
Mcarthur Richard 1431 River View Dr............. 423-6842 McBroome Edwin A 3700 Keyes Wy............... 867-2978 McCarrell George 3663 Medallion Ln............... 423-7519 McCart Teresa Lynn 3249 York Ln................... 428-6404 McCart Virginia 2725 Schurz Hwy..................... 423-4837 McCloud Marian Karen 1603 Mary Fernley................................................... 980-6486 McConnell Michael & Susan 6443 Casey Rd......................................................... 867-3979 McCormick Rod & Susan 5555 Reservoir Rd................................................... 423-5465 McCourtney Billie A 4468 Hawk Dr................ 423-6027 McCoy Bert & Arlie 930 Carol Wy Fernley....... 575-4643 Mccoy Christine & Kid 2060 Blues Ct............ 423-8924 McCoy Edgar 3 Inglewood Dr Fernley................ 575-2589 McCreary Matthew 60 Center St Fernley......... 575-5037 Mccroskey Dennis 635 W Fifth St.................... 428-2487 Mccuskey William & Deena 7241 Reno Hwy....................................................... 867-2004 McCutcheon P & J 3575 Hillsboro Bl.............. 428-6567 McDaniel Katy 706 Tanglewood Dr Fernley....... 575-6791 McDonald Brian 476 Jenny's Ln Fernley........... 835-6899 McDonald Richard 1051 Iris Ln Fernley.......... 835-8025 Mcentee Allen 1515 Michelle Dr........................ 423-9331 Mcfarlane Pat & Nona .................................. 867-3444 Mcfeaters Edward Jr 5360 Applewood Cir..... 423-8477 McGinness Mike 770 Wildes Rd....................... 423-5889 Mcginnis Caleb 4571 Alcorn Rd........................ 423-9073 Mcgraw Dale 4205 Bourbon St........................... 867-5739 McIlvain Leland 1200 Whipple Tree Ln Fernley................................. 575-4156 McIntosh Dennis 3400 Birch St Silver Springs..................................... 577-4590 Mckeown Patricia 6314 Lakeview Dr............... 428-1695 Mckeown Patricia 6305 Lakeview Dr............... 867-2896 McKern Gary ...................................................... 423-3663 McKichan R Roger 7280 Beech Silver Springs....................................... 577-4745 McKinney L A 4085 Soda Lake Rd...................... 423-5060 Mcknight Jerry & Tami 2975 Soda Lake Rd... 867-3003 Mcknight Michelle & Jason 3820 Edwards Ln..................................................... 867-5042 Mcknight Ryan & Audrey 4460 Soda Lake Rd.................................................. 867-8008 Mcknight Sharon 4480 Soda Lake Rd............... 867-3348 McLaughlin Clifton J 2581 Rice Rd................ 423-6829 McNair Bill & Andrea 1000 S Harmon Rd....... 423-2811 Email:alm@phonewave.net McNary John B 3779 Schindler Rd.................... 867-4574 McNeil Lance 1205 S Maine St........................... 867-5803 McPherson Paul A & Valerie 1165 S Maine St...................................................... 428-1536 McQuatters William & Paula 10 MCARTHUR—MURPHY

Fernley/Silver Springs Local Calling Area 575,577,835

Molenda Donald & Christina 8860 Ara Ln............................................................. 867-5863 Monroe Ernest 475 S Taylor St.......................... 423-7251 Montalvo Matthew & Erin 980 Bench Rd..... 423-3526 Montgomery Eileen 890 Liberty Av................. 423-6753 Montgomery Mary 8130 Kennedy Ln............... 423-4877 Montgomery Teresa 7806 Doi Dicutta St......... 423-6580 Moon Charles 1857 Westward Ln Fernley.......... 980-8149 Moon Daryl & Teresa ..................................... 423-4236 Moon K 750 Whitaker Ln....................................... 423-2738 Moon Steven & Juanajane ......................... 423-6983 Mooney Roger & Yvonne 465 Bench Rd....... 867-5272 Moore Anita 3177 Colt Ct Fernley....................... 575-9044 Moore Julia 3300 Elm St Silver Springs............... 577-9364 Moore Katie 3475 Casey Rd................................ 423-9872 Moore Lorraine 152 Carson River Dr................ 980-6744 Moore Ronald 801 Howard Pl............................ 423-1558 Moose Joe Jr 7450 Bear Paw Ct........................ 423-4733 Mora Brad & Bonnie 2090 Rice Rd................. 423-8632 Morales David 716 Annie Wy Fernley................ 980-6704 Morales Jazmin 1145 Mountain Rose Dr Fernley............................... 302-3679 Morden Ron 1555 Cherry Ln............................... 867-2030 Moresi Michael Fernley.................................... 575-5717 Morgan Ernest D & Faye 2640 Rice Rd........ 423-4692 Morgan Jim & Marion 2965 St Clair Rd......... 867-2817 Morgan Richard & Judy 1201 Valley Dr........ 423-6111 Mori Lawrence 13911 Cadet Rd........................ 867-2061 Mori Lawrence & Julie Lahontan Valley Meat 13777 Carson Hwy Fallon........................................ 867-3489 Mori Lawrence & Yvonne 475 Sunrise Terrace................................................ 423-8232 Morin Gary C 428 N Taylor St............................. 423-6147 Morin Murray 2245 Coleman Rd........................ 423-5883 Morissette Norman 207 Jennys Ln Fernley..... 980-6477 Morrell Jean 570 Country Dr Fernley................. 575-0833 Morris Ernie 1676 Lattin Rd................................ 423-5195 Morris James 3939 Hillsboro Blvd..................... 867-2462 Morris Otis 600 Wedge Ln Fernley...................... 980-6228 Morrison Monte & Amy 1555 Rancho Dr...... 423-1898 Email:promom@phonewave.net Morrow George & Jean ................................ 423-1012 Morser Kathi 3300 Farm District Rd Fernley....... 575-9450 Mort Kathy 4020 Freeman Ln.............................. 423-2073 Mort Marvin 300 S Downs Ln.............................. 867-2187 Mortensen Ray & Donna 680 W Center St... 423-1044 Moser Irene 2790 Stark Ln.................................. 423-2660 Moser Oscar D Jr & Jeanne ....................... 423-7735 Moyle Mark & Teresa 1999 Strasdin Ln.......... 867-4800 Moyle Stuart & Angela 1405 Soda Lake Rd... 867-5472 Mozzini James & Della 5314 Desert Hills Loop............................................. 423-5007 Mueller Alex & Barbara 1000 S Crook Rd..... 423-0402 Muir Mary 827 Columbine Dr Fernley................... 575-5302 Muljat Dan 1635 Meadows Av Fernley................. 835-0965 Mull Casey & Jackie Fernley.......................... 575-5729 Mull Shane 915 Jennys Ln Fernley...................... 980-6495 Munger Jay Fernley............................................ 575-9288 Muniz Darann 3703 Deodar Silver Springs......... 577-9216 Munn Jason 222 Bridle Path Fernley.................. 980-6075 Murphy Will & Agnes 235 Mary Lou Ln Fernley.......................................... 835-6108

Menozi Vince 635 Cable Canyon Wy Fernley....... 980-8030 Mercado Lorena Guadalupe 4505 Sheckler Rd..................................................... 428-1572 Merkley Mike & Cindy 325 Arundell Ln.......... 867-4994 Merling Ronald & Sherry 2450 Schurz Hwy..................................................... 423-2730 Mertens L 4213 Testolin Rd................................. 867-8300 Mewaldt William T 1750 McLean Rd................ 867-3469 Meyer Charlene Fernley................................... 575-4913 Meyer Helga 824 Augusta Ln.............................. 423-8854 Meyer Kathleen Fernley................................... 575-1315 Meyer Scott & Teri .......................................... 867-4384 Meyers Linda 807 Divot Dr Fernley.................... 835-8395 Michael Hoffman 1905 Deer Silver Springs...... 577-9671 Michael Pettenger 1330 6th Silver Springs..... 577-9494 Michelle Jones 1251 Wadsworth Ln Fernley..... 835-8368 Middlegate Station 42500 Austin Hwy............ 428-6655 Miguel Robert & JoAnna 4977 Rancheria Rd.................................................. 867-8224 Milburn Brian 6387 Milburn Ln.......................... 867-4579 Miles Marion 8415 Mission Rd........................... 867-5227 Miller Allen 1705 Little Oak Ct Fernley................ 575-9119 Miller C Everett 1955 Soda Lake Rd.................. 423-2908 Miller Cherie 5770 Sarah Rd.............................. 423-4099 Miller Dave M 2235 Browns Ln.......................... 423-3395 Miller E & R Fernley........................................... 575-6345 Miller J F 825 Stains Rd....................................... 423-1814 Miller Kelly 750 E Stillwater Av........................... 423-0578 Miller Kyle 3455 Cress Pl.................................... 423-4810 Miller Larry F 3550 S Allen Rd............................ 423-0330 Miller Larry R 5600 S Allen Rd........................... 423-6692 Miller M & B 109 Virginia Wadsworth................ 575-2523 Miller Marlene 27 State St................................ 423-8687 Miller Mick & Violet 987 Ronald Wy............... 423-5577 Miller Nadine 6050 Bottom Rd........................... 867-3550 Miller Ruth & Lee 4810 Schindler Rd............... 428-6010 Miller Steve & Ramona 3970 Edwards Ln..... 867-2403 Miller Thomas & Paula 12707 Van Fleet Rd.................................................. 867-8377 Miller William ................................................... 423-6761 Mills Cameron & Mandi 4716 Bebe Ann Wy.................................................. 428-6958 Mills Dennis & Trudy 5475 Candee Ln............ 867-4239 Mills Elbert & Marilyn 3575 Red Mountain Pl.............................................. 867-3434 Mills Grant 4545 Sheckler Rd.............................. 867-3000 Mills Grant & Edith-Isidoro 3900 Sheckler Rd..................................................... 867-3099 Mills Margot 3177 Boyer Rd............................... 867-3431 Mills Ralph 2255 Sheckler Rd.............................. 423-4938 Mills Randy 3205 Schindler Rd............................ 867-2830 Mincer John & Kristen 2085 Wildes Rd........ 423-3379 Minner Alice 7455 S Allen Rd............................. 423-3230 Minor Anita 2777 Topaz Ln................................. 423-1405 Mitchell Shawn James 5538 Vinewood Cir... 867-5674 Mix Michelle 595 Sunny Ln Fernley.................... 575-7369 Moats Richard 550 Jenny's Ln Fernley............... 575-1135 Moeller Robert & Doris 885 Woodhaven Dr.................................................. 428-2780 Moffitt Calvin & Candice 205 Lone Tree Rd.................................................... 423-6464 Moffitt Richard 3366 Old River Rd..................... 423-9796

Residential Listings Visit the Online Directory at 411fallon.net Wadsworth............................................................. 575-0585 Mead Ray Fernley................................................ 575-2801 Medlock Deana 750 E Stillwater Av.................. 423-2895 Meeks IV 1354 Horse Creek Wy Fernley............... 575-2180 Meeks Larry Fernley........................................... 575-0475 Melanson Lorraine R 301 E Tolas Pl.............. 423-1970 Melendez Larry 437 Owl Wadsworth................ 835-6468 Mello Donald & Saundra 13999 Cadet Rd.... 867-2424 Mello Garnett & Dennise 735 W 5th St........ 423-5471 Melody Eva 9870 Via Catalina Silver Springs....... 577-0712

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