOWERS Tina 210 Park Ave.................................. 738-1275 BOWLES Dean 2294 Madison 3665....................... 665-2521 BOWLING W L 291 Madison 4717 Pettigrew.......... 677-2205 BOWMAN Ray G 114 Madison 6374...................... 738-2637 Ruben 202 Hawkins Ave.......................................... 738-2691 Vester 108 Cedar Hts............................................... 738-1412 BOYD Gene 654 Madison 7750 Hindsville................ 456-2405 BRANDENBURG Jess 301 Amber St................... 738-1566 Rex 3499 Madison 4845 Pettigrew............................ 677-2193 Rex 3499 Madison 4845 Pettigrew............................ 677-2028 Troy 443 Madison 3155 St Paul................................. 677-2020 BRANNAN Steve 314 Hwy 303 Wesley................. 456-2909 BRANSTETTER Gloria 145 Madison 7837 Hindsville..................................... 456-2530 Jeff 522 Madison 6274.............................................. 456-2689 Valerie A 7133 Madison 6351................................. 456-2244 BRASHEARS FELIX 509 N Gaskill St.................... 738-2123 BRASHEARS FLORISTS INC 110 W War Eagle Ave........................................... 738-2128 BRASHEARS FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY 509 N Gaskill St.............. 738-2123 BRASHEARS Lucina 311 Crossbow Rd................ 738-6935 Sumner 1003 Paradise Ln....................................... 738-2407 Terri 12389 Highway 16 E Combs.............................. 677-2082 BREEDLOVE B 179 Madison 6179.......................... 456-2819 BRENTLINGER Matt 217 Madison 1539............... 559-2133 BREWER B 1052 Madison 1490............................... 559-2737 BRING IT ON ... REPAIR 5387 Hwy 21................ 665-2353 BRIZENDINE Jimmy & Angela 2729 Madison 2545................................................... 665-2832 BROOKS David 604 Madison 3044......................... 232-5801 Tommy L 301 Amber St.......................................... 738-1173 BROWN Chad A 428 Oak St St Paul....................... 677-3222 BROWN CUSTOM CABINETS 15041 Hwy 412......................................................... 738-1179 BROWN Gene L 2181 Madison 8620..................... 738-6758 Kenneth Ray 2083 Madison 8620.......................... 738-6470 Nick 357 Madison 6376............................................ 456-6017 Ryan & Lizzy 900 Madison 6092............................ 738-1601 Vernon & Lake 3560 Madison 3050...................... 232-5388 BROYLES Leon 1803 Madison 2315....................... 665-2635 Rick 865 Madison 3590............................................. 677-2568 Wade 125 Madison 2125.......................................... 738-6236 BRYAN Justin E 245 Madison 2110....................... 559-2716 BRYANT Chance 2225 Madison 3345 St Paul........ 677-3061 Dale 163 Madison 4322 Combs................................. 677-2551 Gil J 479 Madison 8593............................................ 738-1022 Jerry R 1962 Madison 3345 Witter.......................... 677-2531 Otto I 3744 Madison 3350........................................ 232-5778 Sharron 1496 Madison 7515................................... 789-5670


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