Customer Information
Use of Residence Telephone for Business Purpose Residence telephones are installed with the understanding that they will be used for normal social or domestic purposes. A residence service will be changed to busi- ness service if used primarily or substantially for business purposes, or if the residence telephone number is advertised in connection with the sale of products or services, and the subscriber has no business service elsewhere within our system. You must dial 1+ or 0+ Area Code and Seven Digit Telephone Number for all long-distance calls. Delay of Termination of Service on Grounds of Serious Illness A utility shall postpone termination of service to a residential customer, or reconnect previously terminated service, for a reasonable time up to thirty (30) days if the customer presents a certificate from a physician stating it is likely that termination of service will either aggravate a serious illness or give rise to a substantial risk of death or a grave impairment of the health of the customer, of a member of the customer’s family or of another permanent resident of the premises where service is rendered. The certificate shall identify the medical emergency, specify the effect of termination of service, and specify the time during which termination of service will aggravate the illness. Delay of Termination of Service for Identified Elderly or Handicapped When identified elderly (65 or older) or handicapped customers tell the company they cannot pay a bill on time, the company will offer a delayed payment agreement, provide the name of federal, state, and local bill payment assistance agencies and explain the right to third party notice before suspension of service. Extended Due Date Plan The Extended Due Date Plan is available to qualifying residential customers and is intended to enable the company to change a customer’s payment due date, at the customer’s request, to
coincide with or follow the customer’s receipt of income. Customers who qualify under this plan and pay by the new date will not be considered late on their bill payment. Customer Complaints / PSC Info Contact our Business Office if you have a complaint concerning your bill or service. If your complaint is not handled to your satisfaction, ask to talk with the service representative’s supervisor. If you are unable to solve the problem with the Company management, you may contact:
Arkansas Public Service Commission 1000 Center Street, P.O. Box 400
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Toll-free telephone number 1-800-482-1164 or Little Rock number 1-501-682-1718
Late Payment Charges If payment is not received by the due date on your bill, a penalty charge of 10% of the first $30 of the overdue portion and 2% of the remainder of the overdue amount will be charged to you. Telephone Number The subscriber has no property rights to the telephone number or any right to continuance of service throughout any particular office. The telephone company may change the telephone number or the central office designation, or both, of a subscriber whenever it deems it desirable in the conduct of its business to do so. Do Not Call A utility shall inform their subscribers of the opportunity to register or revoke registrations on the National Do-Not-Call database at or by calling 1-888-382-1222.
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