Grand River, MO-2019-Archive

Parsons Wes 14001 Highway Z Mercer........................................ 382-4609 Parton James & Elaine 19895 State Highway HH Gallatin...... 663-2351 Partridge Buddy &Virginia 116 E Olive St Maryville............. 582-4602 Partridge Charles D 32086 252nd St Lineville................ 641-446-4661 Partridge Joseph & Megan 214 N 2nd St Maryville.............. 582-8542 Partridge Tonja & Joe 18965 State Highway E Powersville..... 592-2780 Parts Country 3527 US Highway 169........................................... 783-2139 Pash Bryan 22307 E State Hwy H Bethany.................................... 425-8834 Pash Jeff 504 NE 45th Trenton...................................................... 673-6197 Passmore BJ 13595 Bell Ave Mercer........................................... 382-4203 Pate C 10225 Prairie Av.................................................................. 749-5858 Patience Mark 310 W 10th St Lamoni.............................. 641-784-4036 Patridge Jerry D 592 NW Hwy A Trenton.................................. 485-6539 Patridge T L 488 NW Hwy A Trenton............................................ 485-6555 Patrol Weigh Station 13565 I-35 Eagleville............................. 867-5470 Patterson Donald 27738 215th St Leon........................... 641-446-3059 Patterson Gary 25850 Boothtown Rd Davis City............... 641-442-2121 Patterson Geraldine 1021 S Walnut St Maryville..................... 582-3869 Patterson J Michael 15045 Hwy M Purdin............................... 244-3442 Patterson Larry 19137 Colony Loop Mercer................................ 382-5357 Patterson Louise 308 3rd St Ridgeway...................................... 872-6646 Patterson Randy 39053 Galaxy Rd Graham................................ 939-2216 Patton Gary & Kathie 203 S Cedar St Lamoni................ 641-784-6881 Patton Jacqueline 801 Hickland Princeton............................... 748-4550 Patton Monica 122 E Bishop St Ravenwood................................ 937-2825 Patton Richard 37101 160th St Parnell....................................... 986-2300 Patton Steven M 205 E Richardson............................................ 663-3899 Pattonsburg City Of City Hall 305 N 2nd Av Pattonsburg.................................................. 367-4412 Fax Line............................................................................................ 367-2165 PATTONSBURG MEDICAL CLINIC 110 N Central Ave Pattonsburg.................................................... 367-4304 Pattonsburg R-2 High School #1 Panther Dr Pattonsburg............................................................. 367-2111 Pattonsburg Senior Center 1023 Main St Pattonsburg......... 367-2121 Paul Kerry & Dawn 1608 E US Highway 136 Albany.................. 726-5115 Paul Larry L 1002 E Perry St Albany............................................. 726-3352 Pauley Betty 2601 Meadowlark Ln............................................... 339-7211 Pauley Doug 13684 170th St Lucerne.......................................... 793-2312 Pauley Gary 3148 Oklahoma Ave Trenton..................................... 339-7191 Pauley H 2610 Princeton Rd.......................................................... 339-7727 Pauley Joseph C 402 Sunnyside Dr........................................... 359-2944 Pauley Michael D 26533 Innsbruck St Princeton....................... 748-3744 Pauley Randall 3382 Liv 257 Chula............................................. 639-2034 Pauley Tisha 236 S College Ave Princeton.................................... 748-2202 Paulus Kyle & Megan 105 Rice St Meadville........................... 938-4045 Paxson D 409 S 5th St Sheridan.................................................... 799-3184 Paxson Steven 11043 Orion Rd Sheridan.................................... 799-3187 Paxson Tyler 10127 110th Rd Sheridan........................................ 799-2148 PAXSON'S WELDING & TIRE SERVICE 214 W Jefferson St Sheridan....................................................... 799-2512 Payless Shoesource 2001 E 9th St........................................... 339-7321 Payne David 306 N 24th St Bethany............................................. 425-6997 Payne Funeral Home 110 W Center St Galt............................. 673-6123 Payne Judy L 118 S Cedar St Lamoni................................ 641-784-6044 Payne Kayla 1108 S High St......................................................... 564-4083 Payne Kirby 30583 State Hwy B Jamesport................................. 876-5506 Payne Lloyd D 52 NW 38th Ave.................................................. 359-5995 Payne Robert & Carol 608 S Prairie St Maryville..................... 582-2707 Payton Lynn 200 NE 13th St Leon...................................... 641-446-4768 Peace Jeff 17707 Design Pl Princeton.......................................... 748-3437 Peace Larry 904 Elm St Princeton................................................ 748-3400 Pearce Danielle 500 Division St Blockton........................ 641-788-2231 Pearcy M L 604 N Main St Leon.......................................... 641-446-4267 PEARL'S II EDEN FOR ELDERS 611 N College Princeton............................................................... 748-4407 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


PEARL'S RESIDENTIAL CARE 308 S Broadway Princeton........................................................... 748-3307 Pearson Heather 404 W Grant St.............................................. 749-5451 Pearson Roni PO Box 146 Powersville........................................ 592-2453 Pease T W DVM Ofc 724 E Main St Lamoni....................... 641-784-6431 Pease T W DVM 11379 300th St Lamoni........................... 641-784-7575 Pedersen Chris 37790 Panther Rd Guilford................................ 652-3344 Pedersen David & Diana 115 E Edwards Maryville................ 582-4667 Pedersen Jon & Julie 19285 Lakeview Rd Leon............ 641-446-4048 Pedersen Martin 39777 360th St Stanberry............................... 944-2415 Pedersen Ron 414 Elm St Guilford.............................................. 652-3026 Pedersen Sue Ann 34958 Monarch Trl Conception Jct.............. 652-3773 Peery Caroline 145 Hoffman Ave Gilman City............................. 876-5839 Peery Faron 706 E 4th St Trenton................................................ 357-2135 Peery Phillip & Carma 4784 400th St Darlington.................... 666-3152 Peery Phylliss 39820 E State Highway 146 Gilman City............... 789-3591 Peery Stanley & Joyce 20529 310th St Jamesport.................. 684-6505 Peery Steve 887 NW Hwy 146 Gilman City................................... 789-2605 Peetoom K 17022 E Main St Eagleville......................................... 867-3321 Peitzman Jenny 18058 300th St Davis City...................... 641-442-2506 Pekarek Robin 301 S 7th St Albany............................................. 726-4344 Pence Richard L Sr 19111 W State Hwy NN Martinsville.......... 845-2120 Pence Roland 13128 Highway D Princeton................................. 748-3074 Penley-Ayers Coleah I 30805 E State Hwy MM Gilman City..... 876-5654 Penner Milton 747 W Hwy 6 Trenton.......................................... 684-6878 Pennington Lisa 1629 Cedar Rd Lineville......................... 641-876-2770 Pennington Sharon 120 Highland Trenton............................... 357-2724 Penrod Kyle 625 N Main St Linneus............................................. 895-3223 Penton Tyra 27560 390th St Barnard............................................ 652-3257 People Jim 7 N Main St Grant City............................................... 564-3442 People Service Inc 3613 E 1st St Maryville............................... 582-3863 People Service Inc-NRWD 2714 S Mulberry St..................... 582-8158 Peoples Co-Op Oil Co 1736 E 9th St Trenton.......................... 359-3313 Peppmeier Raymond Decatur....................................... 641-446-4565 Percell Dean 24643 W US Hwy 69 Bethany................................. 425-8038 Percifield Willard Rt 3 Grant City.............................................. 564-2578 Perdue Charlie 424 NW 50th St Trenton.................................... 485-6471 Perez Aaron 1432 Main Trenton.................................................. 357-2378 Perez Rhonda 1030 Custer Trenton............................................ 357-2457 Pergande Rodger 306 A Street Purdin...................................... 244-3023 Perkins Aaron & Carla 14025 US Highway 65 Mercer............. 382-4119 Perkins Aaron & Raven 16293 River Rd Decatur.......... 641-446-7416 Perkins Aimee 218 Main St Clio....................................... 641-876-2900 Perkins Dennis 14203 W 180th Ave Hatfield.............................. 867-5500 Perkins Donald & Colette 2602 Crossan St Bethany............. 425-8926 Perkins Jeff 230 N Main St.......................................................... 828-4308 Perkins Morris 32456 W Marble Rd Bethany.............................. 425-8855 Perkins Wayne Jr 18022 Locust St Eagleville............................ 867-5686 Perkins Wesley & Linda 210 E Pine St Allerton............ 641-873-4727 Perrella Pamela A 120 W Grand St Gallatin.............................. 663-2555 Perrigo Barton & Rosemary 14638 State St Mercer............ 382-4658 Perry Debra 1909 Merrill St Trenton............................................ 357-2182 Perry J 212 W Johnson St Gallatin................................................. 663-2720 Perry Joshua 2727 Lakeside Pl Trenton...................................... 357-2418 Perry Micheal 27159 235th St.................................................... 663-7916 Perry Patrick 303 S Division St Winston...................................... 749-5309 Perry Steve 1509 Main St Trenton................................................ 359-4408 Persell Brody 19066 US Highway 65 Princeton............................ 748-4509 Persell Bruce 20601 Kelsey Rd Spickard..................................... 485-6618 Persell Holly 1011 Colony Loop Mercer....................................... 382-4745 Persell Larry 20353 Kelsey Rd Spickard....................................... 485-6232 Persell Orvell 2420 Princeton Rd Trenton................................... 359-6916 Persell Timothy 214 N 6th St Spickard....................................... 485-6636 Pester Robert 404 Town & Country Ln Trenton........................... 339-5070 Pet Vet Care 2610 Grand Ave Bethany.......................................... 425-7387


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