Fallon, NV is published annually by CC Communications
CC Communications 2021-2022 Directory Broadband and So Much More
(775) 423-7171 cccomm.net TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FALLON, NV 2021 • 2022 045254
CC Communications is Moving! - Winter 2021
Broadband Business Services
Voice PC Repair
Digital TV
411fallon.net Visit Our Online Directory at:
Ambulance .............................................................. 911 Fire ........................................................................... 911 Police-Dispatch and Emergency .................................. 775-423-2111 or 911 Sheriff .......................................... 775-423-3116 or 911 American Red Cross, Sierra NV Chapter ................................. 775-856-1000 Call Before You Dig .................... 800-227-2600 or 811 Churchill County Search and Rescue .................................................... 775-423-4403 Department of Homeland Security .................................................. 202-282-8000 Domestic Violence Intervention (Crisis Line) .............................................. 775-427-1500 Fallon Mental Health ............................. 775-423-7141 F.B.I . ........................................................ 702-385-1281 Banner Churchill Hospital ..................... 775-423-3151 Naval Air Station Emergency ................................ 911 Nevada State Highway Patrol .............. 775-423-7946 From a cell phone................................... * NHP (647) Northern NV Crisis Hotline ................... 800-992-5757 Poison Control Banner Churchill Hospital................... 775-423-3151 Washoe Poison Center....................... 775-982-4129 National Capital Poison Center................................................. 800-222-1222 Substance Abuse Help Line (New Frontier) ..................................... 775-423-1412 Suicide Prevention Hotline of Nevada .......................................... 877-885-4673 TTY Users (for the hearing-impaired) ...................... 911 Ambulance .......................................................... 911 Fire....................................................................... 911 Hospital .............................................. 775-423-1156 Sheriff .................................................................. 911
Emergency Calls Only An emergency is a situation that threatens human life or property and demands immediate attention. Do not call 911 for non-emergencies; this causes delays in the handling of real emergencies. • State the location and the nature of the emergency. • Stay on the line. You will be asked questions to determine the nature of the emergency and the level of response needed. • If needed, instructions will be given until help arrives. 911 Privacy Notice When calling 911, your telephone number and address may be dis- played on a viewing screen to enable the emergency agency to locate you if the call is interrupted. Please note: All emergency calls are recorded. Give Up The Line In An Emergency Nevada Revised Statute Chapter 207 makes it unlawful for a person to refuse to relinquish a public telephone immediately when the line is needed for an emergency call. It is unlawful to make a false declara- tion of an emergency to obtain use of a public telephone. 911 EMERGENCY
Local Search Made Easy ®
Table Of Contents
Area Code Map .................................................................................. 11 Bill and Payment Information ............................................................... 4 Business Solutions........................................................................ 17-20 Computer Repair Technical Services ................................................. 21 Do Not Call List .................................................................................... 8 Enhanced Calling Features ................................................................ 13 Establishing Service ............................................................................. 3 General Information.............................................................................. 3 International Calling........................................................................... 8-9 Internet Services ................................................................................ 19 Long Distance Calling ....................................................................... 8-9
Nevada Calling Prefixes ..................................................................... 10 Security Services Online/Digital.............................................................................. 21 Home .................................................................................... 14-15 Personal Emergency.................................................................. 16 Services.............................................................................................. 18 Television....................................................................................... 22-23 Troubleshooting CC Comm Network, Telephone, Wiring....................................... 7 TTY/Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Speech-impaired Services ............... 5 Voice Mail ........................................................................................... 12 HOW TO REACH US CC Communications Customer Service Center 899 S. Maine Street 89406 • POB 1390, Fallon NV 89407 Mon. - Fri., 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. email: info@cccomm.co • Website: cccomm.net Corporate ................................................................ 775-423-7171 Sales and Service.................................................... 775-423-7171 Billing & Payments. ................................................. 775-423-7171 Computer Repair..................................................... 775-423-7171 Business and IT Solutions....................................... 775-423-7171 Internet Help Desk................................................... 775-423-7171 Repair Service .......................................................................... 611 from out-of-area or cell phone ............................... 775-423-3428 Subscriber Voice Mail.............................................. 775-426-0001 Time & Temp................................................ 775-423-TIME (8463) Call Before You Dig .................................................................. 811 or ...................................................................... 800-227-2600 Directory Assistance ................................................................ 411 Road Conditions ..................................................... 877-687-6237 Administrative Offices 50 W. Williams Ave. • POB 1390, Fallon, NV 89407 Mon. - Fri., 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On the Cover: New Home of CC Communications 899 S. Maine Street - Winter of 2021
Important Notice Regarding 10-Digit Dialing The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted 988 as a new three-digit number to be used nationwide to reach the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline, starting July 16, 2022 . Customers must continue to dial 1-800-273-TALK to reach the Lifeline until July 16, 2022 . In order for 988 to work in the 775 area code, 10-digit local dialing must first be implemented. Beginning October 24, 2021 , you must dial 10 digits (area code + telephone number) for all local calls. For more information, please visit http://cccomm.net/knowledgeBase.aspx?id=2085&_taxonomyid=139 .
Customer Service To establish new service, transfer service to a new address, or disconnect existing ser- vice, call 775-423-7171 or visit our Custom- er Service Center at 1750 W. Williams Ave. Establishing New Service Please have the following information available when you order new phone service: 1. Complete street address ( apartment or suite number if applicable ). 2. How you would like your listing(s) to appear in the Directory. 3. The type of service you want and any calling features that you may need ( see page 13 for a complete list of calling features available ). 4. Has there been previous service at your new address, or is it new construction or a mobile home? 5. Credit information, including employ- ment, a number where you can be reached, positive identification includ- ing Social Security number and proof of residency. 6. The long distance carrier of your choice. 7. Please be prepared to pay for activation fees and/or deposits before service is installed. Establish Credit When you apply for new telephone service with CC Communications, you will be asked to establish credit in one or more of the fol- lowing ways: 1. You agree to let CC Communica- tions run a credit check; must have actual signature to do so. Credit score will determine if a deposit is required or not. 2. You pay a Deposit; amount to be determined on services requested or credit score. 3. Please note: Divorced persons share in previous credit history. Service is established from that perspective.
Directory Services Call Customer Service at 775-423-7171 for options for directory listings. Telephone Directories One Directory for each address served through CC Communications is delivered to your home or business each July. Addition- al directories are available at the Customer Service Center at 1750 W. Williams Avenue in Fallon.
Commercial Enterprises If you are advertising your number or distrib- uting the number through handouts or busi- ness cards, you are operating a commercial enterprise and must upgrade to a business rate. The business rate also includes one FREE listing in the CC Communications Yel- low Pages under the heading of your choice. Disconnect Service Call your Customer Service Representative at 775-423-7171 . Notice of two to three business days is appreciated, although charges can be stopped the day you call. General Information When you hear a “beep” tone or a recorded notification at the beginning of a call, that call may be recorded for training or moni- toring purposes. If you do not want a record made of what you are saying, ask the person with whom you are talking to disconnect the Rates and practices included in this direc- tory are based upon those in effect at the time the directory was closed for publication ( April, 2021 ) and are subject to changes that may be made from time to time. Tariffs Tariffs showing charges, rates and rules for telephone service and facilities are available at the CC Communications Customer Ser- vice Center for public inspection during reg- ular office hours. Directory Assistance To find any published telephone number in the United States or Canada, please dial 4-1-1. A minimum charge per call applies. machine. Rates
Errors In The Directory CC Communications does not assume any liability because of errors or omissions in compiling this book. If your listing in the directory is incorrect, it cannot be changed until the next edition of the directory is is- sued. We can correct the listing in the Direc- tory Assistance records, however. Call 775- 423-7171 so your listing may be corrected. Fraudulent Information Falsified credit information will require a de- posit or termination of service.
Lifeline Assistance Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or Internet to qualifying low-income households on a periodic recertification level. For more information on program eligibility, visit: www.lifelinesupport.org
Local Search Made Easy ®
Payments In Person Bills may be paid in person at the CCCommu- nications Customer Service Center located at 1750 W. Williams Avenue. Business hours are: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We accept Cash, Personal Check, Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit cards. Auto Pay Auto Pay is a convenient and free ser- vice through CC Communication that automatically pays your bill by withdraw- ing the “amount due” shown on your statement from your checking, savings account or credit card. Visit our website www.cccomm.net On- line Bill Pay to register. Once registered in the customer portal, you will be able to sign up and/or manage your AutoPay informa- tion. Please stop by the CC Communica- tions Customer Service Center at 1750 W. Williams Avenue, or call 775-423-7171 for assistance. Payments By Mail Mail your bill to: CC Communications, PO Box 39876, San Francisco, CA 94139- 8376. Please return all payment coupons from your statements to ensure payment is credited to the correct account. Allow five (5) business days when mailing payment. Payments Via Drop Box Please DO NOT enclose cash when using the drop box located at CC Communications Customer Service Center, 1750 W. Williams Avenue. This drop box is for our customers’ convenience. Please allow 24 hours for pay- ment to be applied to your account.
Billing Issues And Information
If your check or Auto Pay payment is returned by the bank for any reason, a re- turned check charge is applied to your account. If the check was issued to pay a delinquent account, your service could immediately be disconnected. Charges for your basic local service are billed in arrears. Due dates are 20 days after the state- ment date. If your payment is not received by the due date, late charges are applied. If you cannot pay your bill by the due date, please contact Billing and Collections at 775-423-7171 . In cases of illness or other circumstances be- yond your control, residential customers are entitled to one payment arrangement per year. If you have spoken to a Billing and Col- lections Representative to make payment arrangements and do not comply with them, your telephone service may be disconnect- ed without further notice. If your telephone service is disconnected for nonpayment, the total account balance owed plus a service charge is required. If there is a question regarding charges on your bill, please contact Billing and Collec- tions at 775-423-7171 and explain the error. If the error cannot be resolved by the due date, please pay the undisputed amount.
Payments By Phone Your CC Communications bill can be paid over the telephone by calling 775-423- 7171 . You will need your customer number XXXXXX-XXX, not your telephone number. Payment options available are: electronic check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Please make sure to have your routing number and checking account number available for elec- tronic checks or your credit card number, ex- piration date and three-digit code available at the time of call. Payments Online Please visit our website www.cccomm.net Online Bill Pay to “Make One-Time Pay- ment” or “Register Now” to have full access to the Customer portal to make one-time payments, schedule payments, and/or set and manage AutoPay information. e-Bill Please visit our website www.cccomm.net Online Bill Pay. Once registered you can add or remove paperless billing. An Email notifi- cation will be sent once a month when a new bill is ready to be viewed. Customer Responsibility Customers are held responsible for all long distance calls originating at their tele- phones, whether made by themselves, their employees or their guests. CC Communications does not obligate itself to have a call okayed by the customer.
What Is CapTel? - This is an abbre- viation for “Captioned Telephone.” CapTel is a device that can be used by persons who are hard of hearing, but are able to commu- nicate by using their voice. Words spoken by the called party are captioned onto a screen on the device, allowing the caller better access to conversation. What Is TTY? - This is an abbreviation for “Teletypewriter” which is a device that can be used for people with speech or hearing dis- abilities to communicate over the phone sys- tem. Some also refer to the device as a TDD - Telecommunications Device for the Deaf. What Is Relay? - This is a free service that enables standard phone users to commu- nicate with individuals with hearing loss who use TTYs, have speech disabilities, or who communicate in American Sign Language. Specially trained Relay operators complete all calls and stay on line to relay conversations between users. There are a variety of Relay services. Most Relay services are available 24 hours a day, every day, and all calls through Relay are held in strict confidence. There is no charge for Relay services; however, normal long distances charges do apply. Emergency Calls - All emergency calls should be made directly to 911. Using Relay for emergency calls is not encouraged. If you use a TTY and cannot obtain emergen- cy services by calling 911, you may call Relay and tell the operator you have an emergency. Directory Assistance And Operator Services - If a disability makes it difficult for you to look up numbers in the phone book or to dial a phone, you may qualify for an exemption from directory assistance or operator service charges. To inquire, please call our business office at 775-423-7171 . Directory Listings For TTY Users - Customers who use a TTY may include this information as part of their directory listing at no additional charge: Example: Smith, John - TTY only 775-555-8888 Or Smith, John - TTY & Voice 775-555-8888
Free Equipment Program In Nevada, CapTel, TTY, Telebraille and telephone signalers are available at no charge to qualified deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and speech-impaired individuals. This ser- vice is made possible through a monthly sur- charge on all telephone lines in Nevada. To access this program, please contact: Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living 999 Pyramid Way; Sparks, NV 89431 775-353-3599 Voice/TTY 775-353-3588 Fax 775-376-7564 Videophone Website: www.nncil.org Relay Services - Things you should know about Relay Nevada: 1. Long Distance calls made through Relay Nevada are billed by Sprint at their standard rate, unless you ask the Relay operator to use your specific long distance carrier. 2. All calls through Relay Nevada must either be made from, or to, a phone line in Nevada. 3. All states have their own Relay systems; so by dialing 7-1-1 callers will access the appropriate Relay. 4. Relay Nevada calls can be made from Nevada to virtually anywhere in the world ( using English or Spanish only ). 5. Directory assistance help is available through any Relay Nevada Service. 6. The FCC ( Federal Communications Com- mission ) tracks all complaints about ser- vices through Relay. Please contact cus- tomer service at 775-423-7171 for any concerns or complaints about the Relay services you have received. The following is a description of the various Relay services and how to access them: Please note that 7-1-1 will work for any CapTel call. TTY to Voice: 1-800-326-6868 Voice to CapTel: 1-877-243-2823 Voice to Relay user: 1-800-326-6888 Voice Carry-Over: 1-800-326-4013
Speech-to-Speech: 1-888-326-5658 Hearing Carry-Over: 1-800-326-6868 Telebraille: 1-800-326-6868 Español/Spanish Relay: 1-800-877-1219 Other Relay-related information: Relay Nevada Customer Service: 1-888-256-5647 ( TTY / Voice / ASCII ) Relay Nevada Spanish Customer Service: 1-800-877-1219 ( TTY / Voice / ASCII )
Relay Nevada Speech-to-Speech Customer Service: 1-888-256-5647 CapTel Customer Service: 1-888-269-7477 ( Voice/CapTel/TTY ) CapTel Spanish Customer Service: 1-866-670-9134 ( Voice/CapTel/TTY ) T-Mobile Operator Service: 1-800-676-3777 accessibility@sprint.com
Internet Relay - For those who wish to access Relay from the Internet. There are no long distance charges for Internet Relay. Go to www.sprintrelay.com. International Calls - Calls made from an- other country, to the United States, can be relayed through Sprint’s international relay system. Dial 1-605-224-1837. Customer Database Profile - For Relay users who wish to have their calling pref- erences, like their long distance carrier of choice, stored in the Relay Nevada comput- er. This makes calling Relay more efficient. To set up a database profile, visit: www.relaynevada.com.
Additional information on Relay Nevada is available at: www.relaynevada.com.
* All Relay services are made possible through a monthly surcharge on Nevada phone lines.
Local Search Made Easy ®
Inside Wiring Inside wiring begins at the Network Interface Device, the box where the telephone com- pany connects its outside wires to the wires that run inside your home or office building. The NID is usually located outside. Inside wiring extends from the NID along or through the walls up to and including the phone jack. It does not include the cord that runs from the jack to the telephone.
Your Responsibility The portion of the wiring for which you are responsible is all the wiring at and into your home or business extending from the tele- phone company NID. CC Communications has developed new house wiring standards for intelligent homes for Video/TV and High-Speed data. Please call 775-423-7171 for more information.
Troubleshooting Here are a few tips to finding the source of your telephone problems. Modular “plug in” telephones are easy to check. If you have more than one mod- ular telephone, unplug the problem set and plug another into the jack to see if the problems still exist. If the problems still exist, check other phones and jacks to determine if they work properly. Power outages can disable cordless phones. Once power is restored, power cycle your cordless phone by unplugging it from its power source and plugging it back in. To check for dial tone, use a standard telephone that you know works. If there is still no dial tone, call 611 from some- one else’s working line, or call 775-423- 3428 from your cell phone to report the problem. It’s like insurance against cost- ly repairs to your wiring and phone outlets. Should you have a problem with your telephone lines, CC Communications tech- nicians will visit your home or office and repair the problem at no charge; parts and labor are included ( does not include the telephone set ). Worry-Free Wire Maintenance Inside wire does more than con- nect you to the CC Communi- cations network; it also is the critical link between you and the outside world. Our Worry-Free Wire Maintenance Plan provides maintenance for the standard telephone wire inside your resi- dence or business.
Drop Wire (aerial)
Network Interface Device (NID)
Phone Jack
Inside Wiring
Phone Cord
Drop Wire (buried)
CC Communications’ Responsibility • Drop wire • NID
Owner's Responsibility • Telephone • Phone cord • Phone jack • Inside wiring
Telephone Jacks
Cord to telephone
Local Search Made Easy ®
Equal Access To Long Distance Carriers Equal Access Service allows you to select the long distance com- pany of your choice to process long distance calls made outside your local calling area. Equal Access allows you to make calls utilizing your long distance company of choice without dialing ad- ditional numbers. Company Code Dialing Long Distance companies participating in Equal Access also have their own Company Code. By dialing this company code plus the area code (if applicable ) and phone number, your call is routed over that company’s lines. Company Code dialing may be used in ad- dition to Equal Access. Arrangements may be required with some companies before using their codes. Some long distance companies may require you to set up an ac- count before you use their company code. Other companies accept company code dialing without a previously arranged account. You may contact any long distance company directly for information concerning its company codes and services offered. International Calling Instructions To place an International Call: 1. Dial the International Access Code 011. 2. Dial the Country Code. 3. Dial the City Code. 4. Dial the Local Telephone Number. 5. Press “#” if using a touchtone phone to save time. Please note: After dialing any international call, allow at least 45 seconds for the called number to begin ringing. Additional Assistance For Information Dial the toll free number of the Long Distance Carrier of your choice
Low International Rate Plan Calling home means the world to you, and now it is even more afford- able to call out-of-country friends and family with CC Communica- tions’ new International Calling Plan! Keep in touch with your World! For international rate information, visit our website at: cccomm.net or call 775-423-7171 for more details. ‘Do Not Call’ Information
The Law: The State of Nevada, with its adoption of NRS 228.500 through 228.640, now has a “do not call” law that works in combination with the federal “do not call” law. These laws allow you to limit telemarketing calls you receive by placing your number on the “do not call” registry.
• No information contained in the registry, other than the telephone numbers, will be included on the list published pursuant to the law or otherwise disclosed to the public. • The Federal Trade Commission will not drop any telephone numbers from the National Do Not Call Registry. • Once your number is entered in the National Do Not Call Registry, telemarketers and sellers covered by the FTC’s rules must remove your phone number from their call lists. Telemarketers are required to search the registry every 31 days and delete from their call lists phone numbers that are in the registry. Phone numbers in the registry also may be shared with law enforcement to assure compliance with federal and state law. You can register your home or mobile phone for free. To register, visit the national registry’s website at donotcall.gov or call 888-382-1222 . Registering a num- ber for the national registry automatically registers that number with the Nevada registry.
if you need assistance for any of the following: • To call countries that cannot be direct dialed. • For help completing a call. • To get credit if you reach a wrong number. • To get Country and City Codes that are not listed.
Numbers beside countries are “Country Codes.” Numbers next to Country Codes show the time difference in hours from Nevada. Numbers beside cities are “City Codes.”
LIBERIA .............................. 231 LIBYA .................................. 218 Tripoli ..................................... 21 LIECHTENSTEIN ................ 423 9 LITHUANIA ......................... 370 10 LUXEMBOURG .................. 352 9 MACAU ............................... 853 16 MACEDONIA ...................... 389 MADAGASCAR .................. 261 11 MALAYSIA ............................ 60 16 Kuala Lumpur .......................... 3 MALTA ................................. 356 9 MARSHALL ISLANDS ........ 692 20 MAURITANIA ...................... 222 8 MAURITIUS ........................ 230 12 MEXICO ................................ 52 Acapulco ............................. 744 Cancun ................................ 998 Mexico City ........................... 55 Tijuana ................................. 664 MICRONESIA ..................... 691 MONACO ............................ 377 9 MONGOLIA ......................... 976 MONTSERRAT ................1-664 MOROCCO ......................... 212 8 Casablanca ........................... 22 Marrakech ............................. 44 Rabat ..................................... 37 Tangiers ................................. 39 MOZAMBIQUE ................... 258 10 MYANMAR ........................... 95 14.5 NAMIBIA ............................. 264 10 NEPAL ................................. 977 14 NETHERLANDS ................... 31 9 Amsterdam............................ 20 Rotterdam ............................. 10 NEW CALEDONIA .............. 687 19 NEW ZEALAND .................... 64 19 Auckland ................................. 9 Wellington................................ 4 NICARAGUA ....................... 505 2 Leon..................................... 311 Managua ................................. 2 NIGERIA .............................. 234 9 Lagos....................................... 1 NORWAY .............................. 47 9 Oslo ......................................... 2 OMAN ................................. 968 12 PAKISTAN ............................. 92 13 Karachi .................................. 21 Lahore ................................... 42 PALAU ................................. 680 17 PANAMA ............................. 507 3 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ....... 675 18 PARAGUAY ........................ 595 5 Asuncion................................ 21 PERU ..................................... 51 3 Lima......................................... 1 PHILIPPINES ........................ 63 16 Manila...................................... 2 POLAND ............................... 48 9 PORTUGAL ......................... 351 8 PUERTO RICO ..... 1-787/1-939 4 QATAR ................................ 974 11 REPUBLIC OF CONGO .... 242 9 ROMANIA ............................. 40 10 Bucuresti (Bucharest) ........... 21 RUSSIA ................................... 7 Moscow............................... 495 Voronezh.............................. 473 RWANDA ............................ 250 10 ST. KITTS .........................1-869 ST. LUCIA ........................1-758 4 ST. MARTIN ........................ 590 ST. VINCENT ...................1-784 4 SAMOA ............................... 685 SAN MARINO ..................... 378 9 SAO TOME ......................... 239 8 8
AFGHANISTAN .................... 93 ALBANIA ............................ 355 ALGERIA ............................ 213 Alger ..................................... 21 Oran ...................................... 41 AMERICAN SAMOA .......1-684 ANDORRA ......................... 376 ANGUILLA ......................1-264 ANTARCTICA .................... 672 ARGENTINA ........................ 54 Buenos Aires ........................ 11 Cordoba ............................. 351 Rosario ............................... 341 ARMENIA ........................... 374 12 ARUBA ............................... 297 4 AUSTRALIA ......................... 61 19 Central East Region ............... 2 AUSTRIA .............................. 43 9 Salzburg ............................. 662 Vienna ..................................... 1 AZERBAIJAN ..................... 994 12 BAHAMAS ......................1-242 3 BAHRAIN ........................... 973 11 BANGLADESH .................. 880 14 Dhaka (Dacca) ........................ 2 Rangpur .............................. 521 BARBADOS .....................1-246 4 BELARUS .......................... 375 10 Brest ................................... 162 Minsk .................................... 17 BELGIUM ............................. 32 9 Antwerp .................................. 3 Brussels .................................. 2 Liege ....................................... 4 BELIZE ............................... 501 2 Belize City ............................... 2 BENIN ................................ 229 9 BERMUDA ......................1-441 4 BHUTAN ............................. 975 14 BOLIVIA ............................. 591 4 La Paz ..................................... 2 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA ................ 387 9 Sarajevo ................................ 57 BOTSWANA ....................... 267 10 BRAZIL ................................ 55 5 Belo Horizonte ...................... 31 Rio de Janeiro ...................... 21 São Paulo ............................. 11 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS ..........1-284 BRUNEI .............................. 673 BULGARIA ......................... 359 10 Sofia ....................................... 2 BURUNDI ........................... 257 10 CAMBODIA ........................ 855 15 CAMEROON ...................... 237 9 CANADA ................................ 1 CAYMAN ISLANDS ........1-345 3 CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. 236 CHAD ................................. 235 9 CHILE ................................... 56 5 Santiago ................................. 2 Valparaiso ............................. 32 CHINA .................................. 86 15 Beijing (Peking) ..................... 10 Shanghai .............................. 21 COLOMBIA .......................... 57 3 Bogota .................................... 1 Medellin .................................. 4 COSTA RICA ..................... 506 2 CROATIA ........................... 385 9 Dubrovnik ............................. 20 CUBA ................................... 53 3 CYPRUS ............................ 357 10 Nicosia .................................. 22 CZECH REPUBLIC ........... 420 9 Prague .................................... 3 9 9 -3 9 5
DENMARK ........................... 45 9 DJIBOUTI .......................... 253 11 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC .. 1-809 4 ECUADOR .......................... 593 3 Guayaquil ................................ 4 Quito........................................ 2 EGYPT .................................. 20 10 Alexandria................................ 3 Cairo ........................................ 2 EL SALVADOR .................... 503 2 ERITREA ............................. 291 11 ESTONIA ............................. 372 10 ETHIOPIA ........................... 251 11 Addis Ababa............................ 1 FIJI ...................................... 679 20 FINLAND ............................. 358 10 Helsinki .................................... 9 FRANCE ................................ 33 9 Northeast France..................... 3 Northwest France.................... 2 Paris and Paris Region............ 1 Southeast France .................... 4 GABON .............................. 241 9 GAMBIA ............................. 220 8 GEORGIA ........................... 995 12 GERMANY ........................... 49 9 Berlin ..................................... 30 Frankfurt ............................... 69 Hamburg................................ 40 Munich................................... 89 GHANA ............................... 233 8 GIBRALTAR ........................ 350 9 GREECE ............................... 30 10 Athens ................................... 21 Larissa ................................. 241 GREENLAND ...................... 299 5 GRENADA ........................1-473 GUAM ..............................1-671 18 GUATEMALA ...................... 502 2 Jarry....................................... 26 GUINEA ............................... 224 8 GUYANA ............................. 592 4 HAITI ................................... 509 3 HONDURAS ........................ 504 2 HONG KONG ...................... 852 16 HUNGARY ............................ 36 9 ICELAND ............................ 354 8 INDIA ..................................... 91 3.5 Kolkatta ................................. 33 New Delhi .............................. 11 INDONESIA .......................... 62 Jakarta................................... 21 IRAN ...................................... 98 11.5 IRAQ .................................... 964 11 IRELAND ............................. 353 8 Dublin ...................................... 1 ISRAEL ................................ 972 10 Tel Aviv-Jaffa ........................... 3 ITALY ..................................... 39 9 Florence................................. 55 Naples ................................... 81 Rome ....................................... 6 Venice.................................... 41 IVORY COAST .................... 225 JAMAICA .........................1-876 3 JAPAN ................................... 81 17 Osaka .................................... 66 Tokyo ....................................... 3 JORDAN ............................. 962 10 KAZAKHSTAN ........................ 7 KENYA ................................ 254 11 KOREA NORTH .................. 850 KOREA SOUTH .................... 82 KUWAIT .............................. 965 11 LAOS ................................... 856 LATVIA ................................ 371 10 LEBANON ........................... 961 10 Beirut ....................................... 1
SAUDI ARABIA ................... 966 11 Jeddah .................................. 12 Mecca.................................... 12 Riyadh ................................... 11 SENEGAL ........................... 221 8 SERBIA ............................... 381 SEYCHELLES ..................... 248 12 SIERRA LEONE .................. 232 8 SINGAPORE ......................... 65 16 SLOVAKIA .......................... 421 9 Bratislava................................. 2 SLOVENIA .......................... 386 9 Ljubljana .................................. 1 SOLOMON ISLANDS ......... 677 19 SOMALIA ............................ 252 11 Mogadiscio............................ 61 SOUTH AFRICA ................... 27 10 Cape Town ............................ 21 Johannesburg........................ 11 SPAIN ................................... 34 SRI LANKA .......................... 94 13.5 SUDAN ................................ 249 11 Khartoum............................. 183 Port Sudan ............................ 31 5 SWEDEN ............................... 46 9 Malmo ................................... 40 Stockholm ............................... 8 SWITZERLAND .................... 41 9 Geneva .................................. 22 Lausanne............................... 21 Zurich .................................... 43 SYRIA .................................. 963 Damascus ............................. 11 TAIWAN ............................... 886 16 Taipei ....................................... 2 TAJIKISTAN ........................ 992 13 TANZANIA .......................... 255 11 THAILAND ............................ 66 15 Bangkok .................................. 2 TOGO .................................. 228 8 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO ....1-868 4 TUNISIA .............................. 216 9 Tunis ........................................ 1 TURKEY ................................ 90 10 Istanbul (Asian Side)............ 216 Istanbul (European Side) ..... 212 TURKMENISTAN ................ 993 13 TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS ..........1-649 UGANDA ............................. 256 11 UKRAINE ............................ 380 10 Donetsk ................................. 62 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ......................... 971 12 Abu Dhabi................................ 2 UNITED KINGDOM .............. 44 8 Birmingham......................... 121 Cardiff .................................... 29 Edinburgh ............................ 131 Glasgow .............................. 141 Liverpool.............................. 151 London .................................. 20 Manchester ......................... 161 Portsmouth............................ 23 UNITED STATES .................... 1 URUGUAY ........................... 598 6 UZBEKISTAN ...................... 998 VATICAN ............................. 379 VENEZUELA ......................... 58 4 Caracas ............................... 212 Valencia ............................... 241 VIETNAM .............................. 84 415 YEMEN ............................... 967 11 ZAMBIA .............................. 260 10 ZIMBABWE ......................... 263 10
Local Search Made Easy ®
775 Prefixes 200 Austin 202 Sparks 216 Smith Valley
790 Jacks Valley 793 Reno 815 Reno 820 Dayton 823-829 Reno 830 Reno 831-833 Incline Village 834 Reno 841 Carson City
688-689 Reno 690 Carson City 720 Carson City 722 Reno 724 Pioche 725 Alama 726 Caliente 727 Pahrump 728 Panaca 729 Hiko 738 Elko 741 Sparks 742 Reno 745-747 Reno 748 Elko 749 Glenbrook 750 Reno 751 Pahrump 752 Wells 753 Elko 754 Carlin 757 Owyhee 761-762 Reno 763 Owyhee 764 Pahrump 769 Eureka 770-772 Reno
530 Sparks 532 McDermitt 533 Baker
372 Lathrop Wells 374 Yerington 398 Logandale 399 Reno 421 Elko 422 Tonopah 423 Fallon 424-425 Sparks 426-428 Fallon 430 Winnemucca 439 Winnemucca 444-445 Carson City 448 Reno 449 Battle Mountain 452 Duckwater 462 Ely 463 Yerington 466 Incline Village 468 Crescent City 467 Reno 469 Virginia City 473 Battle Mountain 475-476 Sparks
534 Ely 536 Ely 538 Imlay 540 Lathrop Wells 544 Reno 545 Sweetwater
234 Baker 235 McGill 237 Eureka 238 Lund 241 Dayton 246 Dayton 259 Nixon
842 Reno 846 Reno 847 Virginia City 848 Reno 849 Washoe
553 Beatty 557 Empire 560 Sparks
265 Gardnerville 267 Jacks Valley
570 Dyer 572 Dyer 574-575 Fernley 577 Silver Springs 578 Paradise Valley 582 Pahrump 586 Stateline 588-589 Stateline 591 Ely 620 Winnemucca 623 Winnemucca 625 Winnemucca 626 Sparks 629 Stagecoach 635 Battle Mountain 664 Wendover 673-674 Sun Valley 677 Stead 684 Carson City 685 Sparks 686 Reno 687 Carson City
272 Orovada 273 Lovelock 276 Eureka 285 Gabbs
850-853 Reno 856-858 Reno 859 Orovada 861 Reno 863 Duckwater 867 Fallon 877 Pahrump 881-888 Carson City 895 Reno 931 Battle Mountain 934 Elko 937 Silverpeak 941 Orovada 945 Hawthorne 954 Reno
287 Ely 289 Ely 290 Reno 292 Stateline 296 Gardnerville 321-329 Reno 330 Reno 331 Sparks 332-335 Reno 336 Glenbrook 337 Reno 342 Lockwood 343 Sparks 345 Reno 347 Topaz Lake 348 Reno 350 Reno 351-359 Sparks 203-204 Las Vegas 207 Las Vegas 212 Las Vegas 214-219 Las Vegas 217 Laughlin 220-229 Las Vegas 230-233 Las Vegas
478 Oasis 479 Reno 481 Reno 482 Tonopah 483 Wells 485 Goldfield 487 Manhattan 489 Montello
773 Schurz 775 Jackpot 776 Montello 777-778 Elko 780 Sparks 781-783 Gardnerville 784-789 Reno
962 Pioche 964 Austin
970 Red Rock 971-972 Stead
490 Beatty 527 Sparks 529 Paradise Valley
702/725 Prefixes
801 Las Vegas 874 Jean
539 Overton 543 Laughlin 551 Overton
398-399 Las Vegas 431-438 Las Vegas 441 Blue Diamond 442 Boulder City 446 Henderson 447 Indian Springs
277-279 Las Vegas 280-284 Las Vegas 288 Las Vegas 293-294 Boulder City 297 Searchlight 298-299 Laughlin 307-309 Las Vegas 321-329 Las Vegas 346 Mesquite 360-369 Las Vegas 380-389 Las Vegas 390-393 Las Vegas
875 Blue Diamond 879 Indian Springs 966 Henderson 969 Red Rock 985 Boulder City 987-988 Henderson 989 Laughlin 990-991 Henderson 992 Jean
554 Searchlight 558 Henderson 563-568 Henderson 573 Mina 701 Henderson 704 Laughlin 720 Searchlight 755 Jean
484 Overton 488 Jarbidge
236 Las Vegas 239 Las Vegas 240 Las Vegas
501 Henderson 502 Boulder City 503 Jean
242-245 Las Vegas 250-259 Las Vegas 260-264 Las Vegas 274-275 Las Vegas
756 Tuscarora 758 North Fork 775 Jackpot
504 Laughlin 535 Laughlin 537 Jean
394 Overton 397 Overton
Local Search Made Easy ®
CC Communications Directory Assistance 411 Service
Dial 411 to get any num- ber anywhere in the U.S. or Canada. Get connected today! Use 411 for all your di- rectory assistance needs. It is the quick and easy way to get local, national, and toll free numbers! Dial just one number to find any number, anywhere in the United States! There is a minimum charge per call.
Main Mailbox Set Up Reminder: You must complete the entire recorded tutorial for your Voice Mail to work properly. When entering your Voice Mail for the first time: From the Line to set up Voice Mail on: 1. Dial 775-426-0001 . 2. When asked to enter a passcode, enter the temporary passcode 1234 , then # sign. 3. Follow prompts. Or to set up from a different location: 1. Dial 775-426-0001 . 2. Enter your Voice Mailbox ID number ( your 10-digit phone number ) at the prompt. Voice Mailbox ID requires all 10 digits, including the area code, followed by the # sign. 3. When asked to enter a passcode, enter the temporary passcode 1234 , then the # sign. 4. Follow prompts.
Checking Main Mailbox To check for messages from your home or business telephone line equipped with Voice Mail: 1. Dial 775-426-0001 . 2. Enter your passcode followed by the # key. 3. Press 1 to access your Voice Mailbox. 4. Press 7 to listen to your Voice Mail messages. To check for messages from a different location: 1. Dial 775-426-0001 . 2. Enter your Voice Mailbox ID number ( your 10-digit phone number ) at the prompt. Voice Mailbox ID requires all 10 digits,
Voice Mail Benefits • Voice Mail stores all incoming messages and sends them to the individual mail- boxes. • Voice Mail instruments are designed to enable you to answer multiple phone calls at one time. • Voice Mail allows you to store messages indefinitely until you are free to handle them. • A key benefit of utilizing a Voice Mail service is it ensures that customers and important callers never receive a busy signal. Complemented by a broad range of features, a Voice Mail system now can accommodate many different types of operations. VOIP Voice Mail For VOIP Voice Mail instructions, go to cccomm.net – click on the Voice Icon .
including the area code, followed by the # sign.
3. Enter your passcode, followed by the # sign. 4. Follow prompts.
You may access helpful, enhanced calling features from CC Communications in three ways: 1. Add your favorite calling features to your basic telephone ser- vice individually for a low monthly fee.
2. Choose to add features already included in a bundled plan for even more savings. 3. Use selected features only when you want on a per call basis. Fees apply per use.
Call Waiting With Cancel, *70
Priority Ringing, *61 Program selected phone numbers to ring differently from all other calls. • Press *61 and listen for the recorded in- structions to program your telephone numbers. Select-A-Ring Adds one or two additional telephone num- bers to a single telephone line. Calls placed to an additional number have separate ring- ing patterns to distinguish which number was dialed. • Contact CC Communications Customer Service Center at 775-423-7171 to subscribe. Three-Way Calling Talk with two parties at two different tele- phone numbers at the same time. • After receiving or placing a call, depress and release the switchook. After receiv- ing second dial tone, dial the third par- ty’s number. After answer, depress and release the switchook again to link the three calls. For a complete list of VOIP features, go to cccomm.net – click on the Voice Icon . The following Calling Features are also available through CC Communications: • Anonymous Private Call Rejection, *77 • Call Forward Preferred, *63
Alerts you when someone calls while you are on the phone; allows you to cancel call wait- ing when you don’t want to be interrupted during a call. Three-way calling is required. • While on the phone, a beep tone alerts you to another call. Press and release the switchook to answer call. Press and release switchook again to return to original call. • To cancel: Before making a call, lift receiv- er, dial *70 ; after confirmation beeps, dial number as normal. During a call depress and release the switchook, and dial *70 . Call Return, *69 Call back the last incoming call. • Press *69 . Listen for an announcement that will tell you the phone number of the party that last called you. To return call, press 1 . If the line is busy, hang up. The telephone system will redial the number for up to 30 minutes. You will hear a spe- cial ring pattern when the number be- comes idle. When you answer your call is put through to the called number. Call Trace, *57 $5 per use. Traces the telephone number from which a threatening or harassing call was placed. The information is stored for use by law enforcement only. • Hang up immediately. Pick up the re- ceiver and dial *57 . Listen for and follow recorded instructions. To complete the call trace, you must press or dial 1 . Call the Telephone Abuse Information Line at 775-426-0011 for information. Caller ID See the number of the person calling you before you answer the phone. A separate display unit or a Caller ID- equipped telephone is required for Caller ID.
Call Forward, Fixed, 72# Redirect all incoming calls to another, pre- selected telephone number. • To activate, lift receiver and dial 72# . Lis- ten for 3 beeps ( confirmation tone ), then hang up. • To deactivate, dial 73# , listen for 3 beeps, then hang up. • To change your preselected number to which your calls are forwarded, you must call your Customer Service Representa- tive at 775-423-7171 . Call Forward, Variable,*72 Redirect all incoming calls to another tele- phone number. • To activate, lift receiver and dial *72 . At the dial tone, enter the number to which you want your calls forwarded. Listen for 3 beeps, then hang up. • To deactivate, dial *73 , listen for 3 beeps, then hang up.
• Call or Line Block, *67 • Call Unblocking, *82 • Call Screening, *60 • Caller ID with Call Waiting • Repeat Dialing, *66 • cccomm.net
Local Search Made Easy ®
CC Communications Sells And Installs Home Security Equipment
That Monitors For: Burglary/Intrusion Carbon Monoxide Fire Rising Water Smoke and Heat Personal Emergency
Fire Temperature Lights
Security Systems From CC Communications
Instant Connection To Emergency Response
A security system helps you avoid confrontation with burglars in your home and protects your valuables while you’re away. Studies show that burglars and vandals prefer to attack vulnerable homes and are more likely to move on when they encounter a home with a security system. With a security system from CC Communications, you reduce dramatically safety and security risks in your home.
When an alarm occurs, a monitored CC Communications Security System instantly connects to our monitoring station staffed by trained security professionals. Emergency services are dispatched as required.
Simple Operation At The Touch Of A Button
The Highest Level Of Protection Available
No more worries about remembering security codes. The 2-way wireless key fob provides easy management of your security sys- tem. Arm or disarm your system easily as you approach your home or call for help from anywhere inside or in close proximity of it. Control Your System With Confidence
Contacts are installed on your windows and doors to monitor those common entry points. Other types of devices are installed in different areas of your home as well to detect motion within the home ( without detecting pets ), breaking glass from windows and sliding doors, the presence of carbon monoxide, smoke or fire, and flooding. Sounding The Alarm In the event of an alarm trigger, a CC Communications Security System alerts you, your family and surrounding neighbors with an indoor and/or outdoor siren. The indoor siren announces signs of trouble from within the home. The outdoor siren makes known any unwanted entrance to property and indicates it with the accompa- nying strobe light. The outdoor siren’s temperature sensor also can communicate the outdoor temperature to the keypad inside your home. Talk to your CC Communications security professional about adding this great feature to your system.
Control your security system through the compact and sleek keypad with easy to use one-touch keys. Wall or free-stand- ing desk stand options available. Call CC Communications today at 775-423-7171 to get protection for what you value most.
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