

Call Trace Call Trace (*57) allows a customer to automatically initiate a trace of the LAST INCOMING CALL. After receiving such a call, the customer simply hangs up, lifts the receiver to get a dial tone, and then dials *57. To get a copy of the traced call, you must go through the County Attor ney’s office (Kentucky) or the Attorney General’s office (Tennessee) and have a court order sent to HTC. A charge may apply. In Tennessee dial 877-537-0538 . Anonymous Call Rejection (*77) blocks incoming PRIVATE NUMBERS. It will give the following recording: The number you have reached is not accepting calls from private numbers, please hang up; reverse your number privacy and try calling again. To allow incoming PRIVATE NUMBERS, dial *87. Teen Line Teen Line works on the same line as the parents, but has a different Cancel Call Waiting (*70) allows subscribers to prevent any in coming calls from Call Waiting on their line. This is helpful when using a fax machine or computer. To activate, *70 must be dialed each time. Cancel Call Waiting feature deactivates after each use. Toll Restrict With PIN Number Dial the long distance number, followed by the PIN number and the # sign. In Kentucky dial 376-2333 or 376-5061 . Anonymous Call Rejection phone number and a different ring. Cancel Call Waiting

Repeat Dialing Repeat Dialing (*66) will automatically REDIAL the LAST OUT GOING call. To Deactivate Dial *86. Selective Call Rejection Selective Call Rejection (*60) blocks unwanted calls and routes them to an announcement which states that you do not wish to receive calls at that time. You may place up to SIX NUMBERS on the Call Rejection list. Follow the prompts. Priority Ringing Priority Ringing (*61) alerts you with a short-long ring when you receive a call from a number on your Priority Ringing list. When other numbers call, your phone will ring the normal 2 seconds of ringing, 4 seconds of silence cycle. You may place up to SIX NUMBERS on this list. Follow the prompts. Preferred Call Forwarding Preferred Call Forwarding (*63) allows you to create a list of phone numbers that are to be forwarded to a designated number when they call you. You may program up to SIX NUMBERS on this list. When you activate this service, and a call arrives from a phone number that

appears on your list, the call is forwarded. Selective Call Acceptance

Selective Call Acceptance (*64) allows only those numbers on the Selective Call list to ring your number. Other calls are routed to an announcement that informs them that calls have been blocked or rejected. You may program up to SIX NUMBERS on this list. Follow the prompts.


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