Customer Information
Billing Procedures Bills are issued at the end of each month and include local service for one month in advance, appropriate charges for long-distance service and any other charges incurred since the previous billing. All bills are payable on receipt, and past due 23 days after the date the bill is mailed. Customers whose bills are not paid when due will receive a late payment charge and a “Shut-Off Notice” stating the date that service will be terminated. Once suspended, the full delinquent amount, plus a reconnect charge, must be paid before service will be restored. A residential customer may designate a third party to receive a copy of the “Shut-Off Notice.” Deposit A deposit may be required for new applicants for service to guarantee payment for this service. If desired, the deposit may be paid in two equal installments. In lieu of a deposit, the Company will accept written guaranty of a qualifying third party. The amount of the deposit generally will not exceed the charges for one month’s long- distance. Interest on deposits is credited to customers’ accounts annually. Deposits will be refunded after twelve months if the following two conditions are met during the preceding year: 1. The customer has, for a consecutive twelve month period, paid all bills prior to the due date; and, 2. The customer has rendered no check that was dishonored for reason other than bank error. For existing customers, a deposit will be required (or increased) if any of the following conditions occur during the preceding twelve month period: 1. Servicetothecustomerhasbeendiscontinued for failure to pay a delinquent account.
2. The customer has rendered two insufficient funds checks to the company in the preceding twelve months. 3. The customer has failed to pay his bill by the due date twice in the preceding twelve months. 4. The customer has misrepresented his identity for the purpose of obtaining service. 5. The customer has engaged in unauthorized or fraudulent use, or procurement of service, or tampering with wires or other telephone company equipment. When final discontinuation of service is made by the company, the amount of the deposit, with interest, will be applied to any amount owed to the telephone company. Payment of Bills By mail – P.O. Drawer D, Huntsville, Arkansas 72740. In person – Telephone Company Business Office, 113 Court St., Huntsville, Arkansas. Visa & MasterCard accepted in person or by phone. After hours – Night depository, 113 Court St., Huntsville, Arkansas. If you have a question regarding the accuracy of your monthly bill, long-distance calls, directory listing, service or equipment, please contact our Business Office at 113 Court St., Huntsville or call 738-2121. Automatic Payment We have an automatic bill payment plan. Call us for more information. Delayed Payment Agreements Delayed Payment Agreements are available to customers who are unable to pay a bill in full. If a customer has not broken an agreement in the last 12 months, he may pay ¼ of the past due amount down by the third business day and pay the balance in installments over the next three months. Current bills and installments must be paid by the due dates or service will be subject to suspension.
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