Grand River, MO-2017


Bench Kelly & Dusty Altamont................................................. 367-4767 Benda Jeffrey & Julie 30181 310th Ave Lineville.......... 641-876-2713 Bender Earl 304 Pine St Ridgeway............................................... 872-6671 Bender Rosezetta 301 Pine St Ridgeway................................... 872-5477 Benedict Tom & Carol 20225 280th St Davis City.......... 641-442-2833 BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF PERPETUAL ADORATION 31970 State Hwy P Clyde............................................................. 944-2221 Altar Bread Dept 31970 State Hwy P Clyde....................................... 944-2227 Our Lady Of Rickenbach 31970 State Hwy P Clyde.................................................................. 944-2203 Bennerotte Gary & Susan 1108 Gard Maryville..................... 562-4621 Bennett Bill R 18753 W State Hwy F Bethany.............................. 425-3795 Bennett Billy & Kristi 101 South St Bethany............................ 425-6959 Bennett Brenda 1300 Walnut Bethany....................................... 425-7288 Bennett Carol 1903 Hubbard Bethany......................................... 425-2480 Bennett Charles A .................................................................... 663-4150 Bennett Danny & Ginger 17672 W US Hwy 136 Bethany....... 425-7993 Bennett David Jr DDS 204 S William St Jamesport................. 684-6680 Bennett Donna 19738 W 190th St Eagleville............................... 867-5760 Bennett Dora 300 W Elm St Browning......................................... 946-4424 Bennett Fred 21727 W 182nd St Eagleville.................................. 867-5598 Bennett Herbert 33340 W 190th Ave Bethany............................ 425-6264 Bennett Jerry 11888 Ember Dr Browning.................................... 946-4345 Bennett Jimmy L 204 S Caldwell St Meadville........................... 938-4708 Bennett M 3018 State Highway C Albany...................................... 726-5605 Bennett Mildred 701 NE 7th St Leon................................ 641-446-6580 Bennett Otto L 23106 W State Hwy W Bethany.......................... 845-2955 Bennett Phil & Tammy 1316 Oak St Bethany........................... 425-8345 Bennett Polly 221 N 3rd St Browning.......................................... 946-4358 Bennett Ralph Jr 515 W Edwards St Maryville.......................... 582-2962 Bennett Raymond L 2066 Iowa Rd Allerton................... 641-873-4576 Bennett Richard RR 1 Maryville................................................. 582-7275 Bennett Richard 702 N 12th St Bethany..................................... 425-7193 Bennett Rick 11727 Ember Dr Browning...................................... 946-4332 Bennett Robin 17521 State Highway V Skidmore........................ 928-3629 Bennett Roger 203 E 9th St........................................................ 359-4393 Bennett Travis 32897 W US Hwy 69 Bethany............................... 425-4490 Bennett Travis 49190 Highway MM Browning.............................. 946-4891 Bennett Vernon 21670 W State Hwy W Ridgeway...................... 845-2951 Bennett Wilburn & Marylou 800 S 12th St Bethany.............. 425-8025 Benson Charles 200 S Elm St Jamesport.................................... 684-6311 Bentley Jordan 19855 Hwy V Purdin.......................................... 244-3399 Bentley Kendall 619 N Locust St Stanberry................................ 783-2001 Bentley Kevin ............................................................................. 783-2094 Berg Bud 1380 Lake Viking Terr Gallatin....................................... 663-2290 Berg Francis & Erma 620 E Jenkins St Maryville..................... 582-2297 Berger Chad 3824 562nd Rd Albany............................................. 726-3570 Berger Dixie 15656 US Hwy 136 Princeton.................................. 748-3622 Berger Joe & Peggy 22505 Garland Pl Princeton..................... 748-4324 Berger Sharon 14306 State Hwy 145 Princeton.......................... 748-3034 Berlekamp Vic 902 Maple Albany................................................ 726-3149 Bernahl Carl H 421 W 10th St Lamoni.............................. 641-784-6666 Bernard Jerriann 26820 E 250th Ave Bethany........................... 425-2369 Berndt Cheryl Mercer................................................................. 382-5362 Berndt Larry 21945 Desoto Ave Mercer....................................... 382-4628 Berndt Linda 15303 Colorado Pl Princeton.................................. 382-4356 Berndt Rex RR 1 Mercer............................................................... 382-4942 Berndt Tiffany 419 Ballew St Princeton....................................... 748-3184 Berndt Twin Lake Inc 15303 Colorado Pl Princeton.................. 382-4319 Berry Allen 647 NE 5th St Trenton................................................ 673-6354 Berry C 209 S Booth St Jamesport................................................. 684-6016 Berry Carolyn 3706 Lake Trenton Dr Trenton.............................. 359-2184 Berry Chas 4011 E 10th St............................................................ 359-6285 Berry Charles 1001 Laclede Trenton........................................... 357-2433 Berry Charles 1001 Custer Trenton............................................. 357-2453 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated

Becerra Joyce Gallatin............................................................... 663-3474 Beck Charles P (Rick) 31913 350th St Barnard....................... 652-3303 Beck David L & Suzanne F 15201 Hwy M Chillicothe............ 639-2899 Beck Ryan 702 Haliburton St Trenton........................................... 339-5022 Beck Shawn 1013 W 17th St Maryville......................................... 562-2550 Beck Shawn 38491 State Hwy N Bolckow.................................... 652-4053 Beck Stephen 15388 Highway M Chillicothe................................ 639-2575 Becker Robert 1908 Cypress Dr Maryville................................... 562-0174 Becker Steve & Geri 101 S Shelby St Meadville........................ 938-4042 Beckett Harold G 11216 W 322nd St New Hampton................... 439-2858 Beck's 607 Main St Ridgeway.......................................................... 872-6650 Beebe J ......................................................................................... 726-3284 Beeks Dennes 1400 17th St Ter Bethany.................................... 425-7126 Beeks Douglas & Sharon 1118 S 9th St Bethany................... 425-7096 Beel John 25226 210th St............................................................. 663-5453 Beel Randy 405 S Center St.......................................................... 533-4344 Beeman John 1235 Ashwood Cir Maryville................................. 582-8042 Beemer Accessory & Glass 1403 E 1st St Maryville.............. 562-2900 Beemer Monte & Laura 708 W 1st St Leon.................. 641-446-4883 Beemers Muffler Center 1305 E 1st St Maryville................... 582-3054 Beemers Muffler Center 1305 E 1st St Maryville................... 582-2800 Beemers Muffler Center 1305 E 1st St Maryville................... 582-4622 Beermann I J 1514 A Hillcrest Dr Bethany.................................. 425-7996 Beers Joann 1207 E 10th St Trenton............................................ 357-2111 Beers Mary 1010 Avalon St Trenton............................................. 357-2259 Beery Cliff & Melody 15634 W US Hwy 69 Eagleville............... 867-5294 Beery Matthew 777 SW 56th St Jamesport................................ 684-6930 Beeson Garland 14525 US Hwy 136 Princeton........................... 748-3932 Beggs Allen 37551 400th St Guilford............................................ 652-3504 Beggs Mark C 39310 State Hwy J Guilford.................................. 652-3873 Beggs William J 37552 400th St Guilford................................... 652-3272 Begley Deborah 650 NE 20th St Trenton.................................... 673-6258 Begley Justin & Tracy 18438 Empire Loop Princeton............... 748-4774 Behavioral Health Centers Of Southern IA 802 E Ackerley Lamoni........................................................... 641-784-7911 Behrens Brad 504 King St Blockton................................... 641-788-2239 Behrens Robin Rt 1 Grant City.................................................... 564-2686 Beier Christopher 106 E 3rd St................................................. 564-4077 Beier John 215 W Crowder Rd Trenton........................................ 359-6819 Belanger Joseph ....................................................................... 582-4463 Belcher Dorothy 1316 E 4th St Maryville................................... 582-5056 Bell Angie 2418 Fisherman Rd Trenton......................................... 357-2745 Bell Brian 20808 W 205th St Eagleville......................................... 867-5363 Bell Bruce 24476 State Highway DD Gallatin................................ 663-3446 Bell Farm Shop 24417 175th St Leon............................... 641-446-6657 Bell Gail Jr 331 E Jackson St Linneus........................................... 895-5299 Bell Kenneth 31137 Vance Dr Maryville....................................... 582-2109 Bell Lance 24356 County Hwy J20 Weldon......................... 641-446-8986 Bell Marvin & Sherry 616 Pierce Ave Maryville....................... 582-7799 Bell Merlin 24417 175th St Leon........................................ 641-446-6654 Bell Michael 315 S 2nd St Spickard............................................. 485-6294 Bell Miranda 201 North St........................................................... 367-3570 Bell Patricia Hatfield................................................................... 845-2826 Bell Peggy P 15042 Forest Ave Pattonsburg................................ 367-2255 Bell Virgil D & Alice 15523 W 400th St Pattonsburg................. 367-4480 Bellin Evelyn K 110 S Vine St Maryville....................................... 582-8019 Bellinger Terry & Lyndsay 12055 12th St Eagleville............... 867-5201 Bellon Victor & Barbara 27865 240th St Leon.............. 641-446-7023 Belokonny Peter 303 S 6th St Sheridan..................................... 799-2219 Belshe Larry 24008 Rustic Ave Gallatin........................................ 663-2062 Belshe Steven 27457 228th St Gallatin....................................... 663-3440 Beltone Hearing Aid Center 127 S Buchanan St Maryville.... 582-8044 Belvel Morris 2711 Hunter Rd Trenton........................................ 359-5737 Belvel Willis D 12041 Liv 202 Trenton......................................... 639-2151 Belzer Blake 215 N 4th St Apt 12 Browning.................................. 946-4900 Belzer Ted 11870 June Dr Browning............................................. 244-3333

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