

Credit For Loss Of Service You are entitled to a partial refund of your line service charge if your line is out of service 24 hours or more, and you have notified the telephone company’s repair service that you are unable to make or receive calls. When you receive your bill, call your service representative and report how long your line was out of service. You will receive a credit on your next monthly bill. Employees Carry Company Identi fi cation Cards For your safety, in larger communities every Highland Telephone Co operative employee is required to carry an identification card showing his/her name and photograph. To verify that a person is from the Tele phone Company, please ask to see his/her ID card. It is illegal for another person to charge long distance calls to your number or Calling Card without your permission. Persons placing such calls are subject to prosecution. Cautions Don’t Use Your Telephone: • While you are in the bathtub, shower or swimming pool. Electrical shock can be caused if a telephone handset is dropped into water. • During an electrical storm. A slight risk of electrical shock from light ning may occur. While our equipment is designed to limit abnormal electrical surges, it is impossible to stop them all. • Near a suspected gas leak. Electrical contacts in your telephone could cause a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. It’s not likely, but this spark might trigger an explosion if there’s enough gas in the area. Fraudulent Callers Are Subject To Prosecution

Unlawful Wiretapping It is a crime under federal and state laws for any person, including a telephone subscriber, to wiretap or otherwise intercept a telephone call, unless that person has first obtained the consent of one of the parties actually participating in the call. Properly authorized law en forcement officers can engage in interceptions without the consent of either party when proceeding under court orders issued pursuant to applicable provisions of federal law. To report suspected wiretapping, call 423-628-2121 . Tariffs For information about tariffs, you can write to the address below. Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 119 Sunbright, TN 37872 How To Use

The Dial Telephone Dial 611 For Assistance

If at any time you wish further information re garding the procedure to follow in making calls of any kind, dial “611” and ask him/her for the information desired. If you fail to hear the ringing signal or busy signal after repeated attempts to reach a number, or if you have any other diffi culty in completing a call, contact your

local branch office by dialing 611. If you are not sure if a call is local or long distance, please dial 611 for assistance.


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