Harrisonburg Pages
Includes Business Listings for the Following Counties: ROCKINGHAM PAGE
The publisher cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing in this directory or the complete absence of errors or omissions. Please note that advertisers under certain headings (e.g., electrical contractors, lawyers, physicians, plumbers) may be subject to licensing requirements, and the publisher does not and cannot guarantee that each advertiser has complied with those requirements. For more information, contact the advertiser or the appropriate trade organization or regulatory agency. The publisher does not assume any liability for inaccurate information appearing in advertisements, errors or omissions, or the failure of an advertiser to comply with applicable licensing requirements.
Abortion Alternatives Organizations listed at this heading provide as sistance, counseling, and/or information on abortion alternatives. They DO NOT provide counseling or information on the attainment of abortions. Shenandoah County Pregnancy Center 28 Cedar Wood Lane Ednbrg............... 984–4673 Abstracters Lawyer's Title/Hburg-Rham Agency Inc 66 W Water Hburg ............................... 433–8112 Abuse Information & Treatment Centers > SeeAlcoholismInformation& Treatment Centers;Cisris InterventionService;DomestiAcbuse Information& TreatmenCt enters;Durg Abuse& Addiction-Ionrfmation& Treatment Accountants FRAN’S BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICE INC DAVID GOOD & FRAN MARSH * ENROLLED AGENTS 49 YEARS IN BUSINESS * OPEN YEAR AROUND ACCOUNTING * BOOKKEEPING * PAYROLL SERVICES TAX RETURNS * INDIVIDUALS & BUSINESS FransTaxService.com 1248 E Main St Luray................... 540 743-3255 Kiser Ralph E CPA PC 1910 Erickson Ave Hburg..................... 574–0881 Tate Financial Services 1910 Erickson Ave Hburg..................... 434–9447 What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Accountants-Certified Public
Accounting & Bookkeeping Systems
Advantage Accounting & Tax Solutions Inc 721 N Main St Hburg ........................... 434–1706 Babb John O Jr PC 311 E Main St Luray............................. 743–7804 Bradley Thomas & Matthew Close CPA 1680 Valley Rd Berkeley Springs ........................... 304–258–4742 Bradley Thomas & Matthew Close CPA 418 N Potomac St Hagerstown ... 301–790–3535 Bradley Thomas & Matthew Close CPA 5462 Williamsport Pike Martinsburg ................................... 304–820–1040 Brown Edwards 124 Newman Hburg ..... 564–3139 Brown Edwards & Company LLP 124 Newman Ave Hburg ...................... 434–6736 Daugharty George CPA PC Wdstck......... 459–9000 Dees Larry CPA 207 Collins Ave Luray... 743–7133 Harrison Debra W CPA PLLC OrknySp ... 856–3550 J Richard Jenkins 1910 Erickson Av Hburg....................... 801–0809 Kathy Sizemore CPA 420 Neff Ave Hburg.............................. 217–5263 Kleese Richard B CPA 600 Sandy Hook Rd Strsbrg ................ 465–8498 Loker C Wayne CPA LLC 1951-H Evelyn Byrd Av Hburg.............. 437–2350 Magri Maxine Z CPA 451 University Blvd Ste B Hburg......... 433–8483 Martin Beachy & Arehart PLLC 209 N High St Hburg............................ 433–2488 Michael S Miller CPA PLLC 4061 Quarles Ct Hburg ........................ 437–0551 Miller & Jameson LLP 202 N Liberty St Hburg ........................ 434–3825 Rush Amy L CPA 92 N Liberty St Hburg .......................... 433–2601 Young Nicholas Branner & Phillips LLP 1041 S High St Hburg .......................... 433–2581
GFK Consulting 808 E Main St Luray ..... 743–7707 Acupuncture RIGGLEMAN CHIROPRACTIC & CHRONIC CONDITION CLINIC 401 University Blvd Ste B Hburg..... 434–8962 Adult Homes Brill's Adult Home 8 E Old Barn Rd Luray ......................... 743–3144 Good Life Corp Good Life Administration 178 Early St New Market ................................................ 740–4688 Good Life Station 9595 S Congress St New Market ................................................ 740–2684 Corson House 179 W Lee St New Market ................................................ 740–4333 Pickering Place 178 Early St New Market ................................................ 740–3979 The Apartment 178 Early St New Market ................................................ 740–4131 Greenfield Of Woodstock 935 Ox Rd Wdstck................................ 459–2525 Advertising Agencies & Counselors
Gallant Communications Hburg ............... 289–6882
Save money by buying the least expensive dishwasher soap, then add a few teaspoons of vinegar to the dishwasher. The vinegar cuts the grease and leaves the dishes spot-free and sparkling.
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