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BURNER WELL DRILLING, INC COMPLETE PUMP INSTALLATION & SERVICE Residential - Farm - Commercial - Industrial Delivering Quality, Value & Service For Over 55 Years
George's Inc Ofc 19992 Senedo Rd Edinburg........... 984–4121 USDA...................................................... 984–6808 Traffic/Dispatch..................................... 984–6815 Garage ................................................... 984–6817 Employee Call Ins ................................. 984–4121 New Market Poultry Products Nw Mrkt. 740–4260 Pre-School > SeeChildCareCenters Pressure Washers SPOTLESS SPECIALTY CLEANING AND RESTORATION Hburg ................................................. 434–1292 Pressure Washing Service Spotless Specialty Cleaning And Restoration ............................................................... 434–1292 Wetzel Painting Co................................... 433–8506 Printers Luray Copy Service Inc 27 E Main St Luray............................... 743–3433 Fax Number ........................................... 743–9566 One Stop Studio Shop 262 E King St Strsbrg .......................... 465–5533 Page Printing Connection ........................ 743–7746 Pregnancy Counseling > SeeCounselors-Pregnancy
Property Management JOHNSTON & RHODES REAL ESTATE 336 S Main St Wdstck ..................... 459–9650 Prosthetic Devices Rehabilitation Practitioners Inc 333 W Cork St Winc............................. 722–9025 Virginia Prosthetics & Orthotics 1920 Medical Av Hburg ........................ 433–3831 Publishers-Book AAH Graphics Ft Vly ................................ 933–6210 Loft Press Inc Ft Vly ............................... 933–6210 Pumping Contractors Burner Well Drilling Inc Mt Jksn............ 477–2340 See Our Display Ad This Page To remove candle wax from woodwork...soften the wax with a hair dryer, then wipe up with an absorbent cloth. Finish up by washing the woodwork with a mild vinegar solution to remove any traces of the wax.
540-289-9421 www.burnerwelldrillinginc.com
Since 1961
GOULDS GPDA Professional Dealers Association
CLASS A #2701-013146A
604 Island Ford Rd., McGaheysville, VA 22840
Potato Chips
Route 11 Potato Chips 11 Edwards Way Mt Jksn.................... 477–9664 Pottery Antiques By Burt Long Nw Mrkt............. 740–3777 You Made It LLC 1019 Port Republic Rd Hburg .............. 217–2505 Poultry Equipment & Supplies George's Foods Hatchery 410 Stone Spring Rd ............ 433–4099 Poultry Specialties Inc 3711 Industrial Dr Brdway .................. 908–3906 Poultry Specialties Inc 450 Main St Dayton.............................. 879–3155 Valley Poultry Equipment 340 Mount Clinton Pike Hburg ............ 434–4423 Poultry Farms Cecil Holler Poultry 19995 Senedo Rd Ednbrg..................... 984–3777 Deerborne Farm 551 Elgin Dr Luray ...... 743–4062 Franklin Housden Poultry Farm Hwy 340 S Stnly ................................... 778–4264 Franwood Farms Inc Ofc 9700 S Congress St New Market. 740–3185 Shop 486 Franwood Ln New Market .. 740–8507 Long Hill Farm LLC 276 Countryside Ln Rilyvil.................... 743–5164 Seal's Poultry 226 Power Dam Rd Luray.................... 843–7267
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Musty suitcases can be freshened by balling up
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some newspapers and placing inside the suitcase for a few days or until you use it again. After you remove the newspaper, put some fabric softener sheets inside the suitcase to keep it smelling nice.
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