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Aimonetti Insurance 1021 S Main St Wdstck ....................... 459–2220 Fansler Kenna W Ofc 6036 Main St Mt Jackson ............. 477–3320 HAUN-MAGRUDER INC For ALL Your Insurance Needs FREE Quotes Home - Auto - Farm Commercial - Life 540-733-7149 214 N Main St Woodstock ........... 540 733-7149 See Our Display Ad At Insurance Shenandoah Mutual Fire Ins Co 660 N Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–3421 SKYLINE INSURANCE AGENCY 310 N Commerce Ave FrntRyl.......... 635–1288 Walter & Walter Insurance Agency 3186 Valley Pike Winc.......................... 662–1212 WARRIOR INSURANCE 640 Warrior Dr Suite 107 StpnCty .. 546–4646 Insurance-Life Cornerstone Insurance Solutions Cindy Williams 410 Neff Av Hburg................................ 437–9499 Insurance-Title Reed & Reed PC Attys 18 S Court Luray .................................. 743–4806 Shenandoah County Titles Inc 109 N Main St Wdstck ......................... 459–2134 Woodstock Title Corporation 123 S Muhlenberg St Wdstck .............. 459–2032 GOOD LIFE CORP Good Life Administration 178 Early St Nw Mrkt ......................................... 740–4688 Good Life Station 9595 S Congress St Nw Mrkt ............................................. 740–2684 Corson House 179 W Lee St Nw Mrkt ............................................. 740–4333 Pickering Place 178 Early St Nw Mrkt ............................................. 740–3979 The Apartment 178 Early St Nw Mrkt ............................................. 740–4131 Interior Decorators & Designers PJ DESIGNS 108 N Main St Wdstck ..................... 459–8307 Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disability To make your own window cleaner... just mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of ammonia with half a bucket of warm water. Save the mix in plastic bottles for a low cost, long lasting supply of cleaner. Interior Design Consultants > SeeInterior Decoar tors& Designers
Insurance-Automobile (Cont'd)
Morris Insurance & Finance N Main St Brdway ................................ 896–7085 SKYLINE INSURANCE AGENCY 310 N Commerce Ave FrntRyl.......... 635–1288 WARRIOR INSURANCE 640 Warrior Dr Suite 107 StpnCty .. 546–4646 WIGHTMAN INSURANCE AGENCY
Aimonetti Insurance 1021 S Main St Wdstck ....................... 459–2220 Insurance-Group Close Insurance Agency 1680 Valley Rd Berkeley Springs ........................... 304–258–3900 Insurance-Health Element Risk Management LLC 257 E King St Strsbrg .......................... 465–3772 Grimsley Candy 127 W King St Strsbrg . 465–2937 MEDICARE INSURANCE PLANS ................................................. 855–925–1474 See Our Display Ad This Page
Musty suitcases can be freshened by balling up
www.WightmanInsurance.com SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 540-908-4011
some newspapers and placing inside the suitcase for a few days or until you use it again. After you remove the newspaper, put some fabric softener sheets inside the suitcase to keep it smelling nice.
127 S Main St Ednbrg.................. 540 908-4011
New shoes are less slippery if you rub an abrasive cleaner (such as Comet or Ajax) on the sole.
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