Edwards Donald E & Gloria 1611 Wilderness Trail Oneida....................... 569-8281 Edwards Greg Neal 2050 Litton Rd Oneida.................................... 569-4052 Edwards Jessica 3645 Cherry Fork Rd Helenwood................ 286-8820 Edwards Kylee 1217 Cherry Fork Rd Helenwood................ 569-4768 Edwards Michael 17385 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-6168 Egerton Hardin & Patricia 300 White Oak Creek Ln Robbins............... 627-2749 Elder Raymond 2649 Ridge Road Robbins............................. 627-4483 ELGIN CHURCH OF CHRIST 130 Rugby Hwy Robbins............................... 627-4423 ELGIN POST OFFICE 179 Rugby Hwy Robbins............................... 627-2379 Or........................................................................... 627-2390 Elliott Wayne Franklin Jr 770 Niggs Creek Rd Oneida.......................... 569-2517 Ellis Andrew 900 West Third Ave Oneida........................... 569-3150 Ellis Angelia D 1275 Pine Creek Rd Oneida........................... 569-2861 Ellis Angie M 1897 Norma Rd Huntsville............................ 663-5119 Ellis Ashley & Toya 1589 Baker Hwy Huntsville............................ 663-2393 Ellis Benny & Mary L 126 Elwood Ellis Ln Oneida........................... 569-4174 Ellis Calvert E 270 Stephens Ln Oneida................................ 569-8054 Ellis Carrie Lee 984 Marcumtown Rd Oneida........................ 569-4553 Ellis Charles W 190 Parkview Dr Oneida................................. 286-6470 Ellis Chris 201 Rector Dr Huntsville........... 663-3342 Ellis Chris & Sharon 320 Hatfield Cir Oneida................................... 286-9905 Ellis Cliff & Amy 347 North Main St Oneida............................. 569-7904 Ellis Clifton L 10386 Buffalo Rd Oneida............................... 663-2887 Ellis Connie 180 Green Meadow Dr Winfield................... 286-7743 Ellis David Brian 200 New Light Cir Winfield............................ 569-6470 Ellis David & Elaine 651 C E Todd Rd Elgin.................................... 627-4158 Ellis Dee & Elsie 492 Thompson Ln Robbins........................... 627-2894 Ellis Dianna 1130 Old County Garage Rd Helenwood.......................................................... 569-4403 Ellis Emily 990 Black Oak Rd Oneida......... 286-9337 Ellis Gracie 375 High St Elgin...................... 627-2013 Ellis Harlan & Brandy 410 Cherokee Dr Helenwood........................ 286-7202 Ellis Jon T 124 Buck Ridge Rd Oneida...... 286-7733 Ellis Karen 208 Rocky Branch Loop Huntsville............. 663-4758 Ellis Kathy 3012 Old Hwy 27 Robbins....... 627-2077 Ellis Larry L 912 Helenwood Detour Rd Helenwood..... 569-8223 16 EDWARDS—FINAMORE
Ellis Leshia 270 Hillcrest Dr Oneida.......... 569-5345 Ellis Lessa 550 Pine Hill Rd Oneida........... 569-6372 Ellis Lindsey 9762 Baker Hwy Huntsville............................ 663-3416 Ellis Lissa G 743 Dexter Laxton Rd Oneida....................... 569-6791 Ellis Melanie 310 Vine Ave Oneida............ 286-7282 Ellis Michael Eric 196 White Oak Creek Ln Robbins............... 627-4420 Ellis Michelle 3790 Phillips Flats Rd Oneida....................... 569-3256 ELLIS MINI STORAGE 173 Oral Dr Helenwood.................................. 663-3342 Ellis Pam S 577 Stanley St Oneida............. 569-8069 ELLIS PAWN & GUN SHOP 19191 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-8131 Ellis Ray 144 Mike Jones Rd Robbins....... 627-4273 Ellis Rebecca J 193 Phillips Flats Rd Oneida......................... 569-3057 Ellis Ronald E 2867 Phillips Flats Rd Oneida....................... 569-5919 ELLIS SALES 19191 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-8198 Fax......................................................................... 569-5208 Ellis Sandra 480 Sextons Lane Pioneer.... 663-9712 Ellis Sara 13182 Scott Hwy Helenwood.... 286-8099 Ellis Scarlett E 919 Meadow Creek Dr Oneida...................... 569-2428 Ellis Spencer & Leesa 510 Seamon Keeton Ln Huntsville.............. 663-8199 Ellis Thurman L 176 Bond Cir Oneida...... 663-2929 Ellis Travis 684 West Ln Pioneer................ 663-8458 Ellis Wesley 232 Lafayette St Oneida........ 569-6378 Ellis William A Jr 367 High St Elgin......... 627-2615 Ellison Kris 203 High St Elgin...................... 627-3231 Ellison Rhonda 661 Ali Pvt Ln Huntsville................................ 663-8387 Elmore William A 2938 Ditney Trail Pioneer............................... 663-3018 EL REY AZTECA 19816 Alberta St Oneida................................ 286-6100 Elwartowski Joseph & Shirley 1958 Ditney Trail Pioneer............................... 663-3602 Emmons Stephanie 320 Wild Turkey Trail Oneida........................ 286-7746 Emory Charles W 309 Hillcrest Dr Oneida................................... 569-3196 ENGINEERED FITNESS 137 Litton Rd Oneida...................................... 569-4880 20473 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-3827 Epperson Kevin Ray 3292 West Robbins Rd Robbins................. 627-2762 Epperson Lola 103 Old Brimstone Rd Helenwood.............. 663-9111 Erwin Rena 433 Rolling Meadows Ln Oneida................. 569-4087 Erwin Timothy & Stephanie 510 Jane Phillips Rd Oneida......................... 569-6425 Eskew Emilee 7811 Gum Fork Rd Winfield.......................... 569-3430 Eskew Kalab 181 Pryor Rd Robbins.......... 627-2142 Eskew Ruth 344 Pryor Rd Robbins............ 627-2194 Etheridge Angel 303 Hunter St Oneida.... 569-7052 Evans Argie 105 South Cross St Oneida........................... 286-3128
Evans Derita 575 Black Oak Rd Oneida.... 569-7055 Evans Sammy James 521 Black Oak Rd Oneida............................... 569-9521 EXPRESS MARKET & DELI 1128 Baker Hwy Huntsville............................ 663-1000 EYE CENTER OF ONEIDA THE 18730 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-6822 F Failor Gene 572 South Lake Dr Oneida..... 569-8791 FAIRVIEW MINI STORAGE 111 Lowe Rd Huntsville.................................. 663-2145 FAMILY & PEDIATRIC CARE CLINIC 19067 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-2756 Fax......................................................................... 569-2754 Fancher Bobby Reed ..................................... 663-3730 Fancher Melissa 155 Verdun Rd Oneida.................................... 569-3110 Fancher Norma Jean 302 Vine Ave Oneida........................................ 569-8501 Fancher Ray 241 Honeycutt Rd Oneida.... 663-4005 Fancil Charles H 5465 Upper Jellico Creek Rd Winfield....... 569-6925 FARM BUREAU OF SCOTT COUNTY 20069 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-5118 FARM CREDIT MID-AMERICA 260 South Bank St Oneida............................. 569-4147 Farmer Stephen & Peggy 266 Copperhead Ln Pioneer.......................... 663-8241 FARMERS FURNITURE 19874 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-7030 FARMERS INSURANCE OF SCOTT COUNTY 18722 Alberta St Oneida............ 569-9897 FAST CHANGE LUBE & OIL 19588 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-2020 FAST PACE URGENT CARE 19536 Alberta St Oneida................................ 569-3278 Fax Line................................................................ 569-4414 FASTENAL COMPANY PURCHASING & AFL 18025 Alberta St Oneida................................ 286-6764 Or........................................................................... 286-6765 Or........................................................................... 286-6766 Faulkner Jessica 593 Cooper Lake Rd Oneida......................... 286-8273 Fayer Steven 144 North Main St Oneida............................. 286-8516 Ferguson Delia & Michael Prewitt 260 Center St Oneida...................................... 286-8688 Ferguson Harley 700 Old Litton Pl Oneida................................ 569-3606 Ferguson Shaun 6258 Buffalo Rd Oneida.................................. 569-2308 Ferguson William J 2344 Bear Creek Rd Oneida.......................... 569-5566 Fernandez Genevieve 436 Strunk Rd Winfield.................................. 286-8288 Fetterman Sherman 395 Ashley Ln Oneida..................................... 569-4389 Fields Joseph W 520 Cooper Lake Rd Oneida......................... 569-5913 FILL N FOODS Hwy 27 Helenwood............ 663-2749 Finamore James And Tina 277 Shirley Lane Oneida................................ 569-4498
Scott County
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