

Customer Service To establish new service, transfer service to a new address, or disconnect existing ser- vice, call 775-423-7171 or visit our Custom- er Service Center at 1750 W. Williams Ave. Establishing New Service Please have the following information available when you order new phone service: 1. Complete street address ( apartment or suite number if applicable ). 2. How you would like your listing(s) to appear in the Directory. 3. The type of service you want and any calling features that you may need ( see page 13 for a complete list of calling features available ). 4. Has there been previous service at your new address, or is it new construction or a mobile home? 5. Credit information, including employ- ment, a number where you can be reached, positive identification includ- ing Social Security number and proof of residency. 6. The long distance carrier of your choice. 7. Please be prepared to pay for activation fees and/or deposits before service is installed. Establish Credit When you apply for new telephone service with CC Communications, you will be asked to establish credit in one or more of the fol- lowing ways: 1. You agree to let CC Communica- tions run a credit check; must have actual signature to do so. Credit score will determine if a deposit is required or not. 2. You pay a Deposit; amount to be determined on services requested or credit score. 3. Please note: Divorced persons share in previous credit history. Service is established from that perspective.

Directory Services Call Customer Service at 775-423-7171 for options for directory listings. Telephone Directories One Directory for each address served through CC Communications is delivered to your home or business each July. Addition- al directories are available at the Customer Service Center at 1750 W. Williams Avenue in Fallon.

Commercial Enterprises If you are advertising your number or distrib- uting the number through handouts or busi- ness cards, you are operating a commercial enterprise and must upgrade to a business rate. The business rate also includes one FREE listing in the CC Communications Yel- low Pages under the heading of your choice. Disconnect Service Call your Customer Service Representative at 775-423-7171 . Notice of two to three business days is appreciated, although charges can be stopped the day you call. General Information When you hear a “beep” tone or a recorded notification at the beginning of a call, that call may be recorded for training or moni- toring purposes. If you do not want a record made of what you are saying, ask the person with whom you are talking to disconnect the Rates and practices included in this direc- tory are based upon those in effect at the time the directory was closed for publication ( April, 2021 ) and are subject to changes that may be made from time to time. Tariffs Tariffs showing charges, rates and rules for telephone service and facilities are available at the CC Communications Customer Ser- vice Center for public inspection during reg- ular office hours. Directory Assistance To find any published telephone number in the United States or Canada, please dial 4-1-1. A minimum charge per call applies. machine. Rates

Errors In The Directory CC Communications does not assume any liability because of errors or omissions in compiling this book. If your listing in the directory is incorrect, it cannot be changed until the next edition of the directory is is- sued. We can correct the listing in the Direc- tory Assistance records, however. Call 775- 423-7171 so your listing may be corrected. Fraudulent Information Falsified credit information will require a de- posit or termination of service.

Lifeline Assistance Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or Internet to qualifying low-income households on a periodic recertification level. For more information on program eligibility, visit: www.lifelinesupport.org


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