Grand River, IA-2019 GRM

General Information

Phone Directories Numbers are frequently changed and the use of obsolete directories results in calling wrong numbers. Please transfer all special information to your new directory and destroy the old directory. If you do not receive the new directory, or if additional copies are needed, call, stop by or write the business office. An electronic version of this directory is available at . Additional Listings For each customer, a single line insertion in the alphabetical list is made without charge. Customers may arrange for additional listings under such regulations as apply to main listings to be placed in the alphabetical directory. Rates for additional listings may be obtained from the business office. Directory Errors And Omissions Claims for damages due to errors or omissions in directory listings will be limited to prorated charges for the directory listing that is affected. Listings Not Appearing In The Directory Between directory issues, many phone numbers do not appear in the current issue of the directory due to changes and new installations. Patrons may obtain these phone numbers from “Directory Assistance” by dialing 4-1-1 Use Of Residential Phones For Business Purposes Residential phones are installed with the understanding that they will be used for domestic purposes. A residential phone will be changed to business service if used primarily or substantially for business purposes or if the residential phone number is advertised in connection with the sale of products or services. Telecommunications Access Program Are you, or someone you know, frustrated trying to use the telephone? Is it difficult to hear or understand the conversation? Do others have a hard time hearing you, or ask you to repeat yourself often? Is it challenging to dial a phone with small buttons or hard-to-read displays? Perhaps you don’t always hear the telephone ring or can’t get to the telephone in time before the caller hangs up. The Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) can provide you with a telephone specifically designed to help you with any of these difficulties.

TAP provides specialized telephones FREE to those that qualify. Missouri residents with existing wireline (house) telephone service and income below $60,000 per year (for a household of 2; add $5000 per dependent) will qualify if certified as having a disability that interferes with hearing, seeing, speech, mobility or cognition. TAP provides equipment only; the consumer is responsible for the telephone service. Call 800-655-6700 or visit gov to learn more about this free program to benefit Missouri residents. Residents of other states, visit to

see if a program is in your state. Access Line Charges

Listed below are the prevailing monthly access line charges. These rates do not include the Federal subscriber line charge nor applicable taxes. Rate Town Residential Business







Davis City






Garden Grove



Grand River


















Weldon-Van Wert



The above rates were correct as of the date this directory was printed. Current rates and charges are always available from your business office and at .


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