Grand River, MO-2019-Archive

Silver Maurice 300 N Elm St Lamoni................................. 641-784-6114 Silver Melissa 214 N Chestnut St Lamoni.......................... 641-784-4621 Silver Raymond J & Almata 311 S Ferguson St Lamoni...................................................... 641-784-4558 Silver Stuart DVM Ofc 724 E Main St Lamoni....................................................... 641-784-6431 Res 15015 300th St Lamoni.................................................... 641-784-7674 Simmerman Kermit & Heather 2739 460th Rd Stanberry... 448-2525 Simmerman Richard L Rt 2.................................................... 783-2694 Simmerman Rob & Beth 411 1st St Conception Jct............... 944-2514 Simmons Dennis & Kelly 1309 S Prospect St Gallatin............ 663-3949 Simmons Kenneth & Linda 20432 State Hwy E Parnell......... 986-2395 Simmons Oil Co 30422 State Hwy NN Jamesport...................... 684-6314 Simmons Robert V 509 N Elm St Jamesport............................. 684-6179 Simmons S S 1700 E 30th St....................................................... 339-7369 Simmons Tammy 104 S Main St Davis City...................... 641-442-2495 Simons Danny 1410 Chestnut Trenton........................................ 357-2318 Simons Earlene 304 S 8th St Spickard....................................... 485-6115 Simons Gary 2697 160th St Corydon................................. 641-873-6359 Simply Siam 314 N Main St Maryville.......................................... 582-2077 Simply Siam 314 N Main St Maryville.......................................... 582-2004 Simpson Alma 2602 Crossan St Bethany.................................... 425-6673 Simpson Benny 220 Marshall St Chula....................................... 639-2215 Simpson Concrete Construction 27801 275th St Maryville.................................................................. 582-3831 Simpson Darrell 17104 250th St Decatur........................ 641-442-2562 Simpson David & Cindy 2106 Haddox Trenton....................... 359-4313 Simpson Donald 32682 240th St Maryville................................ 937-3430 Simpson Garry 703 E South St Albany......................................... 726-5584 Simpson Gary 28682 E 240th St Ridgeway.................................. 872-6673 Simpson James 27801 275th St Maryville.................................. 582-3831 Simpson Jarin 700 NW 45th Ave Trenton................................... 485-6422 Simpson Jeff & Rhonda 11323 W 150th Ave Hatfield............ 845-2056 Simpson John 1136 NW 12th Ave Spickard................................ 485-6169 Simpson John A 132 Hwy C Spickard........................................ 485-6538 Simpson Randy & Ashley 29068 E 240th St Ridgeway........... 872-5297 Simpson Ricky & Tammy 202 Locust St Ridgeway.................. 872-6608 Simpson Ronald D 318 E 9th St Lamoni.......................... 641-784-3948 Sims Daniel 1511 S Prospect St Gallatin...................................... 663-2380 Sims Jennifer 406 W Elm St Allerton................................ 641-873-4030 Sims Joe Dale 23009 Talbot St Mercer....................................... 382-4342 Sims Mary 1305 S 9th St Bethany................................................. 425-8340 Sims Patty 131 E 7th St Trenton................................................... 357-2166 Sims Shane & Janara ............................................................. 562-2220 Sims Steven & Melissa 811 W Crowder Rd............................. 359-4416 Sinclair B 400 W Elm St Princeton................................................ 748-4192 Sinclair Bradley 103 E Mill St Davis City.......................... 641-442-2896 Sinclair Debra J 23117 Dale Miller Rd Davis City............. 641-442-2242 Sinclair John Jr 2250 25th St Allerton............................. 641-873-4774 Singleton Brenda 507 E Mill St.................................................. 663-2038 Singleton Dennis 505 N Main St Linneus................................... 895-5139 Singleton Maxine 1515 Bella Vista St Bethany.......................... 425-6556 Singleton Richard 302 W Main St Laredo................................. 286-2566 Sinkhorn H L & Sons Inc 608 Main St Darlington................... 666-3396 Sisk Benny & DeeAnn 24726 State Hwy A Barnard................. 652-3900 Sisney Keith & Jolee 108 E Crandall St Meadville.................... 938-4055 Sisson Wayne 338 E Columbia St Linneus.................................... 895-5375 Sizemore Andy & Lonna 45 NW Kite Ln Spickard................... 485-6469 Sjoberg Jorgen 505 E 7th St Trenton......................................... 339-5023 Skeens Robert 1705 Woodruff Ave Bethany................................ 425-8165 Skidmore Fire District Protection 309 E Oak Skidmore.... 928-3302 Skinner Luke 19040 292nd St Jamesport.................................... 684-6853 Skinner Sherry 400 King St Blockton................................ 641-788-2665 Skinner Steven Atty 115 E 4th St Maryville.............................. 582-6633 Skipper Jason & Korynn 281 NW 90th St Spickard................ 485-6789 Skoglund Loray & Phyllis 39308 US Hwy 71 Barnard............ 652-3842 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Skoglund Shawn & Shannon 40740 US Hwy 71 Barnard..... 652-3070 Skroh Gene D 32029 W State Hwy 13 Bethany............................ 425-7303 Skroh Gerald 1103 E 10th St Trenton.......................................... 359-3108 Skroh Roger N &Vanya 21587 E State Highway B Cainsville.................................................. 893-5679 Skylar's Ag Parts LLC Chula.................................................... 639-2685 Slade James A 302 E 1st St Leon..................................... 641-446-4298 Slade - O'Donnell Funeral Home Inc Leon 103 NE Mill St Leon........................................................ 641-446-6211 Lamoni 504 W 4th St Lamoni.................................................. 641-446-6211 Slade Richard & Connie 22994 NW 18th St Leon......... 641-446-4240 Slagle Harper 2494 State Hwy B Ravenwood.............................. 937-2618 Slagle Marlin F 1260 W Crestview Dr Maryville......................... 582-2914 Slama Rand A 25408 W State Hwy W Bethany............................ 425-6036 Slater Funeral Home 412 E 9th St........................................... 359-3954 Slater Joan 2852 State Highway N Albany.................................... 726-3433 Slatten Stuart 32342 W State Hwy 13 Bethany........................... 425-8201 Slaughter Cali 31949 E 220th Ave Bethany................................. 425-2151 Slaughter Carl W (Bill) 2503 Bulldog Ave Bethany................. 425-1818 Slaughter Irl 33797 W US Hwy 69 Bethany.................................. 425-6502 Slaughter Jade 2007 Alder St Bethany....................................... 425-3484 Slaughter Jason & Jill 403 S 22nd St Bethany........................ 425-8948 Slaughter John & Ginny 17326 W 245th St Bethany.............. 425-7688 Slaughter Lakeesha 10003 10th St Eagleville........................... 867-3329 Slaughter Lewis 26071 Highway U Princeton............................. 748-4631 Slaughter Sherri 400 W Lincoln St............................................. 749-5789 Slayden Don 301 N 13th St Albany............................................... 726-5868 Slemons Caleb & Jonne 2210 Bethany Ave Bethany.............. 425-7885 Slemons Richard & Sarah 2700 Crestview Rd Bethany......... 425-2317 Slessman Kerin .......................................................................... 367-2260 Slippery When Wet 301 E US Highway 136 Albany................... 726-5141 Sloan James D 302 E Berry St Gallatin....................................... 663-3267 Sloniker Terry 109 S Ash St Skidmore.......................................... 928-3610 Smail Bob RR 4 Maryville.............................................................. 582-4708 Smail Jerry C 130 S Walnut Maryville......................................... 582-3078 Small David F 305 S Linden Skidmore......................................... 928-3224 Small Town Goods 22897 Highway M Mercer........................... 382-4130 Smalling David A 233 SE Hwy V Galt......................................... 286-6515 Smalling James E 214 S 2nd Ave Laredo.................................. 286-3465 Smeltzer Jim 1228 W Crestview Dr Maryville.............................. 582-4182 Smiley Brian & Reta 207 E South St Galt.................................. 673-6192 Smiley Charles E 478 NE Halite Ln Galt..................................... 673-6234 Smiley PA 404 S Elm St Galt.......................................................... 673-6931 Smith Alan & Paula 72101 Anderson Dr Trenton...................... 789-2728 Smith Amber 26130 190th St Leon.................................... 641-446-3334 Smith Angie Rombeck 2706 Newburn St Bethany.................. 425-6742 Smith Anne 302 W Johnson St..................................................... 663-5927 Smith Archie L 102 N Main St Galt............................................. 673-6658 Smith Auto Repair 431 N Central Ave Pattonsburg................... 367-2139 Smith B L 33380 State Hwy F Jamesport...................................... 684-6644 Smith Betty 2134 Jackson St Grant City....................................... 786-2360 Smith Betty L 906 NW Church St Leon.............................. 641-446-6347 Smith Betty L 14548 270th St Lamoni............................... 641-784-6219 Smith Bill 25412 Hwy A Princeton................................................. 748-4645 Smith Bill D 409 N Alanthus St..................................................... 783-2248 Smith Blaine & Mishelle 207 N Macon St Meadville............... 938-4603 Smith Bobby 304 S 7th St............................................................ 726-4052 Smith Branden 1312 E 17th St Trenton...................................... 357-2672 Smith Bret & Lisa A 7022 7th St Eagleville............................... 867-3175 Smith Brett T 46422 Hwy ZZ Harris............................................. 794-5466 Smith Briana 302 W Main St Apt E4 Laredo................................. 286-2038 Smith Bruce & Cryssa 28053 Hwy W Meadville...................... 938-4307 Smith Candy 101 N West Border St Galt...................................... 673-6327 Smith Chad & Shelly 601 Monson St Bethany.......................... 425-2381 Smith Cody 23543 Highway 139 Meadville................................... 938-4357 Smith Colin A Tollerton 24189 Ermine Dr Linneus.................. 895-5382


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