Grand River, MO-2015

Centurylink .................................................................................. 562-0315 Centurylink LNP 107 Ohio King City........................................... 535-4469 Ceperley Robert Rev 31483 Sherry Ln Maryville...................... 582-5602 Ceradsky Charles 27127 E 330th Ave Ridgeway........................ 824-5281 Ceradsky Jonathan 1412 E 13 Trenton..................................... 357-2332 Cervantes Joyce 1211 E 4th St Maryville................................... 582-3324 Chadwick Darrel 22305 Otter Ave Gallatin................................ 663-3341 Chadwick J .................................................................................. 828-4449 Chadwick Lewis S 218 W 3rd St Jameson................................ 828-4279 Chadwick Nina 21022 State Hwy 13........................................... 828-4411 Chaillie John & Jane 800 NW Church St Leon............... 641-446-8177 Chalfant Dan 12445 State Hwy K Gilman City.............................. 876-5458 Chamber Of Commerce 617 Main.......................................... 359-4324 Chamberlin Edward & Iola 18400 W 210th St Ridgeway....... 845-2247 Chamberlin Luke 1006 W Main St Bethany................................ 425-7433 Chambers Ed & Janice 216 N Young King City........................ 535-6243 Chambers J 7 Faustiana Pl Maryville........................................... 582-3666 Chambers Jan 301 NE Q St Leon...................................... 641-446-4145 Chambers Jeannie Albany........................................................ 726-3578 Chambers P D 546 NE 2nd Ave Trenton...................................... 485-6460 Champlin Barbara 20738 310th St Jamesport.......................... 684-6822 Chance James L 25466 E State Hwy MM Gilman City................. 425-6045 Chandler Charles & Kathy 127 Fisher St Gilman City............ 876-5570 Chandler Margaret 1901 Olive St Cainsville.............................. 893-5682 Chandler Noel 1213 Scott........................................................... 359-2002 Chandler Robert J 24669 E 165th St Blythedale........................ 867-5770 Chaney Anna 301 N Walnut St..................................................... 783-9059 Chaney Edwin 37615 E State Hwy CC Gilman City....................... 789-2342 Chaney Herman & Melanie 506 Logan St Cainsville.............. 893-5375 Chaney M ..................................................................................... 359-5909 Chaney Rex & Christine 905 NW Hwy 146 Gilman City........... 789-2460 Chaney Virgil 39524 E 338th Ave Melbourne................................ 789-2346 Chaney Walter 347 NE 42nd Ave Trenton.................................... 673-6229 Chapin Butch & Ina 2928 County Hwy P27 Redding....... 641-767-5344 Chapins L 14594 Hwy K Chula....................................................... 639-2691 Chaplin Bernard 29949 E 192nd St Cainsville............................. 872-6493 Chapman Clifford J 304 SE Vine St Leon........................ 641-446-4219 Chapman Donnie 42793 Short Rd Humphreys........................... 673-6446 Chapman Jimmie L RR 92 Cainsville........................................ 382-4783 Chapman Kenny L 19787 Liv 216 Wheeling............................... 639-2453 Chapman Larry 804 SE 4th St Leon.................................. 641-446-8027 Chapman Margaret 140 NW 125th St Spickard........................ 485-6756 Chapman Martin D 1195 NW 12th Ave Spickard....................... 485-6575 Chapman Marty & Deb 155 Lake Marie Mercer...................... 382-4038 Chapman Mike & Andrea Grant City..................................... 564-2633 Chapman Paul 12750 Argo Rd Linneus....................................... 244-3521 Chapman Terry 2004 Newburn St Bethany.................................. 425-2399 Chapman Tim 801 SE 2nd St Leon..................................... 641-446-7133 Charles Christina 1006 S High St Grant City.............................. 564-4055 Charles D Sr Grant City............................................................... 564-2164 Charles Duane & Mindy 106 Baywatch Ct Gallatin................. 663-4225 Charles W Brown Office 14814 310th Skidmore.................... 928-3660 Chastain Bob & Kathy 25952 217th St Leon.................. 641-446-6881 Chastain Linda R 21210 Lineville Rd Leon....................... 641-446-6241 Chavala S MD 2024 S Main St Maryville 64468............................ 562-2566 Chavez Roberta ......................................................................... 663-5812 Cheek Angie 17266 State Hwy N Pattonsburg............................. 367-3594 Cheek Robert 1019 Lake Manor Dr Trenton................................ 359-5438 Cheek Robt Alan 1505 Cedar Trenton....................................... 359-6983 Cheeney Richard And LeeAnn 28080 Hwy W Meadville...... 938-4151 Chenoweth Emmett 4013 State Hwy H Darlington................... 666-2649 Cheperley Michael 30243 Icon Rd Maryville............................. 562-2278 Cherry Jack L DDS 203 S College St Albany.............................. 726-3475 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Cheryl's Hare Creations 2302 Main St Bethany...................... 425-7577 Chesney David & Stephanie 826 Lake Viking Terr Altamont.......................................................... 663-9265 Chesnut Allen 604 E Elm Skidmore............................................. 928-3314 Chesnut Delbert 29136 State Highway 113 Skidmore................ 928-3644 Chesnut Janitorial Supplies 114 E 1st Maryville.................. 582-7258 Chesnut Les 27176 Burr Oak Rd Skidmore................................... 928-3409 Chesnut Stanley 28841 Jade Rd Maryville................................. 582-2936 Chester Bob & Joyce 24041 Waltz Av Gallatin......................... 663-9471 Chicken Larry 15198 Hartford Ln................................................ 564-2116 Chief Lamoni Motel I35 & Hwy 69 Lamoni............................................................. 641-784-3329 Or Call.................................................................................. 641-784-6533 Chief's Tavern 100 N Jefferson St Princeton................................ 748-4599 Childers C S 7168 Liv 251 Chillicothe........................................... 639-2545 Children & Family Center Of NW Missouri 1220 E 2nd St Maryville.................................................................... 562-2320 CHILLICOTHE DIESEL INC 1024 International Chillicothe......................................... 800-782-3620 Local Call.......................................................................................... 646-3295 CHILLICOTHE FABRICATION & MACHINE SHOP 850 Waples St Chillicothe............................................................ 646-1120 China King 302 N 39th St Bethany................................................ 425-8884 China 1 Buffet 1852 E 9th St Trenton.......................................... 359-4500 Chipp B ......................................................................................... 822-4298 ChiroSolutions PC 2910 Oklahoma Ave.................................... 359-3500 Chitty Kristen 409 W 7th St........................................................ 564-4039 Chitwood David RR 4 Maryville.................................................. 582-0613 Chloupek Brett 712 W 3rd St Maryville...................................... 562-2020 Choices 100 N Maple St Lamoni........................................... 641-784-3399 Chor Steve & Amy 28080 State Hwy U Conception Jct.............. 944-2110 Chown Robert V 413 Condit Dr Lamoni............................ 641-784-6401 Chris Cakes 29242 Jade Rd Maryville........................................... 582-6353 Chrisman Edgar R 23136 Upland Ave Gallatin........................... 663-3146 Chrisman J 212 E Berry St Gallatin.............................................. 663-4164 Chrisman Mary 1900 Main St Trenton........................................ 359-2016 Chrisman Matt 513 E 9th Ct....................................................... 359-6986 Chrisman Tom & Linda 211 S 2nd St Spickard......................... 485-6303 Christansen Wayne 13626 Unity Ave........................................ 749-5887 Christensen Dale & Mary Jo 17287 232nd St Jameson........ 828-4541 Christensen Dan & Lori 20426 212th Ave Leon............ 641-446-6961 Christensen Dennis 1018 Victory Ln Maryville.......................... 582-8741 Christensen Dennis D 1008 NW School St Leon............ 641-446-4881 Christensen Don 904 NW Church St Leon........................ 641-446-6487 Christensen Farms & Feedlots Inc 24546 275th St Leon.............................................................. 641-442-2615 Christensen Jeff & Linda 30602 Icon Rd Maryville................ 582-5420 Christensen Joseph 30736 Icon Rd Maryville.......................... 562-4321 Christensen Warren 27661 Hwy JJ Harris............................... 748-3190 Christian Beverly L 604 N Central Ave Allerton.............. 641-873-4536 Christian Church 501 S High Grant City..................................... 564-2284 Christian Church 1501 S Main St Gallatin.................................. 663-3415 Christian Church 108 N Hundley St Albany.................................................................. 726-5722 Parsonage 108 N Hundley St............................................................ 726-5646 Christian Church First ............................................................ 582-4101 Christian Church Parsonage 104 N Orchard Skidmore........ 928-3222 Christian Doug 607 N Central Ave Allerton...................... 641-873-4930 Christian Forrest 422 S Maple Ave Maitland.............................. 935-2253 Christian George A 18022 Locust St Eagleville......................... 867-5313 Christian George W 27928 275th St Maryville.......................... 582-4997 Christian J A Altamont................................................................ 749-5474 Christian Joyce 200 N Highland St............................................. 749-5474 Christian MD Jacob Gynecology 2600 Miller St Bethany... 425-0253


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