Grand River, MO-2019


Verbick Alberta 709 Pleasant Grant City.................................... 564-3567 Verbick Clinton Harold 503 S Front Grant City....................... 564-2535 Verbick Tabatha 31153 290th St Maryville.................................. 562-2213 Verdugo Arthur E 43284 Highway WW Harris........................... 794-2086 Vermillion Jackie 312 S Main St Davis City..................... 641-442-2306 Vertrees Jennie 611 N College Ave Princeton............................ 748-4104 Viau John 548 Prather Ave Maryville............................................ 582-5149 Village Cuts Salon 201 N Maple................................................ 663-2160 Village East LP 1800 Cherry Ln................................................... 359-3449 Village Place Apartments Office 608 S 20th St Bethany.... 425-8814 Villas At The Summit 2514 Aurora Ave Maryville..................... 582-3125 Vinson Dennis & Linda 23890 175th St Leon................ 641-446-6977 Vinson Guy 20434 Pony Farm Rd Leon............................... 641-446-4361 Vinzant Dennis & Deena 507 S Saunders St Maryville........... 582-3348 Vinzant Patrick R 205 E Howell St............................................. 726-4291 Vinzant V B 802 Park Ave Princeton.............................................. 748-4588 Vogel Bill 17485 Highway K Mercer.............................................. 382-4254 Vogel Bill 29254 County Highway J66 Lineville.................... 641-876-2883 Vogel Brad 30030 Lineville Rd Lineville.............................. 641-876-2141 Vogel Brad & Joni 30030 Lineville Rd Lineville............... 641-876-2332 Vogel Bradley J 29893 Lineville Rd Lineville..................... 641-876-2932 Vogel Donald L 29466 Kilgore Creek Rd Davis City........... 641-442-2995 Vogel James 214 E Wood St Davis City............................. 641-442-2432 Vogel Kent 29034 Woodland Rd Lineville............................ 641-876-2377 Vogel Richard J 416 Church St Graham..................................... 939-2008 Vogel Richard & Terri 506 S Maple Ave Maitland..................... 935-2410 Voggesser Rosellyn 320 W Grant St Maryville.......................... 582-3058 Volner Kevin J 428 S Maple Ave Maitland................................... 935-2249 VonBehren Belinda 126 Memory Ln Maryville.......................... 582-2039 Vondrak Linda 402 N Main St Linneus......................................... 895-5646 Von Optiz Donald 908 S Daviess St Gallatin.............................. 663-3004 Voorhies Emily 2101 Mabel........................................................ 339-7295 Voorhies Michael 1283 Sieckmann Ln Boonville........................ 357-2388 Vorhies Design & Printing 304 N Van Buren St..................... 726-4014 Vose Jessica 100 S Wayne St Allerton............................... 641-873-4167 Vulgamott Verlin 814 W South Ave Maryville............................. 582-8098 Vyrostek Judy 501 Park St Gallatin............................................. 663-9517 Vyrostek S M 611 S Prospect St Gallatin..................................... 663-2792 W WFHF LLC 11029 Abbey Rd McFall................................................ 367-4639 W L & A 604 E Grand Ave Gallatin.................................................. 663-5712 Waddell Charles & Judy 14931 280th St Lamoni......... 641-784-8772 Waddle Mark & Dixie 31900 E State Hwy DD Cainsville........... 893-5528 Wade Gayle 26139 E State Highway MM Gilman City.................... 425-7770 Wade Gregory A 109 Crappie Pt................................................ 954-9949 Wade Shonda 701 S 20th St Bethany.......................................... 425-7914 Wager Katrinna 409 1/2 Ballew St Princeton............................. 748-3280 Waggoner Lonnie 603 E Grant St Dexter.................................. 357-2639 Wagler John 1101 NW Church St Leon.............................. 641-446-3142 Wagler Lydia Rugh 100 NW 10th St Leon....................... 641-446-4624 Wagner Brenton 1301 South St Bethany.................................... 425-6908 Wagner Clayton 500 S 23rd St Bethany...................................... 425-2230 Wagner Jeff & Suzanne 707 N 28th St Bethany..................... 425-3304 Wagner Jerry 2402 Oakland Ave Bethany.................................... 425-8075 Wagner John 515 Austin St Trenton............................................ 485-6803 Wagner Michael 806 Perry St Trenton....................................... 485-6314 Wagner Wiley & JoAnn 303 McKenzie Barnard...................... 652-4144 Wahlers Tim & Brenda 31769 State Highway P Jamesport..... 684-6465 Waitner Kathy 201 E 9th Ct Trenton............................................ 357-2164 Waits Bill & Kathy 412 Hwy K Laredo........................................ 286-6200 Waits Jim 24429 Aspen Dr Meadville............................................ 938-4591 Wake Billie F Rt 1 Grant City....................................................... 564-2474 Wake Bob 20773 Gunflint Ave Grant City....................................... 448-2477 Wake & Company 201 S 1st St Sheridan....................................................................... 799-2226 Fax Line............................................................................................ 799-2228 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated

Vanderploeg Sidney 28975 250th St Leon..................... 641-446-6056 Vanderpool Gary & Janet 508 S Coleman St Princeton.......... 748-3153 Vanderpool Willa 103 W 17th St............................................... 359-6721 Vandevender Barbara 1146 NE Hwy NN Spickard.................... 485-6634 Vandevender Clyde Henry 108 Shanklin St Trenton.............. 485-6239 Vandevender Ferrell & Janice 206 Grant St Spickard......... 485-6641 Vandevender Gilbert 2105 Madison........................................ 359-2363 Vandever John RR 1 Princeton................................................... 485-6342 Vandiver Jerad &Vicki 14279 W State Hwy P Mc Fall............. 439-2368 Vandiver Kenneth 102 South St Bethany................................... 425-2148 Vandivert Ashton 20971 W 340th St Bethany............................ 425-6235 Vandivert Donald 20552 W 340th St Bethany............................ 425-2333 Van Draska Chris & Shawna 2772 State Highway F Gentry........................................................... 448-2110 VanDyke David 604 E Crandall St Meadville................................ 938-4132 VanDyke Harold C 13697 Booker Rd Linneus............................. 895-5109 VanDyke Janet 2707 Princeton Rd.............................................. 359-3594 VanDyke Jean A 13359 Booker Rd Linneus................................. 895-5148 VanDyke Mike & Cindy 20132 Hwy 139 Linneus...................... 895-5441 Vanfossan Samuel R & Joan 32757 State Hwy M Barnard... 652-3787 Vanfosson Ronnie 24848 Jade Rd Maryville.............................. 582-2966 VanFosson Ruth 105 S Hester Maryville.................................... 582-4855 VanGenderen Dan 22858 State Hwy EE Lucerne....................... 793-2758 VanGenderen Jerod & Lisa 24946 Gazette Rd Princeton...... 748-3510 VanGenderen Justin 15714 140th St Powersville..................... 592-2255 VanGenderen Ryan & Emily 18028 State Highway K Lucerne....................................................... 793-2002 VanHorn John 211 4th St................................................. 641-767-5385 VanHorn Mike 3421 W 110th Ave New Hampton......................... 439-3363 Van Horne K 414 E 2nd St............................................................ 749-5340 Vanhoutan Saundra 72625 W Leisure Lake Dr Trenton............ 789-3394 VanHouwelingen Doug 21297 Hwy 2 Leon................... 641-446-3800 VanLaar Jack 1009 NW Church St Leon............................ 641-446-6896 Van Maren Kim 364 Lake Viking Terr......................................... 663-4185 VanMeter Carl N 1305 South St Bethany.................................... 425-6559 VanMeter Jeremy 1004 River St Bethany.................................. 425-8885 VanMeter Jerry & Donna 1104 Main St Bethany.................... 425-6832 VanMeter Joshua K 901 Kentucky St Princeton........................ 748-4826 VanMeter Nancy 811 S 24th St Bethany..................................... 425-7331 VanPatten John J 402 King St Blockton.......................... 641-788-2171 VanPelt Carla 37938 Meadow Rd Guilford................................... 652-4004 Vargas Mario R 900 E Main St Princeton.................................... 748-3122 Vaughan Alana 611 N College Princeton..................................... 748-3057 Vaughan Randall 1002 S Prospect St Gallatin............................ 663-4387 Vaughn Charles Eugene 40719 State Hwy N Bolckow............ 652-4432 Vaughn Christy 1306 S 9th St Bethany....................................... 425-6102 Vaughn Craig 406 E 2nd St.......................................................... 749-5233 Vaughn Jerry & Angie 23511 283rd Ave Leon............... 641-446-8999 Vaughn Karen 908 Newton St Cainsville...................................... 893-5115 Vaughn Larry 21186 State Highway C Pattonsburg...................... 828-4007 Vaughn Louva J 17300 Elmwood Ave Pattonsburg..................... 367-4382 Vaughn Michele 21001 Hwy P Princeton.................................... 748-4272 Vaughn Raymond & Hilarie 11229 Hwy N Cainsville............. 893-5789 Vaughn Robert 25968 215th St Leon................................ 641-446-6908 Vaughn Ruth 304 W Fairview Ave King City................................. 535-4383 Vaughn Samuel S Jr 1107 Enterprise St Cainsville................... 893-5483 Vaughn William 724 W 17th St.................................................. 359-3811 Vaught Mary 503 5th St Barnard.................................................. 652-3917 Veach Cody 2387 Hwy S26 Allerton................................... 641-873-4100 Veach Saddlery Co 1011 E 23rd St........................................... 359-3592 Veale Ray 104 S 7 St King City....................................................... 535-4523 Veeder D 307 Shanklin St Trenton................................................. 485-6261 Veeder Thomas 405 Leavell St Chula.......................................... 639-2069 Vega Carlos 314 Collins St Linneus.............................................. 895-5395 Vencill Richard H 111 W North St Galt...................................... 673-6101 Verbeeck Dorothy 12191 W State Hwy 46 Hatfield................... 845-2731


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