
Highland, TN is published annually by Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

JULY 2024


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DIAL 911

AMBULANCE SERVICES Ambulance Service .................................................. 911 McCreary County, KY..................................... 376-5063 Morgan County, TN ........................................ 346-6601 Scott County, TN ............................................ 569-6000 Poison Control Center, TN................... 1-800-222-1222 Poison Control Center, KY .................. 1-800-222-1222


McCreary County Fire Only..................................................... Dial 911 Pine Knot .................................................... 354-2424 Stearns & Whitley City Fire Only..................................................... Dial 911 All Other ................................................... 376-2507 Morgan County .......................................................911 Wartburg Fire Only............................................................. 911 Forest Fire or Burn Permit ....................... 346-6655 Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Department Fire Only............................................................. 911 Deer Lodge Volunteer Fire Department Fire Only............................................................. 911 Sunbright Volunteer Fire Department Fire Only............................................................. 911 Scott County Fire Only............................................................. 911 Forest Fire or Burn Permit ....................... 569-4175 Or Call .................................................. 627-2250 Mid-County Fire Only............................................................. 911 Oneida Fire Only................................................... 569-8969 Or ....................................................................... 911 Huntsville Fire Only................................................... 663-3473 Or ....................................................................... 911 Robbins Fire Only............................................................. 911

POLICE DEPARTMENTS Tennessee Highway Patrol (State Police)

Emergency ........................................... 865-594-5800 Non-Emergency ................................... 865-594-5793 Kentucky State Police ........................... 606-878-6622 City Police Department Oneida ........................................................ 569-4255 Wartburg ..................................................... 346-7090 Sheriff Department McCreary County........................................ 376-2322 Morgan County ........................................... 346-6262 Scott County............................................... 663-2245 Rescue Squad Morgan County ........................................... 346-6262 Scott County............................................... 569-8200 For the telephone number or address of the nearest Federal Bureau of Investigation Office FBI .................................... 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERS Battered Women Inc............................ 1-800-641-3434 Scott County Women’s Shelter ...................... 569-3333



Table of Contents

Doing Business With Us Advanced Calling Services ................................... 22-24 Area Code Map ...................................................14, 18 Area Codes ...........................................................16-19 Business Offices........................................................... 2 Bylaws ...................................................................25-32 Call 811 ........................................................................6 Consumer Rights.................................................... 3, 10 TDD Numbers ............................................................... 4 Dialing Instructions ...................................................... 8 Directory Assistance .............................................13-15 Emergency Numbers ................................................... 1

General Information ........................................4, 7-8, 11 Highland Telephone Cooperative ................................ 9 International Calling ..............................................20-21 Kentucky Relay............................................................. 5 Local & Long Distance Calling..............................13-15 Mission Statement ....................................................... 3 Online Directory.......................................................... 12 Payments & Billing ....................................................... 7 Telephone Equipment .................................................. 7 Tennessee Relay...........................................................4

HIGHLAND TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. SUNBRIGHT, TENNESSEE Toll Free........................................................................ 1-888-458-3030 McCREARY COUNTY Long Distance .................................1 + Area Code + 555-1212 or 411 Information ................................................................ See Pages 13-15 Assistance In Dialing........................................................................611 For Telephone Repairs (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri)............... 376-5311 After Hours, Weekends & Holidays ....................................... 376-5311 Business Office ...................................................................... 376-5311 Pine Knot, Stearns & Whitley City Subscribers ..............................611 MORGAN COUNTY Long Distance .................................1 + Area Code + 555-1212 or 411 Information ................................................................ See Pages 13-15 Assistance In Dialing........................................................................611 For Telephone Repairs (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri)............... 628-2121 After Hours, Weekends & Holidays ....................................... 628-2121 Business Office ...................................................................... 628-2121 Wartburg, Sunbright, Petros & Deer Lodge Subscribers ...............611 Oakdale Subscribers........................................................................611 SCOTT COUNTY Long Distance 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 or 411 Information ................................................................ See Pages 13-15 Assistance In Dialing........................................................................611 For Telephone Repairs (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri)............... 663-3939 After Hours, Weekends & Holidays ....................................... 663-3939 Business Office ...................................................................... 663-3939



Mission Statement The Highland Telephone Cooperative organization is committed to providing quality telecommunications and related services using the latest technology at competitive rates. We will be knowledgeable about our services and strive to keep our customers informed. This will ensure the long-term future of Highland Telephone Cooperative and its place in the community. From The Directors And Employees Of Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

Consumer Rights Non-Discrimination Statement

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. In accor dance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices and employees, and institutions participating in or administer ing USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression) , sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/ parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, po litical beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs) . Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communica tion for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 . Additionally, pro gram information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Pro gram Discrimination Complaint Form AD-3027, found online at http:// www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992 . Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) Mail U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410

(2) Fax (202) 690-7442 or (3) email program.intake@usda.gov.



Special Services For Disabled People Special Need Telephone Services If you or someone you know has a physical limitation in using the telephone, we want to help. The solution may be provided by special equipment available. Ask your Service Representative for information. Contact 865-594-6022 . TDD customer service voice 866-503-0262 . Hearing and speech impaired persons using a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) can dial 1-800-855-1155 for assistance with service requests, billing questions or equipment. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday TDD users can access the operator, Toll Free-Dial ‘1’ and then 800 855-1155 , for assistance with the following: • Operator Assistance Calls – Toll/Local • Collect Calls • Calling Card and Third Number • 1 Billing Calls • Person-to-Person Calls • Directory Assistance Requests • Calls from Motel/Hotel • Intercept Service TDD Users Only Repair Service 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday ............................................... 1-800-342-8359 After 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays Toll Free-Dial............................. 1-800-855-1155

TN & KY Customers Do Not Call Register Tennessee residential customers can now enroll on the Tennessee Public Utility Commission (TPUC) “Do Not Call Register.” The Register is a list of residential telephone subscribers who do not wish to be solicited by telemarketers. To enroll on the Register online, go to the Tennessee Public Utility Commission’s web site at www.tn.gov/tpuc/tennessee-do-not call-program.html . You may also enroll by calling toll-free 1-877-872 7030 from your home. Business numbers may not be included on the list. Telemarketers are prohibited from calling your telephone number 60 days after you enroll, unless exempted by law. Kentucky customers may enroll by calling 888-382-1222 . To report a telemarketer violation, call: Tennessee 800-342-8359 ext.160 or Kentucky call: 888-382-1222 Advertising Telephone Numbers All telephone numbers are the property of the Telephone Company. The rapid growth of the telephone plant often requires the changing of these numbers. It is very important that, when the necessary changes are made in telephone numbers, attention be given to stationery, vehi cles, etc., to make the proper corrections thereon. Tennessee Medical Alert Personal emergency response services Phone: 865-470-7778 • Fax: 865-470-7117 • Toll Free: 800-576-1878 Better Business Bureau 255 North Peters Rd., Suite A, Knoxville, TN Phone: 865-692-1600 This directory is the property of the Telephone Company. Attachments of binders, covers or other devices not provided or authorized by the Telephone Company are prohibited.


Now you can dial 7-1-1 to reach the Ten nessee Relay Center 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tennessee callers who wish to reach peo ple who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech disabled may dial 7-1-1 for assistance from the Tennessee Relay Center. Hearing callers may still dial 1-800-848-0299 and text tele phone users may still dial 1-800-848-0298 . There is no charge for dialing 7-1-1, and all options currently available to Tennessee Relay Center users through existing 800 numbers will continue to be available to 7-1-1 users.

Here is how the Tennessee Relay Center works: a person who is deaf, hard of hear ing or speech disabled types his/her con versation using a text telephone (TDD/TTY). A Tennessee Relay Center Communica tions Assistant (CA) relays the message by reading it to the hearing person at the other end. The CA then relays the hearing per son’s spoken words by typing them back to the TDD/TTY user. Each call is handled in strict confidence. No record of the conver sation is kept.

The Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and enables people to place relay calls between Tennessee and other locations anywhere in the United States and internationally to English-speak ing persons. Also, people who have a speech disabili ty can utilize a service called Speech-to Speech (STS) Relay through the Tennes see Relay Center with his/her own voice synthesizer, rather than using a TDD/TTY. To access Speech-to-Speech, call 1-866 503-0264 .

A NOTE TO ALL TENNESSEE RELAY USERS Please note that 7-1-1 is only to be used to reach the Tennessee Relay Center. For emergencies you should continue to use 9-1-1.



Important Information Regarding Kentucky Relay

Dial 711 to connect to Kentucky Relay

Customer Care Information: 1006 12th Street Aurora, NE 68818

KYRelay@HamiltonRelay.com KentuckyRelay.com

What Is Kentucky Relay? Kentucky Relay is a public service that guarantees all citizens access to prompt, professional and precise communication through a telephone. Consumers of these specialized services, specifically individuals who are deaf, Deafblind, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking, can communicate on the telephone via TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech (STS), Spanish and Captioned Telephone. This helps ensure the ability to con nect with family, friends or businesses with ease. How Does Kentucky Relay Work? Simply dial 711 to connect with Kentucky Relay. A qualified Communication As sistant (CA) will ask for the area code and the number of the person you wish to call and begin the relay call. Generally, the CA wilI voice the typed message from the text telephone (TTY) user to you. The CA then relays your voiced message Kentucky Relay offers specialized services for individuals who have difficulty speaking and for Spanish-speaking residents. Specially trained CAs are on hand to assist in these types of calls by dialing the number provided. Since Kentucky Relay offers a variety of services, please refer to the website listed, or contact Kentucky Relay Customer Care for more detailed instruction on how a particular call is processed. Captioned Telephone: Captioned Telephone is ideal and available for individuals with hearing loss that can speak for themselves. A captioned telephone works like any other tele phone with one essential difference: it allows users to listen to their phone con versations while reading captions of what’s being said to them. Access to Services: 711 provides toll-free relay calling. If you are experiencing trouble dialing 711 while trying to reach Kentucky Relay, please contact Kentucky Relay Customer Care. All TRS and English Captioned Telephone services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Spanish Captioned Telephone is available daily from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST or 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. CST. Consumers may place relay calls to English-speaking and Spanish-speaking people within Kentucky, across the United States, and even internationally. By law, each conversation is handled with strict confidentiality. response by typing it to the TTY user. Specialized Services:

Captioned Telephone

Customer Service: 888-269-7477 To call a Captioned Telephone user, dial: 711 or 877-243-2823

Special Points of Interest: Equipment Distribution Program

The Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hear ing’s (KCDHH) Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) provides residents of Kentucky who are deaf, hard of hearing, have difficulty speaking or have both hearing and vision loss, with landline or wireless equipment to make communication on the telephone more accessible. For more information, visit www.kcdhh.ky.gov/oea/howapply. html or call 800-372-2907 (Voice) or 502-416-0607 (VP). Emergency Calls Please note that 711 can only to be used to reach Kentucky Relay. In an EMERGENCY, you should con tinue to use 911. For emergencies, call 911 or your lo cal emergency service TTY number directly and not relay. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that 911 centers have a TTY and be prepared to handle emergency calls placed in this manner. Kentucky Relay will make every effort to assist you in an emergency. However, it is import ant to understand that relay centers are not 911 centers and do not assume responsibility for emergency calls.


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Bills and Payments

Residence telephones are installed on the understanding that they will be used for normal social purposes and not in connection with any business. Advertising residence telephone numbers for business pur poses will be considered sufficient cause for the Telephone Company to charge the business rate without further notice. This Company reserves the right to change the number of any subscriber. Customer Provided Equipment Customer provided equipment may not be connected to Telephone Cooperative facilities unless it is registered or otherwise approved through the FCC and meets the conditions set forth in the Coopera tive’s tariffs. It may be directly attached or connected with the facilities provided by the Telephone Cooperative after advance notification to the Telephone Cooperative, by the customer, of the type of equipment to be connected and the type of Telephone Cooperative facility re quired to make the connections. These rules and tariffs are designed to meet the convenience of the customer and at the same time protect the telephone network against any possible hazards to customers and Cooperative employees. A service charge may be incurred if the Telephone Cooperative visits the premises of the customer and the service difficulty or trouble is found to have been caused by the customer’s equipment or facilities. If you have any questions concerning the use of customer-provided equipment, please contact your Business Office. Business Transactions Business transactions and applications for service, changes in or ad ditions to existing service may be made by telephone or in person with the Company’s local Business Offices. The offices are closed on Satur days, Sundays and generally observed legal holidays. Office hours are 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. E.S.T. Mon. thru Fri.

Telephone bills are rendered monthly and are due when rendered. They cover local service charges in advance for a one-month period from the date of the bill and long distance service charges in arrears for a one-month pe riod ending ten days prior to the date of the bill. Bills are payable on or before the tenth day of the billing pe riod in which the bill is ren dered. We ask your cooper ation in the prompt payment of all amounts due. Where Bills May Be Paid

Bills may be paid at any of our Business Offices, or by mail, or at select local banks. Auto draft and online bill pay are available. Bills may be

paid by phone. Dial 800-731-7083. Errors In This Directory

Every effort is made to prevent errors in this directory. However, the Company cannot and does not assume any liability for any errors or omissions in the compiling, printing or distributing of its directory. Some times, in spite of care and attention, errors will be made. Please check your listing in the directory. If it is not correct, please call the Business Office at 423-628-2121 so that it may be corrected in the next issue. Emergency Service We make every effort to assist our customers in case of emergency. Should you experience the misfortune of fire, flood, or any other disas ter which renders your premises unusable, please communicate with us at once. The Company stands ready to arrange for an immediate transfer of calls, or for the installation of temporary service or other facilities until permanent arrangements are provided. Dial 611. Collect Calls Charges for out-of-town calls will be put on the bill of the called par ty if someone at the called telephone agrees to accept the charges. Charges may be reversed on all classes of calls with a few exceptions. Rates have increased a lot over the past couple of years for this type of call. Call 00 for operator services. Overseas Calls Ask Highland Communications For More Information. Service is available from your telephone to a large number of points all over the world. Information on the availability of telephone service to overseas points, and the rates applicable thereto, may be obtained from the long distance carrier.



Credit For Loss Of Service You are entitled to a partial refund of your line service charge if your line is out of service 24 hours or more, and you have notified the telephone company’s repair service that you are unable to make or receive calls. When you receive your bill, call your service representative and report how long your line was out of service. You will receive a credit on your next monthly bill. Employees Carry Company Identi fi cation Cards For your safety, in larger communities every Highland Telephone Co operative employee is required to carry an identification card showing his/her name and photograph. To verify that a person is from the Tele phone Company, please ask to see his/her ID card. It is illegal for another person to charge long distance calls to your number or Calling Card without your permission. Persons placing such calls are subject to prosecution. Cautions Don’t Use Your Telephone: • While you are in the bathtub, shower or swimming pool. Electrical shock can be caused if a telephone handset is dropped into water. • During an electrical storm. A slight risk of electrical shock from light ning may occur. While our equipment is designed to limit abnormal electrical surges, it is impossible to stop them all. • Near a suspected gas leak. Electrical contacts in your telephone could cause a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. It’s not likely, but this spark might trigger an explosion if there’s enough gas in the area. Fraudulent Callers Are Subject To Prosecution

Unlawful Wiretapping It is a crime under federal and state laws for any person, including a telephone subscriber, to wiretap or otherwise intercept a telephone call, unless that person has first obtained the consent of one of the parties actually participating in the call. Properly authorized law en forcement officers can engage in interceptions without the consent of either party when proceeding under court orders issued pursuant to applicable provisions of federal law. To report suspected wiretapping, call 423-628-2121 . Tariffs For information about tariffs, you can write to the address below. Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 119 Sunbright, TN 37872 How To Use

The Dial Telephone Dial 611 For Assistance

If at any time you wish further information re garding the procedure to follow in making calls of any kind, dial “611” and ask him/her for the information desired. If you fail to hear the ringing signal or busy signal after repeated attempts to reach a number, or if you have any other diffi culty in completing a call, contact your

local branch office by dialing 611. If you are not sure if a call is local or long distance, please dial 611 for assistance.



Access To Emergency 911 Services County mandated surcharges for Residential and Business: Anderson County 1.50 Campbell County 1.50 Morgan County 1.50 McCreary County 2.65 Scott County 1.50 Access To Operator Services - There is no charge from High land Telephone Cooperative, Inc., for the ability to call the operator; however, the call may involve a charge depending on the services re quested and the rates of the company whose operator handled the call. Access To Directory Assistance - There is no charge from Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc., for the ability to call Directo ry Assistance; however, the call will involve a Directory Assistance charge, the amount of which is dependent on the area called and the rates of the company whose operator provided the information. Access To Long Distance Carriers - There is no charge from Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc., for the ability to place and re ceive calls through long distance carriers that offer service through our network; however, the call may involve a charge from the long distance carrier depending on the type of call. Toll Limitation Services - Currently there is no charge for toll blocking service from Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc., however, Highland Telephone and other local exchange telephone companies have not yet developed the technology to establish real time dollar limits on long distance calling as envisioned by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. These services are available to all consumers who become members of Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. The costs associated with each are reflected each month on the regular telephone bill along with oth er charges for services provided by Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. The services listed above are only those that Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc., must offer and advertise in order to be eligible for federal and state funding that is used to offset the high cost of serving rural areas and to bring affordable telephone services to residents and businesses of those areas. Other services are available by contacting Highland Telephone’s business offices at (423) 628-2121 , (423) 663 3939 or (606) 376-5311 .

Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc., has been the local telephone company serving areas in Morgan, Scott, and McCreary Counties since 1955. We were created by local citizens to bring basic telephone services to rural areas of these counties at a time when none existed due to higher costs and lack of profits in serving rural areas of Tennes see and Kentucky. We have served and endeavor to continue to serve both residential and commercial customers in our rural communities with quality telecom munications services at competitive rates. In addition to our basic telephone and long distance services, we bring advanced telecommunications services to our rural communi ties, including high-speed data services and special calling features. Our basic services are comprised of several components, which at a minimum, include: Monthly Charge Service Provided Residential Business Single party voice grade access to the public network including unlimited local calls Deer Lodge exchange (965) $14.48 $23.73 Huntsville exchange (663) 14.48 23.73 Oakdale exchange (369) 14.73 23.98 Oneida exchange (569) 14.73 23.98 Oneida exchange (286) 14.73 23.98 Petros exchange (324) 14.48 23.73 Pine Knot exchange (354) 14.73 23.98 Robbins exchange (627) 14.48 23.73 Stearns exchange (376) 14.73 23.98 Sunbright exchange (628) 14.48 23.73 Wartburg exchange (346) 14.48 23.73 Digitone service .95 .95



As a residential customer of a regulated public utility in Kentucky, you are guaranteed the following rights subject to Kentucky Revised Stat utes and the provisions of the Kentucky Public Service Commission Administrative Regulations: • You have the right to service, provided you (or a member of your household whose debt was accumulated at your address) are not indebted to the utility. • You have the right to inspect and review the utility’s rates and tariffed operating procedures during the utility’s normal office hours. • You have the right to be present at any routine utility inspection of your service conditions. • You must be provided a separate, distinct disconnect notice alerting you to a possible disconnection of your service if payment is not received. • You have the right to dispute the reasons for any announced termi nation of your service. • You have the right to negotiate a partial payment plan when your service is threatened by disconnection for nonpayment. • You have the right to participate in equal, budget payment plans for your natural gas and electric service. • You have the right to maintain your utility service for up to thirty (30) days upon presentation of a medical certificate issued by a health official. • You have the right to prompt (within 24 hours) restoration of your service when the cause for discontinuance of the service has been corrected.

• If you have not been disconnected, you have the right to maintain your natural gas and electric service for up to thirty (30) days if you present a Certificate of Need issued by the Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources between November and the end of March. • If you have been disconnected due to nonpayment, you have the right to have your natural gas or electric service reconnected be tween the months of November through March provided you: 1. Present a Certificate of Need issued by the Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources, and 2. Pay one third (1/3) of your outstanding bill ($200 maximum) , and 3. Accept referral to the Human Resources’ Weatherization Pro gram, and 4. Agree to a repayment schedule that will cause your bill to become current by October 15. • You have the right to contact the Public Service Commission regard ing any dispute that you have been unable to resolve with your utility. Call Toll Free 1-800-772-4636 . • You have the right to contact the Federal Communications Commis sion regarding any dispute you are unable to resolve.

Federal Communications Commission / FCC 445 12th Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554

Web Address: www.fcc.gov Toll Free: 1-888-225-5322

TTY: 1-888-835-5322 Fax: 1-866-418-0232



HTC- Protecting Your Telephone Records A Law passed by Congress and FCC rules impose a requirement on telephone companies to protect the confidentiality of your customer information. Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. may use, disclose or permit access to your customer information only in these circum stances: (1) as required by law; (2) with your approval; and (3) in provid ing the service from which the customer information is derived.

The FCC prohibits Highland Telephone Co operative, Inc. from releasing your custom er information to you when you call except when you provide a password, which in this case would be a number that will appear in the left corner on the first page of your bill ing statement. If you should no longer have the password, then we could call back to the number of record or mail the information to the address of record.

Important Notice (Published in accordance with the provisions of Chapter No. 272, Pub lic Acts of 1955) It is illegal to fail to relinquish a party line or public pay phone when requested to do so in order that another person may make an emergency call to a fire or police department or for medical aid or ambulance service. It is also illegal to make such a request falsely, or as a pretext for making a non-emergency call. Both offenses are misdemeanors, punishable by fines up to $25.00, and imprisonment up to 10 days. Tariffs, Rules and Regulations The tariffs, rules and regulations of this company are on file in each business office of the Company and may be inspected upon applica tion. A representative of this Company will lend any assistance neces sary in securing information from such tariffs. Local Service Local service is furnished for the primary use of the subscriber, mem bers of his firm and family, employees, guest or joint users. Dial 611 to determine if a number is local or long distance. Toll Service Subscribers are responsible for all long distance service originating from or made collect to their telephones, regardless of who places or talks on the call.

If you come into the office either at a drive-thru or as a walk-in, please: (1) have your bill statement; (2) have the password (PIN number) ; or (3) provide photo ID in the name listed on the account. These regulations are to protect any of your personal information that Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. has collected in the process of providing you service. If you have any questions, please contact your local office.




Searching For Businesses From the main screen at 411HTC.com , simply enter the type of business or the name of the business that you are looking for in the BUSINESS SEARCH bar . You will be directed to a page containing all of the businesses that match your search, as well as a map indicating where each business is located (if an address was provided). By clicking on any advertiser’s address, you can get an exact location of the business on the map, as well as the option of obtaining driving directions from your own location. From the listing information on the right, you can also access a business’s ad as it appears in the Yellow Pages, visit their website, or send them a quick email (if the advertiser has chosen these options). Searching For People From the main screen, click on the PEOPLE SEARCH tab and simply enter the name of the person or people you are looking for in the SEARCH bar . You will be directed to a page containing all of the people that match your search, as well as a map indicating each You can search for residences and businesses by telephone number by clicking on the PEOPLE SEARCH tab from the main screen and entering the telephone number into the SEARCH bar . You will be directed to a page showing any person or business with the phone number that matches your search, as well as a map indicating the location (if an address was provided). Please note: Results will not contain cell phone numbers. person’s address (if an address was provided). Reverse Phone Number Search


Visit 411HTC.com on your mobile device and see what your local community has to offer!



Local calls are to & from: Morgan, Scott and McCreary Counties

Direct Distance Dialing From all Exchanges If You Cannot Determine The Area Code From The Area Code Map On Page 18

Complete your call to non-dialable cities Furnish the area code for dialable cities {

Dial “Operator” He/She Will

Contact your local branch office if you are not sure if a call is local or long distance for you. Dial 611

For Example

On Calls Within Your Area Code 423 Dial the Access Code 1 (this connects you with the Direct Distance Dialing equipment) . Next dial the AREA CODE and then dial the SEVEN NUMERALS of the TELEPHONE NUMBER.

On Calls Outside Your Area Code Dial the Access Code 1 (this connects you with the Direct Distance Dialing equipment) . Next dial the AREA CODE and then dial the SEVEN NUMERALS of the TELEPHONE NUMBER.










Dial 1 + Area Code

Plus 555-2368

Dial 1

Plus 301

Plus 555-2368

No Charge Will Be Made When The Line Is Busy Dialing Direct is Easy… Dialing Direct is Fast…

1. You can dial direct to more than 40,000,000 telephones. 2. You save time on all long distance calls. 3. You can take advantage of the low station-to-station rates on all calls.



How to Use Direct Distance Dialing The United States and Canada are divided into more than 100 telephone areas, each identified by a three-digit area code. (See map on Page 18.) This system makes it possible for you to have Direct Distance Dialing. With DDD, you can dial your own station-to station calls, when the number you are calling has seven numerals.

If You Know The AREA CODE & Number... 1. On Calls Inside The 423 Or 606 Area Dial 1 + Area Code and then the TELEPHONE NUMBER. 2. On Calls Outside The 423 Or 606 Area Dial 1 and then the appropriate AREA CODE and the TELEPHONE NUMBER. 3. If You Reach A Wrong Number Dial 611 or 423-628-2121 to obtain the name and number of a questionable number.

If You Don’t Know the AREA CODE OR NUMBER... 1. How To Get The Area Code

Check the map showing the Area Codes for each state on Page 18. If you cannot determine the Area Code for the place you wish to call, dial the operator and he/she will be happy to assist you. A charge may apply. 2. How To Get The Number If you don’t know the out-of-town number, you can dial the Infor mation Operator serving distant places. Dial 1, then the area code, then 555-1212. When the Information Operator answers, first give them the city or town, then the name and address you are calling. A charge may apply. 3. Dial The Call Following The Instructions In Left Column Of This Page.



Long Distance Dialing is now available. You can dial all of your calls by following instructions below:

Station Calls Dial Local Number ...................................................................................................................................................Number Other Within the 423 or 606 Area................................................................................. Area 1 + Area Code + Number Other Outside the 423 or 606 Area ..............................................................................Area 1 + Area Code + Number Directory Assistance Local ..................................................................................................................................................................1 + 411 Within the 423 or 606 Area................................................................................................. 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 Outside the 423 or 606 Area ..............................................................................................1 + Area Code + 555-1212 Emergencies ..........................................................................................................................................................911 Long Distance Calls Please consult your carrier for a more accurate rate.

Tennessee 423/729 Overlay To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Tennessee Public Utilities Commission ap proved the addition of the new 729 Area Code to the geographic region served by 423 – this is called an Area Code Overlay. The Area Code overlay will require changes to the way you dial a local call. The new dialing procedure requires callers to dial the full ten-digit telephone number (Area Code + seven-digit telephone number) to complete local calls. Permissive ten-digit dialing begins August 5, 2024. As of this date, you should begin using the new dialing procedure whenever you place local calls. Mandatory ten-digit dialing begins February 5, 2025. As of this date, you must dial ten digits to complete a local call, or your call will not be completed. What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed. You will continue to dial 1 + area code + seven-digit telephone number for all long distance calls.



Alamo ................................. 731 Ardmore .............................. 931 Ashland City ................ 615/629 Athens ................................ 423 Atoka .................................. 901 Bell Buckle.......................... 931 Bells .................................... 731 Benton ................................ 423 Big Sandy ........................... 731 Bolivar................................. 731 Bristol.................................. 423 Brownsville ......................... 731 Bruceton ............................. 731 Bulls Gap ............................ 423 Camden .............................. 731 Carthage ...................... 615/629 Centerville........................... 931 Charleston .......................... 423 Chattanooga ....................... 423 Clarksville ........................... 931 Cleveland............................ 423 Clinton ................................ 865 Columbia ............................ 931 Cookeville ........................... 931 Covington ........................... 901 Cowan ................................ 931 Crossville ............................ 931 Dandridge ........................... 865 Dayton ................................ 423 Decatur ............................... 423 Dickson ........................ 615/629 Dyersburg ........................... 731 Elizabethton ........................ 423 Etowah................................ 423 Fairview ....................... 615/629 Farragut .............................. 865

Franklin ........................ 615/629 Gallatin ........................ 615/629 Gatlinburg ........................... 865 Gibson ................................ 731 Gleason .............................. 731 Goodlettsville ............... 615/629 Greenbrier ................... 615/629 Greeneville ......................... 423 Greenfield ........................... 731 Halls.................................... 731 Hampshire .......................... 931 Hampton ............................. 423 Harriman ............................. 865 Hartsville ...................... 615/629 Henderson .......................... 731 Hendersonville ............. 615/629 Hornbeak ............................ 731 Humboldt ............................ 731 Huntingdon ......................... 731 Huntland ............................. 931 Huntsville ............................ 423 Jackson .............................. 731 Jasper ................................. 423 Jefferson City......................865 Jellico.................................. 423 Johnson City....................... 423 Jonesborough ..................... 423 Kenton ................................ 731 Kingsport ............................ 423 Kingston.............................. 865 Knoxville ............................. 865 La Follette........................... 423 La Vergne .................... 615/629 Lafayette ...................... 615/629 Lawrenceburg ..................... 931 Lebanon....................... 615/629

Lenoir City .......................... 865 Lewisburg ........................... 931 Livingston ........................... 931 Lynchburg ........................... 931 Lynnville.............................. 931 Madisonville ........................ 423 Manchester ......................... 931 Maryville ............................. 865 Mason ................................. 901 Maury City .......................... 731 McEwen .............................. 931 McKenzie ............................ 731 McMinnville ......................... 931 Medina ................................ 731 Middleton ............................ 731 Milan ................................... 731 Milledgeville ........................ 731 Morristown .......................... 423 Moscow .............................. 901 Mount Juliet ................. 615/629 Mount Pleasant...................931 Munford .............................. 901 Murfreesboro ............... 615/629 Nashville ...................... 615/629 Newbern ............................. 731 Newport .............................. 423 Nolensville ................... 615/629 Oak Ridge...........................865 Obion .................................. 731 Old Hickory .................. 615/629 Oliver Springs ..................... 423 Paris ................................... 731 Pleasant View.............. 615/629 Portland ....................... 615/629 Prospect ............................. 931 Pulaski ................................ 931

Red Boiling Springs..... 615/629 Ridgely................................ 731 Ripley.................................. 731 Rives................................... 731 Rockwood ........................... 865 Rogersville .......................... 423 Savannah ........................... 731 Sevierville ........................... 865 Sewanee............................. 931 Shelbyville .......................... 931 Smithville ..................... 615/629 Smyrna ........................ 615/629 Soddy-Daisy ....................... 423 Somerville .................... 731/901 South Fulton ....................... 731 South Pittsburgh ................. 423 Springfield.................... 615/629 Spring Hill ........................... 931 Sweetwater ......................... 423 Tiptonville ........................... 731 Trenton ............................... 731 Triune .......................... 615/629 Troy .................................... 731 Tullahoma ........................... 931 Union City ........................... 731 Wartrace ............................. 931 Watertown ................... 615/629 Waverly............................... 931 Westmoreland ............. 615/629 White Pine .......................... 865 Whiteville ............................ 731 Whitwell .............................. 423 Winchester.......................... 931

Long Distance Information: Dial “1” plus the area code for the place you want, plus 555-1212 For numbers in area 615/629: Dial “1” plus the area code, plus 555-1212



Adairville ............................. 270 Albany................................. 606 Allen.................................... 606 Allock .................................. 606 Ashland............................... 606 Auburn ................................ 270 Barbourville......................... 606 Bardstown........................... 502 Beaver Dam........................270 Benton ................................ 270 Berea .................................. 859 Bowling Green .................... 270 Burkesville .......................... 270 Cadiz .................................. 270 Campbellsville .................... 270 Carrollton ............................ 502 Cave City ............................ 270 Central City......................... 270 Columbia ............................ 270 Corbin ................................. 606 Covington ........................... 859 Cumberland ........................ 606 Cynthiana ........................... 859 Danville ............................... 859 Dawson Springs ................. 270 Drakesboro ......................... 270 Elizabethtown ..................... 270 Elkton.................................. 270 Erlanger .............................. 859

Evarts ................................. 606 Fedscreek ........................... 606 Florence.............................. 859 Fort Campbell ..................... 270 Fort Knox ............................ 502 Fountain Run ...................... 270 Frankfort ............................. 502 Franklin ..............................270 Gamaliel ............................. 270 Georgetown ........................ 502 Gilbertsville ......................... 270 Glasgow.............................. 270 Grayson .............................. 606 Greensburg......................... 270 Greenville ........................... 270 Guthrie ................................ 270 Hardinsburg ........................ 270 Harlan ................................. 606 Harrodsburg........................ 859 Hazard ................................ 606 Henderson .......................... 270 Hodgenville ......................... 270 Hopkinsville ........................ 270 Horse Cave.........................270 Hyden ................................. 606 Independence ..................... 859 Irvine ................................... 606 Jamestown ......................... 270 Jarvis .................................. 606

Jenkins ............................... 606 Kirksey ................................ 270 Lancaster ............................ 859 Lawrenceburg ..................... 502 Lebanon.............................. 270 Lewisburg ........................... 270 Lexington ............................ 859 Liberty ................................. 606 London................................ 606 Louisville ............................. 502 Madisonville ........................ 270 Mammoth Cave .................. 270 Manchester ......................... 606 Marion................................. 270 Mayfield .............................. 270 Maysville ............................. 606 Meads ................................. 606 Middlesboro ........................ 606 Monticello ........................... 606 Morehead ........................... 606 Morganfield ......................... 270 Morgantown ........................ 270 Mount Sterling .................... 859 Mount Vernon ..................... 606 Murray ................................ 270 Nicholasville........................ 859 Oak Grove .......................... 270 Olmstead ............................ 270 Owensboro ......................... 270

Paducah ............................. 270 Paintsville ........................... 606 Paris ................................... 859 Park City ............................. 270 Pembroke ........................... 270 Pikeville .............................. 606 Pine Knot ............................ 606 Pineville .............................. 606 Prestonburg ........................ 606 Princeton ............................ 270 Radcliff................................ 270 Richmond ........................... 859 Russell Springs...................270 Russellville.......................... 270 Scottsville ........................... 270 Shelbyville .......................... 502 Smiths Grove...................... 270 Somerset ............................ 606 Stanford .............................. 606 Tompkinsville ...................... 270 Trenton ............................... 270 Versailles ............................ 859 Walton ................................ 859 Whitley City......................... 606 Williamsburg ....................... 606 Williamstown....................... 859 Winchester.......................... 859

Long Distance Information: Dial “1” plus the area code for the place you want, plus 555-1212


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