Grand River, MO-2017

Service & Billing

Phone Directories Numbers are frequently changed and the use of obsolete directories results in calling wrong numbers. Please transfer all special information to your new directory and destroy the old directory. If you do not receive the new directory, or if addi- tional copies are needed, call, stop by or write the business office. An electronic version of this directory is available at . Additional Listings For each customer, a single line insertion in the alphabetical list is made without charge. Customers may arrange for addi- tional listings under such regulations as apply to main listings to be placed in the alphabetical directory. Rates for additional Claims for damages due to errors or omissions in directory listings will be limited to prorated charges for the directory listing that is affected. Listings Not Appearing In The Directory Between directory issues, many phone numbers do not appear in the current issue of the directory due to changes and new installations. Patrons may obtain these phone numbers from “Directory Assistance” by dialing 4-1-1. Use Of Residential Phones For Business Purposes Residential phones are installed with the understanding that they will be used for domestic purposes. A residential phone will be changed to business service if used primarily or substan- tially for business purposes or if the residential phone number is advertised in connection with the sale of products or services. Establishing Or Transferring Phone Service To establish or transfer residential and/or business phone ser- vice, please call your local business office. To enable us to process your order to establish phone service, we will need to know your complete address and how you want to be listed in the directory. We also need to know about previous phone service in your name and other credit infor- mation. We will ask for identification and a contact number. Deposit Policy Customers may be asked to pay a deposit to establish service. The amount of your deposit is deter- mined when you apply for service. listings may be obtained from the business office. Directory Errors And Omissions

You Will Be Billed For Changes In Your Service All changes, except termination of service and disconnec- tion of certain options, require a service charge. The amount you are charged depends on the type of change requested. Consult your local business office for current rates. How You Are Billed Charges for local service, Internet access, and Skitter TV avail- able through GRM Networks ® are billed one month in advance. Toll calls and repair charges are billed after they occur. How, When & Where To Pay Your Bill Your payment due date appears on your bill. Your payment is considered past due if not paid by that date. You can mail your payment or pay your bill at your local busi- ness office. Please don’t send cash in the mail. We also offer automatic bank deduction, debit and credit card payment abil- ities or you may pay online by going to and clicking on eBill. Contact your local business office for more information. You will save time and reduce the chance of error if you use the payment portion of your bill when paying. There is a charge for each returned check. Error On Your Bill If you have a question on your bill, call your local business office. Explain the possible error to a Customer Service Representative. If the error cannot be resolved, please pay the undisputed charges on time so you’ll maintain a good payment record while the problem is being investigated. Paying The Bill On Time, So Your Service Will Not Be Disconnected If your payment is not received by the due date, or you do not meet payment arrangements, your service may be disconnected. How To Get Your Service Restored All relevant past charges must be paid before your service can be reconnected and you will be charged a restoral fee. You may also be asked to pay a deposit. CPNI Under FCC rules governing the use and disclosure of Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI), we can only discuss CPNI at our retail locations with those individuals listed as an authorized user on the account and presenting a government issued photo ID. CPNI includes call detail information and certain account information, including the amount of your bill. For phone inquiries, other rules dictate how we authenticate a customer. You may add authorized users to your account by contacting your business office.


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