Grand River, IA-2018 SCC

Claycomb Dorothy 15213 E 310th Blythedale................. 660-893-5684 Claycomb Ed 16559 US Hwy 136 Princeton....................... 660-748-3004 Claycomb Robbie & Kelly 25879 E 260th St Ridgeway.................................................... 660-872-5536 Claycomb Roger 2202 Hub Club Dr Bethany.................... 660-425-6717 Claypool Brennan 15253 Lyon Ave................................. 660-564-3385 Claypool John 745 E Farwell St........................................ 660-564-2628 Claypool Roy & Judy 802 E Farwell Grant City.............. 660-564-3607 Clayton C 420 S West St Corydon.................................................. 872-2839 Clayton Dennis 601 N Central Ave Allerton................................. 873-4498 Clayton Lisa 309 S Franklin St Corydon........................................ 523-1050 Clayton Matt & Lisa 420 S West St Corydon............................. 872-2839 CLAYTON PLUMBING & HEATING 602 W Jefferson St Corydon........................................................ 872-2151 Clayworth Becky 1915 S 19th St Apt 11 E.................................. 856-2919 Clearview Estates Assisted Living 500 W Columbus St Mt Ayr............................................................... 464-0651 Clegg Sam 429 W 4th St Lamoni................................................... 289-1107 Cleghorn J L 2856 Quail Ridge Trl Winterset.................... 515-462-3691 Clemens F J 1020 Shamrock Ln Centerville.................................. 856-8077 Clemens Kevin 2157 148th St Winterset.......................... 515-462-3063 Climie Barbera .......................................................................... 856-6150 Climie Phil 406 W Cottage St....................................................... 856-8055 Climie Ryan 24688 Hwy 2 Centerville........................................... 856-6302 Cline Becky 1103 W Madison St................................................... 856-8647 Cline Gail E 1321 W Jefferson St Winterset...................... 515-462-2269 Cline Ian 217 E South St Winterset...................................... 515-462-2232 Cline Murray 910 W Court Ave Winterset......................... 515-462-1432 Cline Robert 706 N 10th St Winterset............................... 515-462-1419 Cline Steve 905 N 6th Avenue Cir Winterset...................... 515-462-4945 Clingingsmith Sharon 708A Prichard Princeton............ 660-748-3699 Clinkenbeard Sally 2021 S Main St........................................... 856-6839 Clio Baptist Church Parsonage 212 Central Ave Clio.......... 876-2482 Clio Hardware Co 401 Main St Clio........................................... 876-6321 CLIP JOINT 138 N Linden Lamoni.................................................................... 784-6630 Clopton J 316 W Lane St Winterset.................................... 515-462-4739 Clothier Richard 512 S Cherry St Lamoni................................... 784-6270 Clough Marlys 2031 US Hwy 69.................................................. 342-3049 Clow Dorothy 2906 Highway S40 Corydon................................... 873-4935 Clow Gary 3076 85th St Lineville................................................... 876-2240 Clow Jerry D 3005 85th St Lineville............................................. 876-6821 Clowser Gail 215 S East St Corydon............................................. 523-1041 Clupny Francis 401 S 16th St Centerville.................................... 856-3221 Coatany Jessica 216 S 18th St................................................... 856-2877 Coates Carl & Nancy 415 W Monroe St Corydon...................... 872-2837 Coates Dana 101 N Lincoln St Corydon........................................ 872-1367 Coates Danielle 303 S Lincoln St Van Wert................................ 445-5664 Coates David 22882 E 280th St Bethany............................ 660-425-3254 Coates Guns LLC 520 E Jefferson St Corydon............................ 872-1501 Coates John & Carolyn 410 S Greeley St Corydon.................. 872-1318 Coates Karen 22912 E 280th St Bethany........................... 660-425-8143 Coates Storage 520 E Jefferson St Corydon............................... 872-1501 Cobb Danny 17700 465th St Chariton.......................................... 774-8610 Cobb David & Mary Jane 3066 Jubilee Rd Seymour.............. 898-7561 Cobb Lynn 28461 Iris Pl Harris.......................................... 660-748-4051 Cobb Richard 512 W South St Corydon....................................... 872-3595 Cobblestone Inn & Suites 226 S Spruce Dr Lamoni............... 784-4000 Cochran Dawn 47145 220th Ave................................................. 774-8706 Cochran Dennis ......................................................................... 649-2634 Cochran Joe 1125 Park Ave Chariton.......................................... 774-4444 Cockrell Don 2106 S Main St Centerville..................................... 856-2147 Coddington Amy 18002 Earl Ave Princeton..................... 660-382-4096 Area Code 641 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Coddington Darrell 1847 100th St Corydon.............................. 872-1601 Coddington Evonne 1246 165th St Corydon............................. 897-1210 Coddington Inc 2178 Hwy 2 Corydon......................................... 872-2800 Coddington W B 1890 Ohio Rd Corydon..................................... 872-1488 Coenen Ray 2707 Pacific St......................................................... 342-6797 Coffelt Chris 19278 Lakeview Rd Leon......................................... 446-7210 Coffelt LM 301 SW Church St Leon............................................... 446-6202 Coffey Charles 102 N Kellogg St Garden Grove........................... 443-2562 Coffey Erik 403 S 28th St Bethany...................................... 660-425-2424 Coffey Jake (Mardis) 2766 310th Ave Weldon......................... 445-5138 Coffey James E 50648 State Hwy 14 Chariton............................ 774-5107 Coffey K M 16727 W US Hwy 136 Bethany......................... 660-425-4447 Coffey Marty 29035 County Hwy J20 Garden Grove..................... 443-2129 Coffey Scott 29150 County Hwy J20 Garden Grove...................... 443-2278 Coffman Judy 200 N Fullerton St Princeton...................... 660-748-3848 Coglianese Ralph A 21071 E 325th Ave Cainsville.......... 660-893-5327 Cohrs Jewell 906 Drake Ave Centerville...................................... 437-1420 Coker Sara 509 N College Ave Princeton............................ 660-748-4334 Cole Alyssa 911 S 19th St............................................................. 856-6456 Cole Cindy 3336 140th St Ellston.................................................. 783-2451 Cole Farms Inc 1516A S 14th St Bethany......................... 660-425-7355 Cole Hardware 1510 Main St Bethany.............................. 660-425-8126 Cole Jennifer 129 S Delaware St................................................ 342-4922 Cole Jim D 310 Main St Powersville................................... 660-592-2310 Cole K 25001 Diamond Pl Princeton..................................... 660-382-5858 Cole Richard 823 W South St Winterset............................ 515-462-1777 Cole Sharon & Robert 401 E Jefferson St Osceola.................. 342-3995 Cole Tom 411 E Prairie St.............................................................. 856-8353 Cole Virginia 630 N State St Osceola........................................... 342-2795 Coleman Bill & Diane 2928 Timothy Ter Bethany.......... 660-425-8226 Coleman Cindy .......................................................................... 774-2454 Coleman L & R 1103 Liberty Hwy............................................... 342-6710 Coleman Ron & Cindy ............................................................ 774-5180 Coleman Vivian 106 W 8th St........................................... 660-564-2429 ColiseumTheater Movie Line 100 N Maple Lamoni......................................................................... 784-5665 In Case Of Emergency Call............................................................... 784-3399 Collier James D 18738 Anvil St Mercer........................... 660-382-4251 Collier Nevin 108 Monroe St Grand River.................................... 773-5228 Collings Clay 23547 Harmonica Rd Princeton.................... 660-748-3012 Collings Faye 801 E Hickland St Princeton........................ 660-748-3013 Collings Jason 22854 US Hwy 65 Princeton..................... 660-748-4223 Collins Bill & Lutricia 16527 W 227th Ave Eagleville..... 660-867-5618 COLLINS BODY SHOP 23764 220th St Leon....................................................................... 446-4377 Collins Donald 24963 200th St Leon........................................... 446-6642 Collins Erica MD 19876 St Joseph's Dr Centerville.................... 856-8684 Collins Floyd W 23764 220th St Leon......................................... 446-4377 Collins Hale & Barbara Lee 217 W Lincoln St Lamoni........... 784-6007 Collins Jack 206 E Marion St Corydon.......................................... 872-1547 Collins James 221 S Cherry St Lamoni........................................ 784-6695 Collins Jerry 15123 W 270th St Bethany........................... 660-845-2372 Collins Kenneth K 1423 Highway 169 Winterset............. 515-462-2602 Collins Nolan 203 E Lane St Winterset.............................. 515-462-3998 Collins Penny 10064 10th St Eagleville............................. 660-867-5645 Collins Ronald Lee 22266 240th Ave Leon................................ 446-4953 Collins Tim & Roena 1008 Garland St Bethany.............. 660-425-7066 Collis Gary 709 W Main St............................................................ 898-2872 Collision Works LLC 22204 E State Hwy 136 Bethany.... 660-425-4177 Collobert Louis 20576 Colony Lp Mercer......................... 660-382-5430 Coltrain Howard & Judith 1700 S 19th St Centerville............ 856-2395


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