

preconceptions of a rural Nevada communi- ty that sits along what a Life magazine arti- cle called “The Loneliest Road in America,” US 50. The county’s advanced telecommunications infrastructure elicits similar gasps from pro- spective business owners and residents. Provided by CC Communications, it in- cludes extensive deployment of fiber to the

premise and a collapsed Synchronous Op- tical Network (SONET) ring connecting the county to a carrier peering location in Reno – and directly to the global telecommunica- tions backbone. “Fiber to the premise is available to about 20 percent of U.S. businesses and resi- dents,” reports Pete Olsen, Churchill Coun- ty Commissioner.

For 132 years , CC Commu- nications has been the tele- communications provider for Fallon and Churchill County. We take great pride in connect- ing our customers to the rest of the world while still retaining a home-grown personal touch.

Broadband and So Much More.

Churchill County and CC Communications have a way of surprising people.

From the green waves of alfalfa growing across the valley’s sandy desert floor to the U.S. Navy basing its TOP GUN fighter training program some 260 miles from the ocean, visitors to the community are awed by the conspicuous divergences from their

Winter 2021, We’re Moving to 899 S. Maine Street!



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