Grand River, MO-2017

Christian Church Parsonage 104 N Orchard Skidmore........ 928-3222 Christian Doug 607 N Central Ave Allerton...................... 641-873-4930 Christian Forrest 422 S Maple Ave Maitland.............................. 935-2253 Christian J A Altamont................................................................ 749-5474 Christian Joyce 200 N Highland St Altamont.............................. 749-5474 Christian Ron & Martha 30581 295th St Maryville................. 582-8774 Christian Trenton First 1700 Princeton Rd Trenton................. 359-3928 Christie Lorraine 22723 Highway 48 Union Star........................ 535-4560 Christie Maurice 203 N 12th St Albany...................................... 726-5718 Christman Christine 1404 Hubbard St Bethany........................ 425-7281 Christofis James & Rachel 901 NE Hill St Leon.......... 641-446-4498 Christopher Jamie & Beth 14334 Liv 216 Chillicothe............ 639-2149 Christy Duane B 29010 April Dr Humphreys............................... 673-6423 Christy Gary W 28407 Hwy 139 Humphreys................................ 673-6664 Christy Josh 804 E 1st St Trenton................................................ 339-7848 Christy Tyson 28815 April Dr Humphreys..................................... 673-6884 Chula Bar & Grill LLC 16986 Hwy K Chula............................... 639-2234 Chula City Of Town Hall 100 Green St Chula................................ 639-2885 Chula Farmers Co-Op 215 Manning Ave Chula.................................................................... 639-3125 Or.................................................................................................... 639-3115 Chula Service 3935 Hwy V Chula................................................ 639-2030 Chumbley Wm 1806 Crestview Terr Trenton.............................. 359-4457 Chumbley's Hometown Billiards Bar & Grill 201 W 8th St Trenton....................................................................... 339-5055 Chumbly Brad 211 E 28th St Trenton.......................................... 339-7832 Church Allerton Presbyterian Church 405 N Central Ave Allerton................... 641-873-4908 Bethany Assembly Of God Church 22311 E US Hwy 136 Bethany.................. 425-8806 Blue Ridge Christian Union Church 26104 E State Hwy MM Gilman City............................................... 425-7112 Catholic Church 1208 S 25th St Bethany.......................................... 425-8160 First Baptist 302 N 22nd St Bethany................................................ 425-8087 Or................................................................................................. 425-8089 First Christian Church 1901 Alder St Bethany.................................. 425-6677 Or................................................................................................. 425-6678 Highway Christian Church 35121 E State Hwy 13 Bethany............... 425-6836 Hope Lutheran Church 1205 S 25th St Bethany............................... 425-3627 Immanuel Baptist Church 4207 Miller St Bethany............................ 425-3894 Kingdom Hall Of Jehovah Witnesses 909 Taylor St Bethany............ 425-7871 Morris Chapel Church 25909 W US Hwy 69 Ridgeway..................... 425-6492 United Methodist Church 2703 Crestview Rd Bethany..................... 425-3570 Brimson Edinburg Baptist Church 530 NW Church St Edinburg...................... 789-2385 Melbourne Baptist Church-Parsonage 33949 E 395th St Gilman City........................................................ 789-2421 Union Baptist Church 751 NW Crow Ln Trenton.............................. 789-2236 Browning Browning Methodist Church 118 N 6th St Browning........................ 946-4405 Cainsville Assembly Of God Church 602 Victory Ln Cainsville.......................... 893-5252 Parsonage.................................................................................... 893-5253 Zion Baptist Church RR 1 Cainsville................................................. 893-5896 Chariton Community Of Christ-Chariton 231 N 7th St Chariton............ 641-774-2074 Conception Jct St Columba Parrish 311 Roosevelt St.............................................. 944-2301 Corydon Assembly Of God 103 E Steele St Corydon............................ 641-872-2820 Corydon Bible Church 610 N Washington St Corydon............ 641-872-1581 First Baptist Church 104 S West St Corydon......................... 641-872-1956 First Christian Church 105 N Lafayette St Corydon................ 641-872-1652 United Methodist Church 213 W Jackson St Corydon................................................. 641-872-1569 Darlington Darlington Baptist Church 706 Main St Darlington........................... 666-2133 Davis City Assembly Of God Church 311 N 3rd St Davis City.................. 641-442-3745 Community Of Christ-Pleasanton 23603 Dale Miller Rd Davis City.......................................... 641-442-3333 New Salem Baptist Church 25835 New Salem Rd.................. 641-442-2911 Eagleville Eagleville Christian Church 18387 W US Hwy 69............................. 867-3326 Parsonage.................................................................................... 867-3231 (Continued on next column) Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Church Cont'd Galt

Galt Baptist Church 100 S Chestnut St Galt..................................... 673-6104 Galt Christian Church 209 N West Border St Galt............................ 673-6690 Honey Creek Chapel Christian Church 333 NE Hwy NN Trenton....... 673-6589 Rural Dale Baptist Church 618 NE Beryl Ln Trenton......................... 673-6405 Garden Grove Apostolic Christian Church 16021 320th Ave Garden Grove.......................................... 641-443-3625 Gentry Gentry Baptist Church 101 S Harper Gentry.................................... 448-3205 Gilman City First Baptist Church 451 E State Hwy 146....................................... 876-5624 Guilford United Methodist 221 S Wilson St................................................... 652-3234 Jamesport Baptist Church 708 W Auberry Grove St.......................................... 684-6101 Jamesport Mennonite Church......................................................... 684-6990 Or Call.......................................................................................... 684-6991 United Methodist Church 109 E Main St.......................................... 684-6190 Lamoni Community Of Christ-Bloomington 25658 Elk Chapel Rd Lamoni............................................... 641-784-7728 Community Of Christ-Lamoni 531 W Main St......................... 641-784-4405 First Baptist Church 106 S Cedar St Lamoni.......................... 641-784-6734 United Methodist Church 9th & Maple St Lamoni.................. 641-784-6868 Laredo Laredo Christian Church 114 E 2nd St............................................. 286-6300 Leon Assembly Of God Church 206 NE Q St Leon........................... 641-446-4390 Calvary Baptist Church 1302 NE Poplar St Leon.................... 641-446-6798 Catholic Church 1001 NW Church St Leon............................. 641-446-4789 Saint Brendan's Parish Hall.................................................. 641-446-3289 Leon Bible Church 406 SE Q St Leon..................................... 641-446-4416 Leon Brethren Church 604 N Main St Leon............................ 641-446-7576 Loving Chapel United Methodist Church 201 W 1st St Leon.............................................................. 641-446-6470 Mt Zion Mennonite Chapel 909 W 1st St Leon....................... 641-446-4897 Salem Mennonite Church 21033 Lineville Rd Leon................. 641-446-4537 Trinity Christian Church 16773 State Hwy 2 Decatur............. 641-446-8654 Town & Country Parish UMC Office Leon 201 W 1st St Leon.............................................................. 641-446-7343 Lineville Assembly Of God Church 1116 Washington St...................... 641-876-6015 Parsonage 1208 Washington St Lineville............................ 641-876-5145 Baptist Church 417 Brown St Lineville.................................. 641-876-2785 Parsonage 212 Central Ave Clio.......................................... 641-876-2482 Clio Baptist Church 211 Central Clio..................................... 641-876-2483 Linneus Baptist Church 240 E State St......................................................... 895-5480 Methodist Church 308 N High St..................................................... 895-5167 Meadville Baptist Church 101 S Macon St....................................................... 938-4501 United Methodist Church Meadville/LAC 107 E Crandall.................. 938-4673 Mercer Assembly Of God Church Hwy 65 N................................................. 382-5146 Bethel Church 12396 Hwy P Cainsville............................................ 382-4111 Lineville-Mercer Christian Church 14516 State St Mercer................ 382-4818 Mercer Baptist Church 22788 Main St Mercer................................. 382-4795 Mercer United Methodist Church 22805 Main St Mercer................. 382-4788 Millerton New Providence Baptist Church 3254 Hwy J18 Melrose....... 641-897-3701 Mt Moriah Baptist Church 409 E Church St....................................................... 824-5405 Murray Murray Church Of Christ 430 3rd St Murry............................ 641-447-2569 Murray Baptist Church 330 3rd St Murray............................ 641-447-2487 New Hampton Christian Church 204 S Race St....................................................... 439-2651 Methodist Church-Parsonage 101 E Harrison St.............................. 439-2505 Newtown Christian Church 10850 Hwy 139 Newtown..................................... 794-5605 Christian Church Parsonage 202 N Main St..................................... 794-5325 Parnell St Joseph Church Rectory 415 S Main St......................................... 986-3305 Princeton First Assembly Of God Church 506 W Main St................................. 748-4111 First Baptist Church 1308 E Main Princeton.................................... 748-3116 Christian Church 901 E Main........................................................... 748-4273 (Continued on next page)


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