Grand River, MO-2015
Phone Repair Service
To Report A Problem With Your Phone Service: (8am-5pm Monday-Friday) ................................................333 (from within our serving area) or......................................................................................................................1-800-451-2350 (After Hours, Holidays & Weekends) ................................................................1-800-451-2360 Why Won’t My Phone Work? These tests can help you determine why your phone isn’t working: 1. If you have only one phone and it unplugs, take it to a friend’s home or office and plug it in. If it doesn’t work there, you probably have a phone equipment problem . 2. If you have two or more phones that unplug, unplug all of them. Then try each one, one at a time in each phone jack or outlet. If one phone doesn’t work anywhere, you probably have a phone equipment problem. If none of the phones work in any jack, you may have a jack or inside wiring problem. 3. Borrow a friend’s phone and try it in each one of your jacks. If it doesn’t work in a particular jack you probably have a jack or inside wiring problem . If it doesn’t work in any jack, you may have a line problem . 4. If your phone doesn’t unplug, contact the company that sold or leased it to you for directions on how to remove it. 5. If you have phone accessories such as answering machines, speaker phones, cordless phones, security systems or night bells, make sure the equipment is working. If your phone service works without the added equipment, the problem may be with the accessories. If You Hear Noise On Your Line: It may be caused by the weather, aerial satellites, poor grounding or other conditions that are only temporary. If the noise persists, the troubleshooting tips listed above may help isolate the problem. The interference may also be caused by radio frequency signals from amateur citizens band (CB) and AM/FM broadcast stations. The installation of a modular filter, obtainable from most stores selling phone equipment may help. Because cordless phones operate on radio frequencies, they can also receive interference from radio transmitters. Contact your cordless phone equipment supplier or manufacturer for assistance with these problems. If You Hear A Rapid Busy Signal: While making a local or long distance call, it means that all phone circuits are busy. Wait a few minutes, then try your call again.
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