

Inside Wiring Inside wiring begins at the Network Interface Device, the box where the telephone com- pany connects its outside wires to the wires that run inside your home or office building. The NID is usually located outside. Inside wiring extends from the NID along or through the walls up to and including the phone jack. It does not include the cord that runs from the jack to the telephone.

Your Responsibility The portion of the wiring for which you are responsible is all the wiring at and into your home or business extending from the tele- phone company NID. CC Communications has developed new house wiring standards for intelligent homes for Video/TV and High-Speed data. Please call 775-423-7171 for more information.

Troubleshooting Here are a few tips to finding the source of your telephone problems. Modular “plug in” telephones are easy to check. If you have more than one mod- ular telephone, unplug the problem set and plug another into the jack to see if the problems still exist. If the problems still exist, check other phones and jacks to determine if they work properly. Power outages can disable cordless phones. Once power is restored, power cycle your cordless phone by unplugging it from its power source and plugging it back in. To check for dial tone, use a standard telephone that you know works. If there is still no dial tone, call 611 from some- one else’s working line, or call 775-423- 3428 from your cell phone to report the problem. It’s like insurance against cost- ly repairs to your wiring and phone outlets. Should you have a problem with your telephone lines, CC Communications tech- nicians will visit your home or office and repair the problem at no charge; parts and labor are included ( does not include the telephone set ). Worry-Free Wire Maintenance Inside wire does more than con- nect you to the CC Communi- cations network; it also is the critical link between you and the outside world. Our Worry-Free Wire Maintenance Plan provides maintenance for the standard telephone wire inside your resi- dence or business.

Drop Wire (aerial)

Network Interface Device (NID)

Phone Jack

Inside Wiring

Phone Cord


Drop Wire (buried)

CC Communications’ Responsibility • Drop wire • NID

Owner's Responsibility • Telephone • Phone cord • Phone jack • Inside wiring

Telephone Jacks


Cord to telephone


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