Grand River, MO-2015


Gibson Daniel 106 Gilbert Ave Gilman City.................................. 876-5852 Gibson Diane R 505 N Stauver St New Hampton........................ 439-4385 Gibson Donald D 23288 E 250th Ave Ridgeway......................... 872-6292 Gibson Elizabeth 568 NE 45th Ave Trenton................................ 673-6033 Gibson Frank 119 Gilbert Ave Gilman City................................... 876-5247 Gibson Gene 34232 E 330th St Gilman City.................................. 789-3616 Gibson J C Rt 1 Denver................................................................ 786-2404 Gibson Jacob 302 3rd St Gilman City.......................................... 876-5545 Gibson Jerry RR 2 Newtown........................................................ 794-6522 Gibson Jerry 202 S Main St Newtown.......................................... 794-2165 Gibson Jerry & Katherine 10761 Argo Rd Chula.................... 639-2555 Gibson Jimmy 23431 Hwy KK Lucerne........................................ 794-2723 Gibson Kenneth 453 NW 40th St Trenton................................... 359-3023 Gibson Kenneth W 104 Lake Viking Terr Gallatin...................... 663-3559 Gibson L & B 508 Spruce St Ridgeway......................................... 872-6421 Gibson L D Jr 1124 NE Hwy NN Spickard.................................... 485-6475 Gibson Leroy 1706 Tindall........................................................... 359-5406 Gibson Lois 200 Crown Colony Lamoni............................... 641-784-3550 Gibson Margaret L 12344 E State Hwy O Blythedale................. 878-6118 Gibson Mervin L 33724 E 340th St Gilman City........................... 876-5776 Gibson Nathan 206 N Wayne St Allerton.......................... 641-873-4279 Gibson R & B 2389 Canadian Ridge Trl Worth............................. 448-3189 Gibson R Jason 20817 W US Hwy 69 Ridgeway.......................... 867-5120 Gibson Randy 15642 300th St Lamoni............................... 641-784-4266 Gibson Robert & Donna 20314 Foley Place Princeton............ 748-3053 Gibson Robert L 701 W Grant St Princeton................................ 748-3587 Gibson Roger Dean 19378 W 225th Ave Ridgeway................... 867-5489 Gibson Ronald 16091 W Hwy 69 Eagleville................................. 867-5527 Gibson Samantha 330 Chapman St Chula.................................. 639-2051 Gibson Terry & Mary 704 Grant St Spickard............................. 485-6207 Gibson Tiffany 410 Chapman St Chula......................................... 639-2089 Giermann Kristy 1832 Cypress Dr Maryville............................... 582-6381 Gies Sean 602 S 23rd St Bethany.................................................. 425-6446 Giesken David 418 E Hawk St Ravenwood.................................. 937-3585 Giesken Fred & Karen 36624 200th St Parnell........................ 986-2707 Giesken Jake & Glenda 22542 Galaxy Rd Maryville................ 582-5301 Giesken John 221 S Main St Ravenwood..................................... 937-2175 Giesken Jonathan 114 S High School Ave Ravenwood............... 937-2076 Giesken Luke 22500 Gemstone Rd Maryville............................... 582-5245 Giesken Terri 512 E Elm St Ravenwood........................................ 937-2074 Giesken Welding & Repair 22542 Galaxy Rd Maryville.......... 582-5308 Giffin Arthur 39841 Orion Rd Guilford.......................................... 652-3361 Giffin Curtis 37711 Mercury Rd Guilford...................................... 652-3275 Giffin Jim 39629 385th St Guilford................................................ 652-3653 Giffin John 38865 Liberty Rd Bolckow.......................................... 652-4415 Giffin Ray 38154 410th St Guilford................................................ 652-3613 Giggar Ed 508 Berry St Conception Jct......................................... 944-2130 Gilbert Dean 9041 NW State Route H King City............................ 535-4577 GILBERT HOME COMFORT Bethany.......................... 425-8858 Gilbert Home Comfort 19563 US Highway 69 Leon...... 641-446-4822 Gilbert Jerry W 4361 State Hwy H King City............................... 666-2596 Gilbert Lisa 5832 State Highway J Albany.................................... 726-3634 Gilbert Toby & Anita 4454 NW Berlin Rd King City.................... 535-4552 GILBERT TRUE VALUE HOME CENTER 19563 US Highway 69 N Leon.......................................... 641-446-8258 Gilbert Willie & Beth 313 N College Ave Princeton.................. 748-3311 Gilbertson Denise 71200 Caron Dr Trenton.............................. 789-2218 Giles Leslie 103 Main St Brimson................................................. 789-2265 Giles Marvin J 33067 E 292nd St Ridgeway................................ 824-4797 Giles Randy 32739 E State Hwy Y Ridgeway................................. 824-4244 Giles Roger 32741 E State Hwy Y Ridgeway................................. 824-4153 Gilhuly Susanne 120 NW 12th Ave Spickard.............................. 485-6238 Gill Duane 16721 133rd St Powersville......................................... 592-2842 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated

Gentry-County Of Library 304 N Park St................................... 783-2335 Gentry County Of Assessor Courthouse Albany............................................................ 726-5289 Associate Circuit Judge Courthouse................................................. 726-3411 Circuit Clerk & Recorder Courthouse................................................ 726-3618 County Barn..................................................................................... 726-5704 County Clerk Courthouse.................................................................. 726-3525 Data Line Courthouse....................................................................... 726-3130 Gentry County Circuit Court Division II Courthouse........................... 726-3411 Prosecuting Attorney Courthouse..................................................... 726-3844 Sheriff Courthouse........................................................................... 726-3721 Treasurer Courthouse...................................................................... 726-3319 U Of MO Extension Center 102 N Hundley Albany.............................. 726-5610 Gentry County Public Water Distn 1 ............................... 726-3432 Gentry Dale 1116 S 12th St Bethany............................................ 425-3082 Gentry Danny L 26490 Hwy A Princeton..................................... 748-4124 Gentry Delbert R 470 NW Prospect........................................... 359-2338 Gentry Emergency Dispatch 202 N Smith St Albany............. 726-4234 Gentry Glen & Cindy 33590 W 190th Ave Bethany................... 425-7747 Gentry Randy 21993 W 332nd Pl Bethany................................... 425-6395 Gentry Robert 406 W Mill St Gallatin.......................................... 663-4289 George B Jones Atty 117 S Linden St Lamoni................ 641-784-6970 George Bruce 2781 Highway S26 Allerton........................ 641-873-4141 George Don & Bev 24998 Harbor Pl Princeton.......................... 748-4196 George James 208 W Broadway Newtown................................. 794-2122 George Jerry 20913 Imperial St Princeton.................................. 748-3005 George John C 606 Brown Princeton......................................... 748-4359 George Jonny L & Clara 491 NW 85th St Trenton.................. 485-6771 George L Lester 25 NW Quail Ln Spickard.................................. 485-6424 George Margaret 104 S 9th St Spickard.................................... 485-5322 George Michael L 162 NW 52nd St Trenton.............................. 485-6780 George Paul 916 W 1st Maryville................................................ 582-8915 George Renee 491 NW 85th St Trenton...................................... 485-6760 George Rodney & Patty 746 NE Hwy Y Trenton...................... 485-6198 George Seth & Letisha 19058 Hwy 65 Princeton..................... 748-4467 George Thomas J Mercer.......................................................... 382-4275 George Troy 173 SW 52nd Ave..................................................... 359-5968 George-Walker Jennifer Atty 207 N Washington Princeton............................................................ 748-4131 George William C Mrs 105 Alco Ave Maryville........................ 582-5310 Gerdes S 1600 NE Poplar St Leon........................................ 641-446-8670 Gerhart Brick Laying 29428 Hwy W Meadville......................... 938-4451 Gerhart Dale 29428 Hwy W Meadville......................................... 938-4451 Gerke Richard &Virginia 14764 Hwy D Princeton.................. 748-3036 Gerken Steve 17370 W 180th Ave Eagleville................................ 867-5148 Gerlt Shayla Browning................................................................. 946-4078 German Kelli 311 E Crandall St Meadville.................................... 938-4013 Germann Steven 32725 320th St Conception Jct....................... 582-7718 Gerson Pam 17434 Midway Av Gallatin........................................ 663-3062 Geyer Billie Gene 305 N College Albany.................................... 726-5631 Geyer Billy Don 302 N College St Albany.................................... 726-3067 Geyer Buster 2601 Grand Ave Bethany........................................ 425-3219 Gibbany Jim & Joann 1522 Lake Viking Terr........................... 663-4029 Gibbany Jim & Joann 802 N Hundley St.................................. 726-5275 Gibbar Michael L 707 W Mill St Gallatin.................................... 663-2847 Gibler C J 140 E 7th St.................................................................. 359-5443 Gibler Ronald 1010 Harris Ave Trenton...................................... 359-2032 Gibler William 4445 425th Rd King City...................................... 535-6301 Gibson Annie Gallatin................................................................. 663-8979 Gibson Arnold 30946 E 345th St Gilman City............................... 876-5207 Gibson Bob 124 Dorney Ave Gilman City...................................... 876-5661 Gibson Chris 327 Vista Ln Maryville............................................ 582-2465 Gibson Chris 200 S Main St Newtown.......................................... 794-6566 Gibson Craig 3021 State Highway C Albany................................. 726-3020

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