Grand River, MO-2019-Archive
Cox Paul C DDS 410 Pleasant View Trenton............................... 359-5932 Cox Peggy 303 S 3rd St King City.................................................. 535-4484 Cox Shane 17772 Depot Loop Princeton........................................ 748-3925 Cox Terry 19885 W 150th St Eagleville........................................... 867-3201 Cox Virginia 307 E Yates St Gallatin.............................................. 663-2418 Cox Zach 310 Park St Gallatin....................................................... 663-2938 Cox Zach R 501 E Mill St Gallatin.................................................. 663-8980 Coy Elda 326 E 8th St Maryville..................................................... 562-7529 Coy James L 523 W Clark St Davis City............................. 641-442-8675 Cozad Terry J 21683 State Hwy 2 Leon............................. 641-446-6041 Cozine Hubert 404 1st St Barnard.............................................. 652-3040 Cozine Royce 632 2nd St Barnard............................................... 652-3589 Crabb Leota 600 SW Lorraine St Leon............................... 641-446-3404 Crabtree Ann 1100 Maple Ter Bethany........................................ 425-6848 Crabtree Carsley & Katie 20286 Fantail Ave Cainsville.......... 893-5041 Crabtree Cathy 15593 106th St Pattonsburg............................... 367-4609 Crabtree Charles L 2813 Timothy Terr Bethany........................ 425-3622 Crabtree Danny 500 S 14th St Bethany...................................... 425-8826 Crabtree Darral 5253 300th St Albany........................................ 448-2554 Crabtree David 33332 E 237th St Ridgeway................................ 824-4132 Crabtree Dick & Sue 1205 Miller St Bethany........................... 425-7300 Crabtree Gabe & Debbie 6199 State Highway Z Pattonsburg................................................... 367-4446 Crabtree Judy 12059 12th St Eagleville....................................... 867-5439 Crabtree Tamie 812 S 15th St Bethany........................................ 425-7999 Crabtree Will E 10047 State Hwy Z Pattonsburg......................... 367-2477 Cracraft Aaron & Sherea 25847 E 130th St Eagleville............ 867-5342 Cracraft Gregory L & Jeanne 16235 W US Hwy 69 Eagleville......................................................... 867-5522 Cracraft Larry 5123 325th St Albany........................................... 448-2305 Cracraft Milton L 20040 W US Hwy 69 Ridgeway...................... 867-5605 Cracraft Peggy 12155 W US Hwy 69 Eagleville........................... 867-5501 Cracraft Sheri L 101 E 1st St Lamoni............................... 641-784-3240 Craft Marlene 202 N Polk St....................................................... 726-5580 Cragg Tom 211 E Johnson St Gallatin............................................ 663-3613 Craig Alec & Kim 208 N Chestnut Galt...................................... 673-6990 Craig Alicia 16109 E State Hwy T Blythedale................................ 867-3390 Craig Allen E & Peggy 19613 W State Hwy W Eagleville......... 867-5171 Craig Basil C 20565 W State Hwy M Eagleville............................ 867-5281 Craig Bill 21636 Lakeview Rd Leon..................................... 641-446-6619 Craig Brandon & Lori 17484 W 217th Ave Eagleville............... 867-3312 Craig Bryan & Kara 18563 W 200th St Eagleville...................... 845-2332 Craig Dale 12768 W State Hwy P New Hampton........................... 439-2143 Craig Donald & Betty 1801 Daily Rd Bethany.......................... 425-7796 Craig Edgarda A 1308 2nd St Ridgeway..................................... 872-6617 Craig George A 21979 W State Hwy A Ridgeway........................ 872-6900 Craig Gloria 304 3rd St Ridgeway................................................ 872-6347 Craig Jerry & Darlene 211 E Clay St Linneus.......................... 895-5529 Craig Jessica 708 W Johnson St................................................. 663-3880 Craig Kenneth L 19976 W State Hwy W Eagleville..................... 845-2251 Craig Maurice & Lila 18048 W State Hwy W Eagleville............ 867-3322 Craig Mike 35211 Quest Rd Leon....................................... 641-446-7400 Craig Nathan & Shanci 641 S State St Lamoni............. 641-784-6659 CRAIG PIPE CO 21979 W State Hwy A Ridgeway............... 872-6797 Craig Shannon & Lisa 3029 State Hwy F Stanberry................. 448-2392 Crail Rex H 716 Peaceful Way Maryville....................................... 582-7702 Crandall Glenda 2895 Tay Gold Ave Blockton.................. 641-788-2266 Crandell Anthony & Sandra 501 N Walnut St Lamoni......................................................... 641-784-7204 Crane Service 621 Lakeview Dr Lamoni............................ 641-784-6711 Cranford Austin 412 S Center St................................................ 533-2778 Cranford Virginia Coffey............................................................ 533-4865 Crater Gary 119 W 9th St Maryville.............................................. 582-5103 Craven D Neil 22975 Highway N Worth....................................... 326-2431 Fax Line............................................................................................ 326-2436 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated
Coulston Johnna 614 Shanklin St Trenton................................. 485-6742 Coulter Donald & Mary 36387 Katydid Rd Barnard................. 652-3730 Coulter Raymond 29145 Lantern Rd Conception Jct.................. 582-3923 Coulter Victor T 308 1st St Barnard............................................ 652-3860 Country Cupboard 1011 Old Hwy 6 Jamesport......................... 684-6597 Country Hearth Inn 222 E Summit Dr Maryville........................ 582-8088 Country Rentals 707 W Grant St Princeton................................ 748-3205 Country Wood Hearts & Lace 707 W Grant St Princeton..... 748-3205 Countryside Bistro 33618 State Hwy H Skidmore..................... 939-2131 Countryside Cafe & Catering LLC 33618 State Hwy H Skidmore........................................................... 939-2131 Countryside East Apartments-RCF 1313 S 25th St Bethany.................................................................... 425-7640 Countryside Inn Rt 4 Grant City................................................. 564-2586 Countryside Inn 1205 W US Highway 136 Albany....................... 726-5633 Countryside RV Park 106 E 2nd St Jamesport......................... 684-6392 County Line Ag Services LLC 40544 State Hwy Y Graham.............................................................. 939-4440 Courselle Robert 419 Hill Line Dr Stanberry.............................. 783-4024 Courter Joyce 820 Custer Trenton.............................................. 359-2352 Courter Max Coffey..................................................................... 533-4585 Courtney Leman 1071 NE 102nd St Galt.................................... 673-6772 Courtney Mike & Debbie 703 SE 6th St Leon............... 641-446-4235 Cousins J R & Anna Lee 401 N 16th St Albany....................... 726-5714 Couts Rodney 222 W Lincoln St Maryville.................................... 582-8590 Couzens Joyce 1808 Lake Viking Terr Gallatin............................ 663-3660 Covey BJ 16240 Elliot Rd Princeton............................................... 748-3861 Covey Mark A 15726 Elliot Rd Princeton...................................... 748-4821 Covey Matt & Carrie 16779 Delta St Princeton......................... 748-3783 Covey Michael H & Donna 17932 Denim St Princeton........... 748-3959 Covey Ryan 910 E Hickland St Princeton....................................... 748-4585 Covington Tim & Stephanie 28307 265th St Leon...... 641-446-8427 Cowan Gerald E 15489 Hwy 36 Meadville.................................. 938-4304 Cowan James 2046 Lake Viking Terr........................................... 954-9929 Cowan James E & Kerri L 12886 Hwy 36 Meadville............... 938-4185 Cowan Jason 102 E Oak St Allerton.................................. 641-873-4249 Cowan Terry L 303 W Gentry St Meadville................................... 938-4300 Cowboy John Stockman Service 23686 324th St Davis City....................................................... 641-442-3931 Cowden Nell 18775 Pebble Rd Parnell......................................... 986-3585 Cowell Chris 11701 W 247th St Martinsville................................ 845-2136 Cox Adrian 496 SW Highway W.................................................... 359-3147 Cox Andrew P DDS 2101 Mariner Trenton................................ 359-2119 Cox Barbara J 1403 Pinecrest St Bethany................................... 425-8066 Cox Bill 104 SW Church St Leon........................................... 641-446-4854 Cox Claude 18663 W 347th St Bethany......................................... 425-6894 Cox Dale & Carolyn 510 S Daviess St Gallatin.......................... 663-2282 Cox David E & Toni 18141 State Hwy P Jamesport................... 684-6387 Cox Del Ray & Julie 17289 250th St......................................... 828-4440 Cox Donald 804 S Mulberry Maryville........................................... 582-4694 Cox Donald L 1693 Hwy U Jamesport......................................... 684-6239 Cox Donnie W 31382 State Highway P Jamesport...................... 684-6542 Cox Eloise 24424 207th Ave Leon....................................... 641-442-8165 Cox Family Dentistry PC 1011 Cedar..................................... 359-6889 Cox Fred 5617 Camp Woodland Ln................................................ 726-4368 Cox Fredrick 24125 207th Ave Leon.................................. 641-442-8162 Cox Garrett W & Pam 11243 200th St Coffey.......................... 533-4335 Cox Garry 17086 Depot Loop Princeton......................................... 748-3483 Cox Glenn Dale 33748 W US Hwy 69 Bethany............................ 425-6095 Cox James 405 N 13th St Albany.................................................. 726-3506 Cox Jerry R 27698 Highway M Mercer......................................... 382-4983 Cox Joseph P & Charlene Grant City.................................... 564-2488 Cox Kelly Roe 19502 W 150th St Eagleville................................. 867-5284 Cox Kelvin & Angie 20469 W State Hwy 46 Eagleville............... 867-5337 Cox Laren & Carrie 14208 W 205th Ave Eagleville.................... 867-5626 Cox Leo 19085 W 150th St Eagleville............................................. 867-3101
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