Grand River, MO-2016


Beebe J ......................................................................................... 726-3284 Beeks Dennes 1400 17th St Ter Bethany.................................... 425-7126 Beeks Douglas & Sharon 1118 S 9th St Bethany................... 425-7096 Beel John 25226 210th St............................................................. 663-5453 Beeman John 1235 Ashwood Cir Maryville................................. 582-8042 Beemer Monte & Laura 708 W 1st St Leon.................. 641-446-4883 Beemer & Render Red Line Accessories 1403 E 1st St Maryville..................................................................... 562-2900 Beemers Muffler Center 1305 E 1st St Maryville................... 582-4622 Beemers Muffler Center 1305 E 1st St Maryville................... 582-3054 Beemers Muffler Center 1305 E 1st St Maryville................... 582-2800 Beermann I J 1514 A Hillcrest Dr Bethany.................................. 425-7996 Beers Joann 1207 E 10th St Trenton............................................ 357-2111 Beers Mary 1010 Avalon St Trenton............................................. 357-2259 Beery Cliff & Melody 15634 W US Hwy 69 Eagleville............... 867-5294 Beery Matthew 777 SW 56th St Jamesport................................ 684-6930 Beeson Garland 14525 US Hwy 136 Princeton........................... 748-3932 Beggs Allen 37551 400th St Guilford............................................ 652-3504 Beggs Mark C 39310 State Hwy J Guilford.................................. 652-3873 Beggs William J 37552 400th St Guilford................................... 652-3272 Begley Justin & Tracy 18438 Empire Loop Princeton............... 748-4774 Behavioral Health Centers Of Southern IA 802 E Ackerley Lamoni........................................................... 641-784-7911 Behrens Brad 504 King St Blockton................................... 641-788-2239 Behrens Robin Rt 1 Grant City.................................................... 564-2686 Beier John 215 W Crowder Rd Trenton........................................ 359-6819 Belanger Joseph ....................................................................... 582-4463 Belcher Dorothy 1316 E 4th St Maryville................................... 582-5056 Bell Angie 2418 Fisherman Rd Trenton......................................... 357-2745 Bell Brian 20808 W 205th St Eagleville......................................... 867-5363 Bell Bruce 24476 State Highway DD Gallatin................................ 663-3446 Bell Farm Shop 24417 175th St Leon............................... 641-446-6657 Bell Kenneth 31137 Vance Dr Maryville....................................... 582-2109 Bell Lance 24356 County Hwy J20 Weldon......................... 641-446-8986 Bell Marvin & Sherry 616 Pierce Ave Maryville....................... 582-7799 Bell Merlin 24417 175th St Leon........................................ 641-446-6654 Bell Michael 315 S 2nd St Spickard............................................. 485-6294 Bell Miranda 201 North St........................................................... 367-3570 Bell Patricia Hatfield................................................................... 845-2826 Bell Peggy P 15042 Forest Ave Pattonsburg................................ 367-2255 Bell Virgil D & Alice 15523 W 400th St Pattonsburg................. 367-4480 Bellin Evelyn K 110 S Vine St Maryville....................................... 582-8019 Bellinger Terry & Lyndsay 12055 12th St Eagleville............... 867-5201 Bellon Victor & Barbara 27865 240th St Leon.............. 641-446-7023 Belokonny Peter 303 S 6th St Sheridan..................................... 799-2219 Belshe Larry 24008 Rustic Ave Gallatin........................................ 663-2062 Belshe Steven 27457 228th St Gallatin....................................... 663-3440 Beltone Hearing Aid Center 127 S Buchanan St Maryville.... 582-8044 Belvel Morris 2711 Hunter Rd Trenton........................................ 359-5737 Belvel Willis D 12041 Liv 202 Trenton......................................... 639-2151 Belzer Ted 11870 June Dr Browning............................................. 244-3333 Bench Kelly & Dusty Altamont................................................. 367-4767 Benda Jeffrey & Julie 30181 310th Ave Lineville.......... 641-876-2713 Bender Earl 304 Pine St Ridgeway............................................... 872-6671 Bender Rosezetta 301 Pine St Ridgeway................................... 872-5477 Benedict Tom & Carol 20225 280th St Davis City.......... 641-442-2833 BENEDICTINE CONVENT OF PERPETUAL ADORATION 31970 State Hwy P Clyde............................................................. 944-2221 Altar Bread Dept 31970 State Hwy P Clyde....................................... 944-2227 Our Lady Of Rickenbach 31970 State Hwy P Clyde.................................................................. 944-2203 Benellis 420 N Main St Maryville.................................................... 562-3018 Benellis 420 N Main St Maryville.................................................... 562-0081 Bennerotte Gary & Susan 1108 Gard Maryville..................... 562-4621 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated

Baumli Roesann 30613 US Highway 71 Maryville....................... 582-8296 Baxter Eric 27072 E 177th St Blythedale....................................... 867-5168 Baxter Larry N 26503 E 147th St Blythedale................................ 867-5177 Baxter Paul & Mozetta 31542 Keystone Rd Barnard............... 582-4661 Baxter-Templeton Insurance Agency 129 E Main St Lamoni............................................................. 641-784-3332 Templeton Don 27359 110th Ave Lamoni.............................. 641-784-6879 Baxter Tony Insurance 22205 E US Hwy 136 Bethany.............. 425-7802 Baxter Tony Insurance 17396 E State Hwy T Blythedale.......... 867-5607 Bayer Sarah 103 Shad Pt Gallatin................................................ 663-4095 Bayless Bonnie 108 S Main St Ridgeway.................................... 872-6690 Bayless Cassie A 18108 W 210th St Ridgeway........................... 845-2552 Bayless Roger L & Teresa 30062 E 240th St Ridgeway........... 872-6886 Bayne Charles (Butch) 14015 147th St Pattonsburg............... 367-2298 Bayne Julia A Coffey................................................................... 533-4375 Bayne Wayne & Edna Gallatin................................................. 663-8909 Beachy Crist H & Marlene W 28220 195th St Leon.... 641-446-7226 Beachy David J 20457 State Hwy 2 Leon......................... 641-446-3413 Beagle Tracy R 306 S High St...................................................... 564-2190 Beagley Steven & Christine 301 Grand Ave Gilman City....... 876-5811 Beall Clinton & Maggie 13844 Basker Rd Meadville............... 938-4792 Beals Anna 1305 S 7th St Bethany................................................ 425-7268 Beals John F 36886 E 240th Ave Bethany.................................... 425-6560 Bear Cat Foods 1005 S Main St Maryville................................... 582-7777 Bear Lake 27103 E 220th St Ridgeway.......................................... 872-5522 Bear Lowell 209 S Booth St Jamesport........................................ 684-6693 Bearcat Book Store 200 J W Jones Union NWMSU Maryville........................................... 582-5151 Bearcat Lanes & Lounge 1803 S Main Maryville.................... 582-2571 Bearcat Property Services 1422 S Munn Ave Maryville......... 562-3537 Bear's Den Pub 101 W 1st St Leon................................... 641-446-6222 Bears Jason 28519 Hwy C Princeton............................................ 748-4251 Bears Kenneth 27927 Intrepid St Princeton................................ 748-4858 Bears Margaret 714 E Edwards Maryville................................... 582-5250 Beasley R 111 E 1st St Leon................................................ 641-446-4491 Beason Bryan & Brenda 20489 250th St Skidmore................. 562-4801 Beason Diane 106 S Orchard St Skidmore................................... 928-3602 Beason L L 417 N Saunders Maryville........................................... 582-5715 Beattie Marcia J 34365 State Hwy WW Barnard........................ 652-3865 Beattie Wayne & Rhonda 30181 335th St Barnard................ 652-3238 Beatty Matt & Heidi 11023 Hwy W Parnell............................... 986-2281 Beaty Elizabeth 16852 280th St Lamoni........................... 641-784-6242 Beaty Erma L 200 Crown Colony Lamoni........................... 641-784-3724 Beaty Robert 102 S 10th St Bethany............................................ 425-6713 Beauchamp Shelby & Norma 1501 E Clark Albany.............. 726-3195 Beauty Bungalow 304 W Fairview Ave King City........................ 535-4818 Beauty Mark 13021 State Hwy N Eagleville.................................. 867-3329 Beavers Dale 14591 State St Mercer........................................... 382-5825 Beavers David & Donna 23178 Highway M Mercer................ 382-4803 Beavers Garnet 22850 Brant St Mercer...................................... 382-5121 Beavers Jonnie & Keith 14645 State St Mercer..................... 382-5361 Beavers L 226 S College Ave Princeton......................................... 748-4183 Beavers Rex & Diane 4 Golf Tee Ln Grant City......................... 564-2418 Beavers Timothy 722 W 11th St................................................. 359-4150 Becerra Ben & Hope Gallatin.................................................. 663-3056 Becerra Joyce Gallatin............................................................... 663-3474 Beck Charles P (Rick) 31913 350th St Barnard....................... 652-3303 Beck David L & Suzanne F 15201 Hwy M Chillicothe............ 639-2899 Beck Ryan 702 Haliburton St Trenton........................................... 339-5022 Beck Shawn 38491 State Hwy N Bolckow.................................... 652-4053 Becker Ray 600 S Elm St Jamesport............................................. 684-6501 Becker Robert 1908 Cypress Dr Maryville................................... 562-0174 Becker Steve & Geri 101 S Shelby St Meadville........................ 938-4042 Becker Wayne 20531 Old Hwy 6 Jamesport................................ 684-6229 Beckett Harold G 11216 W 322nd St New Hampton................... 439-2858 Beck's 607 Main St Ridgeway.......................................................... 872-6650

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