

Payments In Person Bills may be paid in person at the CCCommu- nications Customer Service Center located at 1750 W. Williams Avenue. Business hours are: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We accept Cash, Personal Check, Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit cards. Auto Pay Auto Pay is a convenient and free ser- vice through CC Communication that automatically pays your bill by withdraw- ing the “amount due” shown on your statement from your checking, savings account or credit card. Visit our website www.cccomm.net On- line Bill Pay to register. Once registered in the customer portal, you will be able to sign up and/or manage your AutoPay informa- tion. Please stop by the CC Communica- tions Customer Service Center at 1750 W. Williams Avenue, or call 775-423-7171 for assistance. Payments By Mail Mail your bill to: CC Communications, PO Box 39876, San Francisco, CA 94139- 8376. Please return all payment coupons from your statements to ensure payment is credited to the correct account. Allow five (5) business days when mailing payment. Payments Via Drop Box Please DO NOT enclose cash when using the drop box located at CC Communications Customer Service Center, 1750 W. Williams Avenue. This drop box is for our customers’ convenience. Please allow 24 hours for pay- ment to be applied to your account.

Billing Issues And Information

If your check or Auto Pay payment is returned by the bank for any reason, a re- turned check charge is applied to your account. If the check was issued to pay a delinquent account, your service could immediately be disconnected. Charges for your basic local service are billed in arrears. Due dates are 20 days after the state- ment date. If your payment is not received by the due date, late charges are applied. If you cannot pay your bill by the due date, please contact Billing and Collections at 775-423-7171 . In cases of illness or other circumstances be- yond your control, residential customers are entitled to one payment arrangement per year. If you have spoken to a Billing and Col- lections Representative to make payment arrangements and do not comply with them, your telephone service may be disconnect- ed without further notice. If your telephone service is disconnected for nonpayment, the total account balance owed plus a service charge is required. If there is a question regarding charges on your bill, please contact Billing and Collec- tions at 775-423-7171 and explain the error. If the error cannot be resolved by the due date, please pay the undisputed amount.

Payments By Phone Your CC Communications bill can be paid over the telephone by calling 775-423- 7171 . You will need your customer number XXXXXX-XXX, not your telephone number. Payment options available are: electronic check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Please make sure to have your routing number and checking account number available for elec- tronic checks or your credit card number, ex- piration date and three-digit code available at the time of call. Payments Online Please visit our website www.cccomm.net Online Bill Pay to “Make One-Time Pay- ment” or “Register Now” to have full access to the Customer portal to make one-time payments, schedule payments, and/or set and manage AutoPay information. e-Bill Please visit our website www.cccomm.net Online Bill Pay. Once registered you can add or remove paperless billing. An Email notifi- cation will be sent once a month when a new bill is ready to be viewed. Customer Responsibility Customers are held responsible for all long distance calls originating at their tele- phones, whether made by themselves, their employees or their guests. CC Communications does not obligate itself to have a call okayed by the customer.



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