Suggestions on How to Handle Obscene or Harassing Calls If you receive obscene, harassing, or threatening calls, follow these suggestions. 1. Hang up at the first obscene word or if the caller doesn’t say anything the second time you say “Hello.” 2. Give no information such as your name and address until the caller has been identified. 3. Advise your children to give no information to strangers. If you’re not home, they should say, “Mother/Father can’t come to the phone right now.” 4. Call the Sheriff’s Department if these annoy ing calls persist. Or, if you receive calls threatening injury to a person or damage to property, call the Sheriff’s Department imme diately. It is a crime under both Utah and federal law for anyone to make obscene or harassing telephone calls. Do Not Call Registry Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your home and mobile phone numbers for free by calling 1-888 382-1222 or register online at www.donotcall. gov . For more information, call Emery Telcom at 435-748-2223 or 435-613-9605. Fraudulent Callers Are Subject to Prosecution It is illegal for another person to charge long dis tance calls to your number or credit card without your permission. Utah law also prohibits the use, possession, or sale of any devices for the purpose of com mitting a theft of telephone service. Any person violating these provisions may be subject to a
Unlawful Wiretapping Is Subject to Prosecution
It is a crime under state and federal law for any person, including a telephone subscriber, to wiretap or otherwise intercept a telephone call, unless that person has first obtained the con sent of one of the parties actually participating in the call. Properly authorized law enforcement officers can engage in interceptions without the consent of either party when proceeding under court orders issued pursuant to applicable pro visions of state or federal law. Emery Telcom does not install wiretaps for any one, but when a court orders a wiretap, we are required by law to cooperate. Emery Telcom believes in your right to privacy and will do everything possible to protect it. Customer’s Privacy When Emery Telcom provides our services, which include Internet access, local and long distance telephone, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), broadband and data, we necessarily obtain cer tain information about you. This information may include your name, address, email address, tele phone number, date of birth, Social Security num ber, driver’s license number, credit information, payment information, and contact information. We may also gather information about how you use our services, such as numbers you call, when you call them, and particular services you use such as call forwarding or voice mail—this infor mation is called Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI). CPNI includes what services you subscribe to, how you use them, and what you are charged for them. It does not include your name, address, telephone number, or other types of information such as information about your telephone equipment or Internet access services. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted an Order that furthers the privacy rights of telecommunications customers by imposing certain requirements on telephone and VoIP providers about how they can use your personal information. Emery Telcom takes your privacy seriously and is fully compliant with all state and fed eral laws regarding the confidentiality of your personal information. Please refer to Emery Telcom’s Privacy Policy at www.emerytelcom.com.
fine, or imprisonment. Recorded Calls Require a Beep Tone
If your conversation is being recorded for business or other reasons, you will hear a beep tone every 15 seconds. Use of a recorder with out a recorder connector containing a beep tone warning device is not permitted, except on emergency reporting systems, including Sheriff and Fire Department lines.
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