Grand River, IA-2018 SCC

Streett Lewis 1008 Kentucky Princeton............................. 660-748-3354 Streett Marvin 32278 W 215th Ln Bethany....................... 660-425-3357 Strege David & Jennifer 1407 North River Trl Winterset.............................................. 515-462-6936 Streight Karen 318 E Morgan St Seymour................................... 898-2971 Strenke Allen 2304 North St............................................. 660-786-1000 Strickler Doug 2385 Holliwell Bridge Rd Winterset.......... 515-462-4949 Strickler Jim 17792 Hwy 5.......................................................... 437-4125 Strickler Nick 1926 Pammel Park Rd Winterset................ 515-462-1991 Strickler Regina 735 N Park Ave............................................... 437-1670 Strickler Russell 15838 545th St Centerville.............................. 437-1510 Strife Rhonda 500 N Hyvee Rd.................................................... 774-4751 Stripe Chad & Becky 13324 320th Ave Garden Grove.............. 443-2385 Stripe Gary 13846 320th Ave Garden Grove................................. 443-3285 Strode Debbie 1414 S 21st St Centerville................................... 856-4326 Strode Diana 23535 Hwy 5.......................................................... 856-8378 Strom Kibbee 28444 Mormon Trail Rd Garden Grove.................. 443-2835 Stromax Construction Inc 406 E Madison St Winterset................................................... 515-462-1224 Stroud Gary & Chieko 909 W Main St..................................... 898-7715 Stroud Jodi 129 Sherman St Murray............................................ 447-2572 Struble Chris 2674 Pacific St New Virginia.................................. 342-2587 Strudthoff Melanie 2493 110th Ave Murray............................. 447-2012 Strunk Donald 1410 E Grant St Centerville................................. 856-3571 Strut And Rut 2018 Hwy S56 Promise City.................................. 874-5500 Stuart Charles W 26889 175th Ave Davis City............................ 442-8335 Stuart M Avery 3060 185th St Thayer......................................... 338-2355 Stubbe R 317 S Eaton.................................................................... 877-6136 Stubbs Danny & Lucy 312 S Dekalb St Corydon....................... 872-2010 Stubbs Debra L 500 SW Lorraine St Leon................................... 446-6548 Stuchel Henry .................................................................. 515-462-4152 Stuck Barb 310 N Linden St Lamoni.............................................. 289-1024 Stuck Bonnie L 15089 125th Ave Grand River............................ 773-5422 Stull Bill 2224 W Kneedler St Mt Ayr............................................. 464-2656 Stull Wanda 1502 S 22nd St......................................................... 856-3804 Stump Craig 1135 Liberty Hwy Osceola....................................... 342-4709 Stump Phyllis 334 N West View Dr............................................. 342-4511 Sturdevant D L 411 4th St Blythedale............................... 660-867-3151 Sturdevant Jerry 311 W Markey St Princeton.................. 660-748-3071 Sturdevant Terri 2602 Crossan St Bethany....................... 660-425-2119 Sturdevant Tony & Peggy Jean 21177 W US Hwy 69 Ridgeway............................................... 660-867-5238 Sturdevant Wes 1305 S 9th St Bethany............................ 660-425-8057 Sturgis Larry D 14883 300th St Lamoni...................................... 784-6854 Sturm James E 501 Markey Princeton............................. 660-748-3498 Stutesman Robert & Glenna 21353 174th Trail Grant City.................................................. 660-564-4087 Stutzman Edwin J 3133 Hwy S40 Corydon................................ 873-4120 Stutzman Floyd Ray 22880 Lineville Rd Leon............................ 446-4548 Stutzman James 2865 200th St................................................. 898-2214 Stutzman Mahlon & Becky 2856 Fillmore Rd Seymour......... 898-2829 Stutzman Miriam 12930 290th Ave Garden Grove..................... 443-2362 Stuva Donald Leroy & Wilma 201 E Pearl St Osceola.......... 342-4897 Suarez Pablo 2211 N 8th Ave Winterset........................... 515-462-5811 Suazo Marco & Amber 707 N Main St Leon............................ 446-6215 Subway 4126 Miller St Bethany............................................ 660-425-7827 Subway 21022 State Hwy N Eagleville................................. 660-867-5315 Subway 77 E Green St Winterset......................................... 515-462-1978 Subway 600 E Main St Lamoni........................................................ 784-7484 Subway 202 Country Club Dr Osceola............................................. 342-7272 Subway 1314 Jeffreys Dr Osceola.................................................. 342-7484 Subway 106 E South St Mt Ayr....................................................... 464-2464 Subway Sandwiches & Salads 1711 Court Ave Chariton..... 774-5911 Area Code 641 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Sudduth G D 2344 325th St Mt Ayr.............................................. 464-3154 Suedmeier Christopher 193 Lake Marie Drive Princeton............................................. 660-382-4561 Sullenger Rebecka 27855 W State Highway D Bethany........................................ 660-845-2200 Sullins Ed & Tereasa Rt 2 Grant City.............................. 660-786-2456 Sullivan David A & Kathleen E 2430 Millstream Ave Winterset.............................................. 515-462-3103 Sullivan James 100 W 1st St Grand River................................... 773-5290 Sullivan Jeff 30615 Clarke Decatur St Weldon............................. 443-2042 Sullivan Jerry 1452 Uniform Rd Humeston.................................. 877-9571 Sullivan Jim & Betty 2766 320th Ave Weldon.......................... 443-2121 Sullivan John L 606 NW White St Leon...................................... 446-6702 Sullivan John L 108 W Cass St Osceola..................................... 342-4379 Sulser John A 24250 138th Ave Numa........................................ 898-7635 Sulser Karla 2568 Euclid Rd Corydon........................................... 873-4378 Summa Gerald 306 E Monroe St Mt Ayr..................................... 464-2774 Summer Salvage Enterprise 405 N Lyon St............... 660-564-2537 Summers Amanda 1621 320th St Lorimor................................ 763-2838 Summers Bob 29223 Kermit St Harris.............................. 660-748-3702 Summers Jubal 30644 170th Rd Grant City..................... 660-786-2338 Summers Kimberly 326 N 5th St.............................................. 898-7681 Summers Larry & Linda Sue 1715 Findley Rd Bethany........................................................ 660-425-6011 Summers Ronnie & Meryl 29201 Kermit St Harris...... 660-748-4749 Summers Sandy 901 S 21st St................................................... 437-1652 Summers Stacy 1523 Hwy 34 Murray........................................ 447-2607 Summit Dental-Dr Gwen 124 W Summit St Winterset................................................... 515-462-2212 Summit Vet Svc 2124 W Summit St Winterset.................. 515-462-3711 Sunderland Terry & Gayla 16111 W 340th St Bethany..................................................... 660-425-8187 Sunderman Daniel 17655 W 330th St Bethany............... 660-425-7367 Sunrise Pork 1525 E Eddie Saylor Pkwy Lorimor.......................... 763-2768 Sunset Sales Metal Recycling 18476 430th Ln Chariton...... 533-4480 Super 8 Motel 811 S 37th St Bethany............................... 660-425-8881 Super 8 Motel 1312 N 10th St Winterset.......................... 515-462-4888 Super 8 Motel 2013 E Main St Lamoni........................................ 784-7500 Supinger Rick & Barb 3078 US Hwy 169 Redding................... 767-5213 Supinger Robert Rt 4 Grant City...................................... 660-564-3401 Supinger Ronnie Rt 2 Grant City..................................... 660-564-2547 Sur-Gro Plant Food Co Inc 100 S 1st St PO Box 156 Sheridan.......................................... 660-799-2325 Surber Gene & Ronda 430 S Lincoln St Osceola...................... 342-2056 Susin Ledio .................................................................................. 437-4631 Sutherland Jonell 800 S 17th St Bethany....................... 660-425-3727 Sutherland Willis 1202 W South St Winterset................. 515-462-1251 Sutphin Todd & Brooke 2619 160th St Van Meter........ 515-462-3159 Sutton C 1204 S 14th St Bethany......................................... 660-425-3108 Sutton Megan 2246 330th St Lorimor......................................... 763-1101 Sutton Tyler S 1066 315th Ave.................................................... 342-1075 Svenson James A 900 NE Locust St Leon.................................. 446-8843 Swab M 1015 W Washington St Centerville.................................... 437-1513 Swaim John 500 S Lincoln........................................................... 342-4162 Swaim Sue 702 S Main St Leon.................................................... 572-1058 Swalve Kristin And Ryan 1880 Nature Ct Winterset.... 515-462-4499 Swan Amber 12998 State Hwy E Powersville.................... 660-592-2027 Swan Marvin ............................................................................... 874-5756 Swan Sonya 201 W Main St......................................................... 874-5477 Swan Terry 25998 US Hwy 65 Princeton............................. 660-748-4214 Swan Tim & Tonya 305 E South St Corydon............................... 872-3996 Swaney Michelle 810 N 14th St................................................. 774-8531 Swaney Richard 10738 Orion Rd Sheridan....................... 660-799-3180


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