Storm Windows & Doors
Swimming Pool Contractors, Dealers & Designers
Andrew Johns Water Hauling Serving Southern Shenandoah County Water hauled from our spring
Armstrong E W Co 318 N Braddock St Winc...................... 667–1525 Stoves-Wood, Coal, Gas, Pellet, Etc.-Retail Acme Stove Co 1702 E Market St Hburg ...................... 433–9181 Jamie's Chimney Service Strsbrg............ 465–4679 Stripe Painters > SeePavingContar ctors Stucco & Exterior Coating Contractors Schuit Plastering & Stucco 8781 Old Rugged Ln Brdway ............... 896–3093 Stump Grinding & Removal Gray's Tree Service Inc 340 Hunt Club Ln Maurtwn.................. 436–3578 Suicide Prevention Service Concern Hotline........................................ 743–3733 Harrisonburg-Rockingham Community Services Board Emergency Services.............................. 434–1766 Surgeons > SeePhysicians& Surgeons-.DO.;Physicians& Surgeons-M.D Surveyors-Land Benner & Associates Inc Fax ......................................................... 574–2975 8 Pleasant Hill Rd Hburg ..................... 434–0267 Dodson Archie J Jr Surveying ................ 843–0608 Himelright & Associates Surveyors Ofc 694 Red Bud Rd Strasburg ........... 465–8767 Jellum Robert 247 Divot Hburg.................................... 434–5256 LELLOCK CONSULTING PC 2350 5th St Mdltwn.......................... 533–6728 Newman Surveying Mt Jksn.................... 743–1009 Owens & Associates 1000 S High St Hburg .......................... 433–8755 VALLEY ENGINEERING 4901 Crowe Drive MtCrwfd ............. 434–6365 VALLEY SURVEYING PLLC Michelle Hawkins Biller Land Surveyor www.valleysurveying.com E-Mail: valleysurvey@yahoo.com WALSH LAND SURVEYS PLC 309 S Main St Wdstck ..................... 459–3724 Use a meat baster to “squeeze” your pancake batter onto the hot griddle and you’ll get perfectly shaped pancakes every time. 7911 Senedo Rd Mt Jksn ............. 540 477-3686
E Rockingham Rec Association 4820 Shen Lake Hburg......................... 434–6030 POOL & SPA SUPPLY INC 18693 Old Valley Pike Ednbrg.......... 459–7100 Pool & Spa Supply Inc 18693 Old Valley Pike Ednbrg.............. 459–7101 UNCLE D'S POOLS & SPAS 13 East Luray Shopping Center Luray .................................................. 843–0715 Valley Pool & Spa 600 University Blvd Hburg ................... 433–2762 Swimming Pool Equipment & Supplies Electric Motor Sales & Service Inc 1640 N Valley Pke Hburg..................... 434–6466 POOL & SPA SUPPLY INC 18693 Old Valley Pike Ednbrg.......... 459–7100 UNCLE D'S POOLS & SPAS 13 East Luray Shopping Center Luray .................................................. 843–0715 Swimming Pool Service & Repair Johns Water Hauling 1040 Lutz Hollow Rd Mt Jksn.............. 477–2816 See Our Display Ad This Page POOL & SPA SUPPLY INC 18693 Old Valley Pike Ednbrg.......... 459–7100 Uncle D's Pools & Spas 13 E Luray Shopping Ctr Luray............ 843–0715 Swimming Pools-Public Edinburg Pool 220 Park Rd Ednbrg ........ 984–4884 Mt Jackson Town Pool 326 Wunder St Mt Jksn ....................... 477–2670 Tank Cleaning Septech Septic Pumping & Services 212 W Washington St Strsbrg............. 465–4079 Tanning Salons Clip & Curl Beauty Salon 121 E King St Strsbrg .......................... 465–5731 Shenandoah Video & Tan 442 W Reservoir Rd Woodstock.......... 459–5444
Pools • Cisterns Hot Tubs Filled
1040 Lutz Hollow Rd. • Mt. Jackson, VA Scheduled Deliveries Weekend Deliveries By Appointment Never Run Out Of Water 540-477-2816
Griffith Bag Co 510 Waterman Dr Hburg ..................... 433–2615 Rockingham Canvas 188 Charles St Hburg........................... 434–7171 Tattooing Artistically Inklined Tattooing 2185 S Main St Hburg.......................... 574–0155 Champion Tattoo Company 125 S Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–4449 Champion Tattoo Co Inc 117 E King St Strsbrg .......................... 465–4449 Dreamland Tattoo 1887 S Main St Hburg.......................... 433–3036 Shell Shock Tattoo Studio 21 N Broad St Luray ............................ 843–2000 Tax Consultants Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 101 Founders Way Strsbrg .................. 465–5663 Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 101 Founders Way Strsbrg .................. 465–8849 Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 101 Founders Way Strsbrg .................. 465–9592 Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 101 Founders Way Strsbrg .................. 465–9652 Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 484 N Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–2375 Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 484 N Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–5654 Hrb Tax Group H + R Block 484 N Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–5862 Martin Beachy & Arehart PLLC 209 N High St Hburg............................ 433–2488 S L P Accounting LLC 140 E King St Strsbrg .......................... 465–5353 If you drop a can of soda or it gets shaken up, to keep it from exploding when you pop the top,use your thumb
Make a paste out of white corn meal and white vinegar. Coat the tarnished brass with this paste and leave on for five minutes. Wipe off with a soft clean cloth and tarnish will be gone. Buff with a soft clean cloth.
and middle finger to thump up and down the side of the can as you rotate it for about 20 seconds. Then you can pop the top and enjoy.
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