Grand River, MO-2019-Archive

Boyle Harry D 675 SW 50th St Trenton....................................... 684-6800 Boyle Harry E 500 W Auberry Grv Jamesport.............................. 684-6626 Boyle Ian 108 W 16 Trenton.......................................................... 357-2022 Boyles Bud 1109 Parkdale Rd Maryville........................................ 582-8577 Boyles Farm 21205 230th St Maryville......................................... 562-2917 Boyles John & Dawn 405 Waite St Chula................................ 639-2054 Boyles Madison 210 Mansur St Chula........................................ 639-2037 Boyles Sheldon 600 Mansur St Chula......................................... 639-2088 Bozarth Clyde 17809 115th St Pattonsburg................................. 367-4756 Bozarth Merlin 11233 Haven Rd Pattonsburg............................. 367-2347 Bracken Bill 905 N High St Stanberry........................................... 783-0096 Bradford Alan & Melinda 708 W Ogden St Gallatin............... 663-3502 Bradford Tim & Rachel 21725 Ridge Ave Gallatin................... 663-3601 Bradley Chelsea 306 3rd St Ridgeway........................................ 872-5215 Bradley Frances ........................................................................ 663-2182 Bradley James E MD 114 E South Hills Dr Maryville................ 562-2525 Bradley Myrtle 308 3rd St Ridgeway........................................... 872-6741 Bradley Peter 10773 Andes Rd Chula.......................................... 286-2069 Brady Edward 4597 350th St Stanberry...................................... 783-2809 Brakhade Bryan 122 Lighthouse Pt Daviess Count..................... 663-5851 Bram-Danfelt Funeral Home 206 E South Hills Dr Maryville........................................................... 582-3005 Brammer Dennis & Kim 22794 Ridge Ave Gallatin................. 663-3256 Branam Paul E 26631 Hwy E Newtown....................................... 748-4179 Brand Charles 26438 Neon Rd Ravenwood................................. 937-2705 Brand Eric 39035 State Hwy O Ravenwood................................... 937-2797 Brand Mike 38979 255th St Ravenwood....................................... 937-3415 Brandes Patty & Ashley 18560 Hwy B Linneus....................... 895-5143 Brandom Boyd 24899 E 350th St Bethany................................... 425-7197 Brandt C 41032 245th St Ravenwood............................................. 937-3513 Brandt Gregory 40586 245th St Ravenwood............................... 937-3517 Brandt Jeff &Verna 13011 W 139th Ave Hatfield..................... 845-2308 Brannen Eden 208 2nd Ave Pattonsburg..................................... 367-4645 Branner Gregory P 821 W Edwards St Maryville...................... 562-3726 Brant Jeff & Mary 39596 E State Hwy 146 Gilman City.............. 876-5520 Brantner Bernard D 400 Field Dr Browning.............................. 946-4281 Brasfield Frank & Mary 102 Oar Rd Gallatin........................... 663-3900 Brashear D 1406 Lord.................................................................. 359-2289 Brass Betty 302 W Rigney St........................................................ 726-4416 Brass Monkey Refrigeration 19898 Hwy FF Princeton......... 748-4832 Bray J Pattonsburg......................................................................... 367-3562 Braymer Ben 13722 Balkan Rd Meadville.................................... 938-4632 Brazzell Norma 1110 S 6th St Bethany....................................... 425-6403 Break Time 1517 E 1st St Maryville.............................................. 582-3045 Bredahl Russell 35827 State Highway 46 Skidmore.................... 928-3497 Bredlow Denis & Barb 204 Darla Dr Ravenwood.................... 937-3349 Breeden Lonnie 605 Waite St Chula........................................... 639-2404 Breer Carl & Ellen 32675 E 270th St Ridgeway......................... 824-4202 Breer Peggy 303 N 18th St Bethany............................................. 425-6919 Breig Stephanie M 14364 N Bay Mercer................................... 382-4055 Breiner Bonnie 31217 State Hwy 113 Skidmore......................... 928-3654 Breitenbucher Noel 605 E 7th St............................................. 359-2345 Brejnik Rodney 609 Oliphant Ave Cainsville................................ 893-5182 Brelssord Richard 205 W Corrine St......................................... 663-5926 Bremer Joe J 2363 State Hwy U Gentry...................................... 448-2285 Brenda's Family Hair Care 501 E 9th St................................ 359-6300 Breneman Reed & Theresa 402 Vine St Ridgeway................ 872-6215 Brenizer Bradford 24824 E 177th St Eagleville.......................... 867-5339 Brenizer Brent 23270 Nelson Rd Leon.............................. 641-442-3727 Brenizer Eldon & Dianna 20008 195th Ave Decatur.... 641-446-7382 Brenizer R L 26506 210th Ave Leon................................... 641-442-3165 Brenneman Gary 30964 Hwy W Meadville................................. 938-4231 Brennhofer Gail 22129 W State Hwy W Ridgeway..................... 845-2040 Breshears Don & Barbara 108 E South St Lamoni....... 641-784-6836 Breshears Joseph & Julie 208 N Elm St Lamoni.......... 641-784-7520 Breshears Kyle & Angie 22978 W 150th Pl Eagleville............. 867-5333 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Brewer Charly 503 E Crandall St Meadville................................. 938-4682 Brewer Janet 1036 NE Stone Ln Spickard.................................... 485-6227 Brewer Kenneth 794 NW Hwy A Spickard.................................. 485-6647 Brewer Kevin & Lisa 1025 NW 25th Ave Spickard.................... 485-6746 Brewer Peter 588 S Highway 65 Trenton..................................... 359-6637 Brian's Farm Supply 700 Washington St Lineville.......... 641-876-6666 Briar Patch Flower & Gift 119 S Polk St Albany..................... 726-4170 Brice Debbie 24183 US Hwy 69 Pattonsburg............................... 367-4481 Bridgeman Ezekiel 204 E 2nd St............................................... 749-5647 Bridgeman Linda 803 Shona Dr Gallatin.................................... 663-2370 Bridgeman Sandra Winston..................................................... 749-5585 Bridgeman's Wrecker Service 301 Second St Altamont.................................................................... 749-5444 Or Call Altamont............................................................................... 749-5430 Bridger David 303 W Taylor St New Hampton............................. 439-2805 Bridger Eric 206 Thompson Ave Gilman City................................ 876-5490 Bridger Ernie 101 E Washington St New Hampton...................... 439-3035 BRIDGER SERVICE 12555 W US Hwy 136 New Hampton............................................ 439-3600 Bridges Donald & Lorene 490 NW Church St Trenton........... 359-6765 Bridges Mark & Susan 601 E South St Albany......................... 726-3829 Bridgman Bruce E 1009 W Grand St Gallatin............................ 663-3295 Briegel Larry 2604 Meadowlark Ln Trenton................................. 359-5240 Briggs Billy & Amber 2040 2nd St Eagleville........................... 867-3149 Briggs Charlie Shop 16624 W US Hwy 69 Eagleville................ 867-5564 Briggs Cleora 16803 W 195th Ln Eagleville................................. 867-5496 BRIGGS & CRACRAFT LLC BACKHOE & DOZING Eagleville..................................................................................... 867-5104 Cell Number..................................................................................... 425-5543 Briggs Dennis &Vicki 15447 E State Hwy V Cainsville............. 893-5233 Briggs Jack 20566 W State Hwy M Eagleville............................... 867-5104 Briggs Jason 15404 E State Hwy T Blythedale............................. 867-3388 Briggs Leroy 28482 E State Hwy UU Blythedale........................... 867-5403 Briggs Stephanie 10772 E State Hwy 0 Blythedale.................... 878-3967 Bright Vaughn 909 Avalon Trenton.............................................. 357-2316 Briles Pat 719 E Thompson St Maryville........................................ 562-2333 Brill Glen & Mary 248 NE Borax Ln Trenton............................... 359-6165 Brill Leonard & Melissa 410 N Main St Galt........................... 673-6624 Briner Tyrel 15763 Timber Trl....................................................... 786-2470 Briner Tyrone & Denise 15024 E Main St Eagleville................ 867-5473 Brines Michael 24552 200th St Leon................................ 641-446-7519 Briney Justin & Jennifer 206 N Central St Ravenwood.......... 937-2087 Brinkley C J 53131 Victory Rd Milan............................................ 946-4921 Brinkley David 411 N Buchanan St Linneus................................. 895-5403 Brinkley Jerry Lee 22414 Hwy P Linneus.................................. 895-5365 Brinkley Kerry 53163 Victory Rd Milan........................................ 946-4080 Brinnen Randy 301 S Searcy St Gallatin..................................... 663-4203 Brinnen Tony 400 S Forest St Jamesport..................................... 684-6823 Brinson Leo R 23250 390th St Barnard....................................... 939-2165 Bristol Home Aide Service 811 S 24th St Bethany................ 425-7133 Bristol Home Aide Service 200 N Fullerton Princeton........... 748-4354 Bristol Manor Of Bethany 811 S 24th St Bethany.................. 425-7133 Bristol Manor Of Maryville 323 E Summit Dr Maryville......... 582-4131 Bristol Manor Of Princeton 200 N Fullerton Princeton......... 748-4354 Bristol Manor Of Trenton 1701 E 28th St............................... 359-5599 Britton Elmo 22448 Gem Rd Purdin............................................. 244-3266 Brobst Ryan 13575 Liv 216 Chillicothe.......................................... 639-2090 Brockman Merrill 31491 Ember Dr Browning............................ 946-4040 Brockmeyer Ed 18711 State Hwy K Lucerne............................... 793-3388 Brodie Jim & Joann 514 Pleasant VW..................................... 359-5195 Brodt James & Sue 430 N Main St........................................... 828-4443 Brogan Damien 205 S 5th St Sheridan....................................... 799-2053 Broich Larry 28465 277th St Leon..................................... 641-442-2264 Broich Rebecca 807 NE 10th St Leon............................... 641-446-8970 Brokofsky Cara 14761 State St Mercer....................................... 382-4110


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