

are a tenant (lessee), you should establish an agreement with your landlord regarding repair procedures. You should be aware that, under state law, residential landlords and not tenants, are responsible for repairs and maintenance of residential inside telephone wire. Trouble Isolation Procedures: Telephone repair reports may be made to Sebastian by dialing 611. An SNI may have been installed at the demarcation point. This device allows you to determine if the trouble is caused by your equipment, or inside wire, or Sebastian’s lines. If your premises is equipped with an SNI, Sebastian will advise you to unplug the IW at the SNI and plug a phone known to be in working order into the SNI. If the phone doesn’t work at the SNI, the trouble is assumed to be in Sebastian’s network, and Sebastian will arrange for repair as soon as possible at no charge. You will also be advised that if you decline to perform the test at the SNI, Sebastian will perform the test. If the trouble turns out to be in your IW, however, you will be billed a visit charge during regular business hours. If your premises is not equipped with an SNI and the IW cannot be separated from Sebastian’s equipment at the demarcation point, Sebastian will perform the test at no charge. If it is determined that the problem is with You may do your own repair work. You may hire someone to do the repair work for a fee. You may hire Sebastian to do the repair work for a fee. If you authorize repair work from Sebastian, you will be billed the appropriate charges and will be responsible for payment. Services do not include removal, installation, or reinstallation of inside wire, or installation of additional wires or jacks. Sebastian reserves the right to not repair or replace inside wire that is in non-working condition due to obvious neglect or willful misuse. the inside wire, there are several options. As a Customer or Tenant (lessee) or As a Landlord (lessor):

Dial Tone – A continuous steady “hum,” the signal to start dialing. Ringing Signal – A “burring” tone repeated at regular intervals. Busy Signal – A steady “buzz- buzz” tone. If no signal is heard within a reasonable time after dialing – hang up. Look up the number to

be sure it is correct, then, after waiting for the dial tone, dial the complete number again. If again no signal is heard, dial Operator and report the condition. Monitoring – Occasionally people need to record or monitor telephone conversations for business or other reasons. When this is being done, you will hear a beep tone every 15 seconds to let you know that your conversation is being recorded or monitored. This signal is legally required to protect you. Inside Wiring Inside Wire (IW) consists of all wiring and materials on the customer’s side of the demarcation point determined by Sebastian in accordance with the rules and regulations of the California Public Utilities Commission. The demarcation point is that point where Sebastian’s telephone lines enter your building or home. (Usually at the Standard Network Interface (SNI) or Protector.) Responsibilities of The Building Owner: Inside Wire is considered the property of the building owner. If the building owner is a residential landlord (lessor), the building owner is responsible for installing at least one usable telephone jack per rental unit, for placing and maintaining the inside telephone wiring in good working order, for ensuring that the inside telephone wire meets National Electrical Code standards, making any required repairs, and establishing a mutual agreement with the tenant for repair reimbursements, if applicable. Responsibilities of Sebastian: Sebastian is available to install or repair IW. Sebastian will work with you to determine whether a malfunction in a telephone line is located in your IW or in Sebastian’s network. Sebastian will inform you of your options once it is determined that your IW is at fault. Your Responsibilities: You are responsible for reporting malfunctions of the telephone line to Sebastian. You will be requested to perform a simple isolation test of the IW at the SNI. If you

Other Vendors Also Offer IW Services:

Other vendors also offer IW services in Sebastian’s service area. Please consult the classified ads in your local newspaper or telephone directory. Sebastian Inside Wire Repair Monthly Maintenance Plan for each line is $2.99 per month.


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