
Customer Information

Phone Safety The phone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office. There are, however, a few situations where a phone user needs to exercise caution.

Directory Accuracy Directories are furnished to customers to facilitate the use of phone service. It is not intended to be an address book. The addresses listed are not, in all cases, the mailing address. Neither Fidelity nor the Publisher assumes any liability whatsoever for damages arising from errors or omissions in the making up or printing of this directory. If your listing is incorrect in any way, please call your local business office. If there are mistakes in Yellow Pages advertising, you can call DPS Media, Inc., 1-866-221-4300. Listings We provide an updated directory each year for your convenience. Every customer may be listed once in the alphabetical section of the directory without charge. Additional listings may be arranged for an additional charge according to the type of listing required. If you don’t want your name published in the book or given out by directory assistance, then you may arrange for a nonpublished number for an additional charge. Once you have a nonpublished number, be very careful how you give it out. You can help protect your number by giving it out only when absolutely necessary. Contact your local business office for information on our different types of listings.

Use of the Phone Near Water The phone should not be used while you are in a bathtub, shower or pool. Immersion of the phone or handset in water could cause electrical shock. Use of the Phone During an Electrical Storm Calls of an urgent nature should be brief. Although the phone system uses protective measures to limit abnormal electrical surges from entering your home, there is a remote risk of a dangerous electrical shock from lightning when using the phone during an electrical storm. Use of the Phone to Report a Gas Leak If you think you detect a gas leak, you should not use a phone in the vicinity of the leak because of the contacts that could generate a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. While unlikely, it may be possible for this spark to trigger an explosion if the gas concentration is high enough.


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