reports Pete Olsen, Churchill County Com missioner.“In Churchill County, CC Commu nications provides fiber to the premise to 80 percent of the population.” Fiber to the premise delivers up to 1 Gigabit broadband connections for residents and businesses at a reasonable cost. It also al lows business customers connections up to 10 Gbps for broadband and multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) – e.g., regional or national data networking. “That US 50 article by Life portrayed rural Nevada as a place devoid of civilization,” Olsen concludes, “yet our citizens enjoy amenities and services far superior to those accessible to a large majority of the nation. For business owners, we can pass zeroes and ones as easily as most anybody, and our quality of life makes our little ‘desolate stretch’ the oasis of Nevada.”
Federal law states that all Americans should have access to “comparable telephone service at reasonably affordable rates” no matter where they live. Churchill County has always understood the need to connect to the rest of the world using best-available technology. When the telegraph company decided to cease service in the area, the county started CC Communications on Au gust 5, 1889, purchasing for $975 the tele graph wire plant from Virginia City eastward to a point 25 miles east of Stillwater. CC Communications continues that entre preneurial spirit today by supplementing its telecommunications infrastructure with a Managed Data Services enterprise. Mark Feest, CC Communications General Manager, summarizes, “The majority of new jobs are created by small businesses, many of which cannot afford dedicated IT personnel and resources. Worse, the resources available
from the larger metro areas don’t really under stand how to deliver quality, personalized ser vices to rural customers. CC Communications has filled that void for 135 years. “Our Managed Data Services offering pro vides responsive, customized IT support and resources to those business owners at a manageable cost.” An advanced telecommunications infra structure and data services targeted to rural customers, just two more ways CC Commu nications and Churchill County continue to surprise people.
899 S. Maine Street Fallon, NV 89407 775-423-7171 cccomm.net
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