Bills and Payments
Residence telephones are installed on the understanding that they will be used for normal social purposes and not in connection with any business. Advertising residence telephone numbers for business pur- poses will be considered sufficient cause for the Telephone Company to charge the business rate without further notice. This Company reserves the right to change the number of any subscriber. Customer Provided Equipment Customer provided equipment may not be connected to Telephone Cooperative facilities unless it is registered or otherwise approved through the FCC and meets the conditions set forth in the Coopera- tive’s tariffs. It may be directly attached or connected with the facilities provided by the Telephone Cooperative after advance notification to the Telephone Cooperative, by the customer, of the type of equipment to be connected and the type of Telephone Cooperative facility re- quired to make the connections. These rules and tariffs are designed to meet the convenience of the customer and at the same time protect the telephone network against any possible hazards to customers and Cooperative employees. A service charge may be incurred if the Telephone Cooperative visits the premises of the customer and the service difficulty or trouble is found to have been caused by the customer’s equipment or facilities. If you have any questions concerning the use of customer-provided equipment, please contact your Business Office. Business Transactions Business transactions and applications for service, changes in or ad- ditions to existing service may be made by telephone or in person with the Company’s local Business Offices. The offices are closed on Satur- days, Sundays and generally observed legal holidays. Office hours are 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. E.S.T. Mon. thru Fri.
Telephone bills are rendered monthly and are due when rendered. They cover local service charges in advance for a one-month period from the date of the bill and long distance service charges in arrears for a one-month pe- riod ending ten days prior to the date of the bill. Bills are payable on or before the tenth day of the billing pe- riod in which the bill is ren- dered. We ask your cooper- ation in the prompt payment of all amounts due. Where Bills May Be Paid
Bills may be paid in person at any of our Business Offices, or by mail, or at any local bank. Auto draft and online bill pay are available. Bills may be paid by phone. Dial 800-731-7083. Errors In This Directory Every effort is made to prevent errors in this directory. However, the Company cannot and does not assume any liability for any errors or omissions in the compiling, printing or distributing of its directory. Some- times, in spite of care and attention, errors will be made. Please check your listing in the directory. If it is not correct, please call the Business Office at 423-628-2121 so that it may be corrected in the next issue. Emergency Service We make every effort to assist our customers in case of emergency. Should you experience the misfortune of fire, flood, or any other disas- ter which renders your premises unusable, please communicate with us at once. The Company stands ready to arrange for an immediate transfer of calls, or for the installation of temporary service or other facilities until permanent arrangements are provided. Dial 611. Collect Calls Charges for out-of-town calls will be put on the bill of the called par- ty if someone at the called telephone agrees to accept the charges. Charges may be reversed on all classes of calls with a few exceptions. Rates have increased a lot over the past couple of years for this type of call. Overseas Calls Ask Highland Communications For More Information. Service is available from your telephone to a large number of points all over the world. Information on the availability of telephone service to overseas points, and the rates applicable thereto, may be obtained from the long distance carrier.
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