Grand River, MO-2016

BloomT J Jr 34960 350th St Conception Jct................................ 652-3453 Bloss Loren 23720 Finn Dr Laclede.............................................. 895-5393 Bloss Robert Dale 307 Shelby St Meadville............................... 938-4393 Blossoms & Brooms Floral 122 N Linden St Lamoni... 641-784-7532 Blount Ross & Lorena 405 N Central Ave Allerton......... 641-873-4242 Blount Ross Pastor Presbyterian Church 405 N Central Ave Allerton..................................................... 641-873-4908 Blozvich Robert 2416 Mabel Trenton......................................... 357-2604 Blue Cross Blue Shield 1925 S Main Maryville....................... 562-3711 Blue Linda 1006 SW 11th St Apt 9 Leon.............................. 641-446-6851 Blum Karl E 560 Geode Ln Trenton.............................................. 673-6148 Blumer Ricky & Lesa 503 E King King City............................... 535-4452 Blundell David K ....................................................................... 663-5768 Blundell David K 20580 250th St Gallatin.................................. 663-2807 Blunk Lonnie 22300 Gazelle Ave Princeton.................................. 748-4168 Blunt Harold 20056 212th Ave Leon.................................. 641-446-6371 Blythedale City Hall 516 State Hwy N Blythedale..................... 867-3343 Boatman Joann Wells 21872 Highway 139 Newtown.............. 794-5000 Boatright Joe 22224 State Route BB King City............................ 535-4586 Boatwright Cindy 209 W 2nd St Stanberry................................ 783-2407 Boatwright Jerry L 801 N Elm St.............................................. 783-2756 Boatwright Scott 212 N High St................................................ 783-2851 Bob Hoover Plumbing 801 Elm St Princeton........................... 748-3472 Bobbi J Meneely CPA LLC 202 S Macon Meadville................ 938-4022 Bobbi J Meneely CPA LLC 202 S Macon Meadville................ 938-4033 Bobbie's Hair And Nail Salon 402 N Main St Gallatin........... 663-2367 Bob's Garage 15086 Hwy V Purdin.............................................. 244-5574 Bob's Metals 403 S Van Buren St Albany...................................... 726-5124 Bodle Kim 421 E Hawk St Ravenwood........................................... 937-3339 Bodle Mary 406 N Main St Ravenwood......................................... 937-2105 Body Bronz 410 N 39th St Bethany............................................... 425-8800 Boegli Henry & Lynne 917 Oak St Blythedale.......................... 867-5774 Boehm Al 32313 Popcorn Rd Stanberry......................................... 944-2334 Boehm Jarrod 312 S Daviess St................................................. 663-2664 Boettner Piano Tuning & Repair 304 S Clayton Ave Maryville.............................................................. 582-6400 Boettner Richard & Ernema 304 S Clayton Ave Maryville..... 582-6400 Bogart Ashley 709 S Connecticut St King City.............................. 535-4472 Boggess Harriet 101 E Elm St Gallatin....................................... 663-4064 Boggs Michael 1201 Lawn St Trenton........................................ 357-2101 Boggs Michael 1201 Lawn Trenton............................................ 357-2428 Bohannon Ray & Tobie 38290 Hallmark Rd Barnard............... 652-4072 Bohlken Robert 402 S Munn Ave Maryville................................. 582-3957 Bolan Fred 1807 Crestview Ter Trenton....................................... 359-6014 Bolar Charlie 33844 E 240th Ave Bethany................................... 425-3008 Boles Cindy A 111 Tackle Cir Gallatin.......................................... 663-2037 Boles Kayan 301 W Cherry Skidmore........................................... 928-3310 Boles Lisa & Richard 202 W Cherry St Skidmore..................... 928-3247 Boles Rodney E 13893 270th St Lamoni........................... 641-784-6596 Boley Auto Center 539 E State St Linneus................................. 895-5530 Boley Terry L 539 E State St Linneus............................................ 895-5075 Boley Trevor 533 E State St Linneus............................................. 895-5606 Boley Willie 218 E Jackson St Linneus......................................... 895-5607 Bolon Gary L 20027 280th St Davis City............................ 641-442-8955 Bolton Pat 915 E 5th St Maryville................................................. 582-2070 Boman John 802 W Crowder Rd Trenton..................................... 357-2382 Bomar Sally A MD 114 E South Hills Dr Maryville...................... 562-2525 Bomar Wayne & Karla 811 Victory Ln Maryville...................... 582-8228 Bomgardner David 23030 Main St Mercer................................ 382-5881 Bond Burdette A & Gayle 20717 390th St Graham................ 939-2537 Bond Joe 208 2nd St Gilman City.................................................. 876-5422 Bond Julie 24886 Co Hwy J66 Davis City............................ 641-442-2517 Bond Ted & Susan 31342 Hwy W Meadville.............................. 938-4378 Bonde James 3356 310th St Blockton............................... 641-788-2179 Boner Tim Sr 312 Main St Conception Jct.................................... 944-2504 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Bonine Kenneth 109 N Main Galt............................................... 673-6184 Bonnett Austin & Darlene 25341 July Av.............................. 828-4152 Bonnett Brenda Jean 303 E Crowder...................................... 359-5247 Bonnett Marty 2713 LuLu Trenton.............................................. 357-2450 Bonnett Roger 210 NE Hwy B Spickard....................................... 485-6786 Bontrager Sam & Pam 20001 Falk Rd Purdin......................... 244-3030 Booher Daniel & Debra 509 S Hundley St Albany................... 726-4193 Booher J ....................................................................................... 726-5624 Booher John L 20407 State Hwy B Coffey.................................. 533-4195 Booher Mitch & Hillary 103 South St Bethany........................ 425-4461 Bookout Russell & Denise 20825 Hwy 5 Linneus.................. 895-5087 Boon Farms LLC 3499 Hwy V Chula........................................... 639-2101 Boone Jeremy & Lacey 4489 State Hwy H King City............... 666-2209 Boord Jerry O 205 NW Walnut St Leon............................. 641-446-4231 Boord Joseph R 22289 Pleasanton Rd Leon..................... 641-446-6388 Booth Harold 307 Johnson Dr..................................................... 359-6976 Booth Howard J & Bonita 606 W Main St Lamoni....... 641-784-6660 Booth Jo 20436 US Hwy 69 Pattonsburg....................................... 367-2198 Booth Judy 2813 Timothy Terr Bethany........................................ 425-3622 Booth Judy 1316 Walnut Bethany................................................ 425-6966 Booth Larry 65 NE 115th St Spickard............................................ 485-6332 Booth M 305 Cedar St Ridgeway.................................................... 872-6306 Booth Mark 24949 E 245th St Ridgeway....................................... 872-6463 Booth Nicholas 1305 Washington St Cainsville........................... 893-5296 Booth Randall RR 1 Cainsville..................................................... 893-5535 Booth Randy & Laura 707 Oak St Pattonsburg........................ 367-4669 Booth Rick & Robin 105 Cedar St Ridgeway............................ 872-6435 Booth Robert M 17496 E 345th Ave Cainsville............................ 893-5580 Booth Steven L 308 Cedar St Ridgeway...................................... 872-6333 Booth Wilbur 10672 Dairy St Cainsville....................................... 893-5584 Booth William G 503 Lisa Ln Maryville....................................... 562-3199 Boothe Curtis & Missy 24944 State Hwy 2 Leon........... 641-446-7330 Boothe Eugene 7025 7th St Eagleville........................................ 867-5461 Boothe James D 308 N Olive St Albany...................................... 726-3398 Boothe Linda 517 W Clark St Davis City............................ 641-442-3595 Borders Phil 1105 Harris Trenton................................................ 357-2281 Boren Christine 205 E Allen St................................................... 663-4167 Borey Charles & Janice Rt 4 Grant City.................................. 564-3620 Borges Jim & Mariea 22609 Midway Av Gallatin..................... 663-3847 Borntrager Ervin Powersville.................................................... 592-2477 Borntrager Freddie 19610 110th St Powersville....................... 592-2540 Borntrager Paul & Laura 2747 165th St Corydon........ 641-873-4545 Borrowman Mike & Barb 30466 190th Ave Davis City.................................................... 641-442-8809 Bosley Kenneth H 203 S 2nd St Spickard................................... 485-6612 Bosley William H 203 S 2nd St Spickard.................................... 485-6612 Boswell Arza 420 E Elm St Ravenwood........................................ 937-3785 Boswell Ben & Brandy 1440 E Main St Lamoni............. 641-784-3844 Boswell Bros Elevator Inc 318 S Bridge St Davis City...................................................... 641-442-2215 Or.......................................................................................... 641-442-2401 Boswell Corey 39087 State Hwy 46 Parnell................................. 937-2628 Boswell Curt 403 N High School Ave Ravenwood......................... 937-3945 Boswell Dan 26890 175th Ave Davis City........................... 641-442-3655 Boswell Don & Pat 16526 280th St Lamoni.................... 641-784-6891 Boswell Gary 1890 E Main St Lamoni................................ 641-784-7646 Boswell James W (Tot) 14987 300th St Lamoni........... 641-784-3400 Boswell Kala 101 W Clark St Davis City............................. 641-442-2171 Boswell Leonard L & Dody 28308 177th Ave Davis City.................................................... 641-442-3895 Boswell Morris & Jennifer 28501 163rd Ave Lamoni........................................................ 641-784-6571 Boswell Rebecca 11767 290th St Lamoni........................ 641-784-8712 Boswell Richard 329 W Main St Davis City...................... 641-442-8105 Boswell Ronald J 106 NW Cedar Ridge Leon.................. 641-446-7227 Boswell Terry 232 W Lincoln St Lamoni............................. 641-784-3925


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