Grand River, MO-2015

Leazenby Deborah 2002 Wilson Bethany.................................. 425-2222 Leazenby Jim 500 N 22nd St Bethany......................................... 425-3637 LEBSACK DAVID M DDS MS PC 3105 Fredrick Ave Ste A St Joseph.................................. 816-279-2435 Ledbetter Timothy 1001 Laclede Trenton.................................. 339-5046 Lederman Bonding Company ................................... 641-446-6551 Ledgerwood Ciecel L 21868 340th St Graham......................... 939-2421 Ledgerwood Jody 31857 E 137th Pl Blythedale......................... 893-5623 Lee Ben Winston........................................................................... 749-5631 Lee Brooke 28018 112th St.......................................................... 749-5321 Lee Daniel & Carol 1607 Alder Bethany.................................... 425-6877 Lee David 302 N Hundley St Albany............................................... 822-4005 Lee Delbert S & Delores 103 S Main St Suite C Leon..................................................... 641-446-4900 Lee Doloris 307 Pineview Dr........................................................ 783-2812 Lee Gary S 603 S 3rd St Spickard.................................................. 485-6703 Lee Greg & Cindy 19365 W 330th St Bethany............................ 425-6996 Lee J Sackett Inc 506 W Vine St Decatur........................ 641-446-3200 Lee James D & Erma 29732 State Hwy CC Gallatin................. 663-3143 Lee Janell 401 E Corrine St Gallatin.............................................. 663-5444 Lee Jim & Bettie 2000 Beekman St Bethany.............................. 425-3492 Lee Joyce 1111 Ranchwood Rd Bethany....................................... 425-6734 Lee Kenneth 12030 Ridge Ave Winston........................................ 749-5684 Lee Marvin D 107 S Clay St Gallatin............................................ 663-3947 Lee Melvin W 27133 112th St Winston........................................ 749-5751 Lee Michael D & Tara 10506 Ridge Ave Weatherby................. 749-5539 Lee Penny 803 Main St Darlington................................................ 666-3145 Lee Sheena 25648 Old 69 Hwy Leon.................................. 641-442-2144 Lee Steve & Brenda 27851 112th St......................................... 749-5878 Lee Willis 214 W 5th St................................................................. 359-6933 Leeper Alice 301 E Wood St Davis City.............................. 641-442-3111 Leeper Andrew & Kala 21588 Pony Farm Rd Leon........ 641-446-7571 Leeper Dale & Carol 288 SW 30th Ave.................................... 359-2765 Leeper David Gallatin.................................................................. 663-2051 Leeper David R 29474 Otter Ave Gallatin................................... 684-6641 Leeper Dean 19987 State Hwy C Pattonsburg............................. 828-4275 Leeper Johnnie 438 NE 53rd St Trenton.................................... 485-6521 Leeper Larry L 28222 Indulge Rd Princeton................................ 748-4683 Leeper Lesa 29076 State Hwy V Gallatin...................................... 663-2342 Leeper Lisa 15238 State Hwy 13.................................................. 828-4414 Leeper Luke 29841 Prairie Ave Jamesport.................................. 684-6580 Leeper Mary Ann 1600 NE Poplar St Leon....................... 641-446-7222 Leeper Miles L 22681 Valley Rd Garden Grove................. 641-446-6339 Leeper Rick 18042 State Hwy E Parnell....................................... 986-2410 Leeper Roger & Renee 21120 272nd Ave Leon............ 641-446-6282 Leeper Shawn & Lori 36565 State Hwy Y Graham................... 939-2535 Leeper Vivian 1311 E 28th St....................................................... 359-6584 Lee's Lawn & Garden 131 E 8th St........................................... 359-6602 Lefevre Adelaide 15042 Forest Ave........................................... 367-4226 Lefevre Kathy 15042 Forest Ave................................................. 367-3516 Leffler Daryl & Kathy 3520 US Highway 169............................ 783-2955 LeFleur James & Karen 903 NW Church St Leon......... 641-446-7456 Legaard Steven 1606 Daily Rd Bethany...................................... 425-6624 Legg Phyllis 25821 132nd St Winston.......................................... 749-5329 Lehleitner William 1501 Coleman Rd Bethany.......................... 425-8012 Lehman David & Ruth 1206 Highway A Spickard.................... 485-6297 Lehman Family Orchard LLC 1206 Highway A Spickard....... 485-6297 Lehman Linda RR 2 Princeton..................................................... 382-4667 Lehr Darrell & Elaine 1602 E 8th St......................................... 359-5848 Leib Helen 2119 Cedar Rd Allerton..................................... 641-873-4579 Leib Rodney 1638 Highway J54 Clio.................................. 641-873-6756 Leibold Mandy 162 Lake Viking Terr Daviess.............................. 663-2254 Leick George & Sharelle 34432 State Hwy H Barnard........... 939-2525 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Leinbach Laurence 20718 Clark Dr Linneus.............................. 895-5574 Leininger Larry 215 S Johnson Dr Trenton................................. 359-5123 Leininger Shawn 242 SE Hwy E Chula....................................... 286-2147 Leisure Lake Association Inc 71660 NW 25th St Trenton..... 789-2793 Leivick Keith E 23059 Highway M Mercer................................... 382-4863 Lemar Scott 38647 Empire Rd Graham........................................ 939-4535 Lemon Cindi 503 S Walnut Skidmore........................................... 928-3258 Lemon Todd 12378 State Highway DD Skidmore.......................... 928-3248 Lemons Bryan 203 N Vine Maryville............................................ 562-3167 Lenhart William O 802 Taylor Ter Bethany............................... 425-8839 Lentz Carl 717 Main St Lineville.......................................... 641-876-5873 Lentz Dan 22981 Hwy DD Browning.............................................. 673-6758 Lentz David E 33662 Blossom Dr Browning................................. 946-4554 Lentz Donnie R 30803 335th Ave Lineville........................ 641-876-2983 Lentz Henry 33435 Major Ave Jamesport..................................... 684-6920 Lentz Timothy S 1410 Washington St Lineville................. 641-876-2321 Leola Inman 727 Katy Dr Maryville.............................................. 582-3497 Leon Automotive 100 SE Hill St Leon.............................. 641-446-7143 Leon City Of City Hall & Water Dept 104 W 1st St...................................... 641-446-6221 Fax....................................................................................... 641-446-6574 City Maintenance Garage 105 SW Church St.......................... 641-446-6232 Community Center 203 NE 2nd St........................................... 641-446-4516 Library................................................................................... 641-446-3746 Police..................................................................................... 641-446-7733 Swimming Pool 805 SE Idaho St Leon..................................... 641-446-6212 Water Superintendent............................................................ 641-446-6344 Leon Golf & Country Club 1204 W 1st St Leon........... 641-446-4529 Leon Journal-Reporter 110 N Main St Leon................ 641-446-4151 Leon Lions Club Leon...................................................... 641-446-4417 Leon Lock & Key 318 NW 13th Dr Leon........................... 641-446-6362 Leon NAPA 106 E 1st St Leon............................................. 641-446-4188 Leon Plumbing Works 300 W 1st St Leon.................... 641-446-4123 Leon Public Library 200 W 1st Leon...................................................................... 641-446-6332 Or Call................................................................................... 641-446-3746 LEON RECYCLING & AUTO PARTS LLC 23579 220th St Leon IA................................................... 641-446-7557 Leon Recycling & Auto Parts LLC 23579 220th St Leon.............................................................. 641-446-6557 Leon Sinclair Service 109 W 1st St Leon...................... 641-446-7566 Leon Swimming Pool 805 SE Idaho St Leon................. 641-446-6212 Leonard Donald 13020 250th St Lamoni.......................... 641-784-6299 Leonard Gary 25504 Elk Chapel Rd Lamoni....................... 641-784-8374 Leonard Marlin & Melissa 216 N Linden St Lamoni..... 641-784-7934 Leonard Myron 10062 W US Hwy 69 Eagleville........................... 878-8117 Leopard Heidi 210 Boundary St Allerton........................... 641-873-6460 Leopard John K 212 E Van Buren St Gallatin.............................. 663-3453 Lepley Donald M & Mildred E 616 2nd St Conception Jct.... 944-2112 Leppin Doug & Leslie 501 Brook Dr Meadville........................ 938-4161 Leppin Doyle E 15306 Dart Rd Meadville.................................... 938-4257 Leppin Marvin 26141 Hwy Y Meadville....................................... 938-4481 Leppin Rex 107 E Hayward St Meadville....................................... 938-4392 LeRette Jim 1503 S 14th St Bethany............................................ 425-8037 Leriche Mary Lou 406 N 13th St Albany.................................... 726-5616 Lerner Liba 4656 State Highway Z King City................................. 535-4524 Lesan Rex 202 W 1st St Leon.............................................. 641-446-6423 Lesan Terry B 1330 E Main St Lamoni................................ 641-784-6059 Lesan Terry B 16076 280th St Lamoni................................ 641-784-6019 Lesan Terry B DDS Ofc 1330 E Main St................................................................. 641-784-6059 Res 16076 280th St................................................................ 641-784-6019 Lesan Troy 116 Lighthouse Pt Gallatin........................................... 663-3744 Leslie Alfred 18731 Hwy 139 Harris............................................ 673-6681


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